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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. Yeah I agree I like the Hydrax video. Maybe he can also put an advanced sky into Leadwerks as well =) *greedy* The guy Josh is talking about placed that water into Ogre which is open source. There is also a guy who contributes to Blender game engine who has made some water his name is "martinsh" http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=152343 It's possible he might be able to help get you in touch with the right someone, which may in fact turn out to be he himself.
  2. Well I think Ogre's API is pretty tough to use. It's kind of a polar opposite to Leadwerks. The reason I can't give you any specifics is because I could never figure anything out. Not even how to make a render window. Now either Ogre is really complicated, I'm dumb, or maybe it's a combination of the 3. But I could make a render window within 10 minutes of Leadwerks. Although I'm sure some people could do it within 5.
  3. but we won't need GPUs once Unlimited Detail technology is implemented
  4. It is definately not worth it unless you are part of a completely inflexible professional studio production pipeline. Which rarely happens these days anyhow from what I hear. Imo Blender is to 3dsMAX as Leadwerks is to CryEngine2. One is called professional sure but to be honest they are not all that different when you get down to what they are capable of doing. Except blender has a built in game engine and Max does not. Blender is not a poor man's max anymore. But these are just my opinions which are completely frivolous at the end of the day to anyone except myself.
  5. Pancakes

    Vegetation nation

    Leadwerks king of beer i mean game engines.
  6. this concerns me too a novice such as myself could use as much help as I can get, and the inconsistency in the way that the commands receive highlighting in the editor is something that has brought doubts to my own coding experience in the past, present and I'm sure the future as well
  7. last time i tried torque performance was baaaaaaaaaaaad blender game engine is much better than when the new torque first came out; haven't looked at it since then though I'd say Leadwerks editor is just fun to use. It's so simple and clean. That's a reason to go Leadwerks.
  8. Thanks again guys. With this lesson I will be able to do very simple cause and effect relationships between entities that have custom properties in them. Once I do some more reading on Lua that is.
  9. Thanks a lot. It would have taken me a week to figure that out on my own. Looking at what you did I think I understand it. However when I copied your script and saved it, the in-editor property group was disabled for some reason. So I changed the property portion of the code back to the way I had it (basically copying Josh) and now it works perfectly. Here is the code right now. require("scripts/class") require("Scripts/math/vector") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) local group self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:FindGroup ("behavior") group:AddProperty ("TurnSpeed", PROPERTY_VEC3) end function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetKey("turnspeed","1,1,1") function object:SetKey(key,value) if key=="turnspeed" then self.turnspeed = StringToVec3(value) else return self.super:SetKey(key,value) end return 1 end function object:Render() self.model:Turn(self.turnspeed,1) end end Thanks a lot! That's a really big help for me. I remember StringToVec3 from CryEngine Flowgraphs Lua has it too
  10. Hello I have a custom property to simply get an object to turn. Can I get a quick rundown on what I've done wrong? Thanks require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) local group self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:FindGroup ("Behavior") group:AddProperty ("TurnSpeed", PROPERTY_FLOAT) end function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:SetKey(key,value) if key=="TurnSpeed" then object:Turnf(value,0,0,0) object:Render() end end end
  11. good thing you got it working, but what do you mean by SOURCE_LOOP has to be 1?
  12. Yes. It's really cool. Those boxes could theoretically be chickens or decals or black holes and THINGOIDS.
  13. did you enter your registration key? What error is it giving you? If you're problem is the same as mine was, then Josh will have to fix it for you. It's in the middle of the night in US I'm not sure what timzone you're in
  14. Looks like a depth buffer effect to me. The same kind of thing they use for underwater effects. You could tell it to artificially increase the depth value of things that are proportionally distant from the camera or occluded from the character's line of sight. Then cast a foggy effect in areas where the depth value is past a certain threshhold. I think that's what you're talking maybe. If not ignore.
  15. ahh, you know what that's what I tried to do but I put it on the wrong place, thanks btw SetScale gives an error "value at index 2 is not an object", I think I'm supposed to use ScaleMesh but I need to test that out some more ah, left out the Vec3 okay that was a big help thanks a lot
  16. Hello, I'm getting my first lua scripting by messing around with Josh's Bullet.lua I have some experience with Python and javascript but sometimes I'm an idiot. It would help me a lot if I could get some basic answers to some basic questions. Just to get used to Lua I'm just trying to make a cube spawn whereever a bullet hits a model. How would I do that? I tried some attempts last night but all I did was make the game slow down. Here is what the script looks like unmodified just as a reminder. function UpdateBullets() local bullet local pick local nextpos = Vec3(0) local emitter,model local bulletforce for bullet,nothing in pairs(bullets) do if PointDistance(bullet.origin,bullet.position)>BULLET_MAXRANGE then bullet:Free() else nextpos.x = bullet.position.x + bullet.velocity.x / 60.0 nextpos.y = bullet.position.y + bullet.velocity.y / 60.0 nextpos.z = bullet.position.z + bullet.velocity.z / 60.0 pick = LinePick( bullet.position, nextpos ) bullet.position.x = nextpos.x bullet.position.y = nextpos.y bullet.position.z = nextpos.z if pick~=nil then SetWorld(fw.transparency.world) emitter=CreateEmitter(5,700,pick.normal,1) emitter:SetVelocity( pick.normal ) emitter:SetRadius(0.1,0.5) emitter:SetWaver(10) emitter:SetColorf(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.1) emitter:Paint(material_impactdust) emitter:SetPosition( pick.position ) emitter:SetRotationSpeed(0.1) SetWorld(fw.main.world) model=GetMeshModel(pick.entity) if model~=nil then bulletforce = bullet.velocity:Normalize() d=-Dot(pick.normal,bulletforce) d=math.max(0,d) bulletforce.x = bulletforce.x * impactforce-- * d bulletforce.y = bulletforce.y * impactforce-- * d bulletforce.z = bulletforce.z * impactforce-- * d model:AddForceAtPoint( bulletforce, pick.position ) end bullet:Free() end end end end Thanks
  17. Pancakes

