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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. It would be nice if there was an indie version of Masa Life that doesn't cost $5000. Just guessing on that price. And I'm taking a look at FX Studio and they aren't listing a price on the front page. Which is not a good sign. I'm guessing $3000 for that. #pessimism
  2. darn forgot my code again, can I get a resend ?
  3. I don't think it's fair for me to put Josh's every move with LE3 under scrutiny without exposing my own work to criticism. So here I will be posting my progress on my opening exercise with Leadwerks 3. I will be working on improving in all walks of game development and also responding to the soon to be created video tutorials. I plan to work on my first LE3 project for the next 4-6 months in iterations. Which means that I will do a rough once over version that will admittedly look and play like ****, then go back and clean it up, and then go back again and polish that (repeat). My goals are simply to have one level, and one character and one enemy and polished gameplay sound effects and soundtrack within that tiny scope. The working title for this project is 'Alien Saga' - the name has probably been taken already but who cares. The main character is an alien female - who I will refer to as 'Ely' in honor of Leadwerks. She's still very rough but here is her iteration one general design. Stay tuned, the first iteration of Alien Saga is gonna be pretty rough and I'll be posting as much as I can without delay. I'll feel better when I complain to Josh about this and that knowing that I'm putting all my cards out here on the table. (Ely from Alien Saga. Iteration One)
  4. yes I agree, LE2 renderer is poetry, I understand it may make me look unhip to drool over graphical quality but *droool* I think Josh misses it being in LE3 too! So that could be a good thing.
  5. Let's just make an "Ask shadmar" thread
  6. In Windows 8, the corners on the screen are pretty hip. Just not as hip as some people on the forum.
  7. you are so hipster that it hurts me sometimes, THROUGH the internet
  8. well of course Josh and Chris are still at GDC, and so I technically do not know how to do this, but my guess would be: Include as a part of your entity/model's main flowgraph script an output that you can connect to a physical proxy node complete with orientation variables and whatever bells and whistles you think you want to have or simply type it in with the in editor exposed properties tab. So even though it appears to be an enigma at the moment I think in a week or so it will be incredibly intuitive to deal with this which is why I'm not concerned about it at the moment.
  9. blender has a great decimate modifier that you can use to get a collision shape from a complex model
  10. shadmar is one of Leadwerk's best features
  11. Ok ok, I'm 90% to giving u my money. Just show me a tutorial on the flowgraphs and I shall eagerly make it rain upon ur bank account, (ok ok, make it drizzle)
  12. I add as little detail as possible and allow the player imagination to fill in the rest. All my favorite