    GDC wrap up

    I would be very careful before jumping into bed with investors unless you KNOW FOR A FACT that you have the EXACT same long term vision in mind. I know that Blade3d, now defunct, and another project I won't name out of respect for what they are doing allowed investment capitol in order to grow the size of their operations and in the short term it was great but a little down the line and it started to hurt them. Blade3d was bought out and then cannibalized by investors. It was one of the best editors out there but the investors just didn't care they said, "Where is the bottom line, TODAY" they didn't like it and they just screwed the founders and did whatever they wanted with the software which was in that particular case, was to bury it. Then the other project got a lot of investment capital which grew their project a lot in the begginning. The investors wanted big picture features, while their customer base wanted the same features but they wanted to the little ones first. Anyway because they are bound to contracts with their big investors they have to priorize what they want. Which means they have, big and difficult to implement features that they have to put in first, while the smaller ones have to wait. As a result you have a strange development process that equals them having lots and lots of delays. That's my take on it, even though not being in the company myself I couldn't speak with 100 percent authority. Anyway, I think one of the coolest things about Leadwerks is the fact that the development team is so small and nimble. You guys are very flexible to do whatever you want even it if means to buck popular conceptions in favor of 'risky' innovation. You guys are sort of like Blender , which I mean as a compliment, and the sculpting program 'Sculptris'. Sculptris avoids handling sculpting the way that Zbrush does, is much much smaller, has a much smaller dev team, and yet somehow it mangages to have all the features that actually matter and it does what it does exceptionally well. Investors don't always understand how to be or how to make a Sculptris or a blender or a Leadwerks but guys like Josh do. So, my only advise is to make sure your investors share the exact exact exact same vision as you do whereever it is that sharing the same vision counts the most. I'm of the belief that game engines are works of art. And goodness knows that money doesn't always respect art the way that it probably should. Go LE
  18. looks great, more than great btw when i was like 7 years old there was this game called Tiger Heli it was pretty cool. It was about helicopter combat
  19. yes it works now thank you very much
  20. Hello, I bought the upgrade last night, I received the email and my status on the site has been updated, but my registration key doesn't work for whisper or josh's sdk updaters? Am I doing something wrong? I am running as administrator. Josh's updater says "Invalid Password" even though I copy and pasted my registration key that works on previous versions. Whisper's updater says "401 Unauthorized" then it crashes.
  21. Pancakes

    More thingoids!

    I just made my paypal payment. So hopefully i'll receive a dl link within 24 hours. I have a little bit of javascript and python experience. I'll see whether I am able to contribute some thingoids of my own after studying yours of course. This could be a great way for me to learn about Lua.
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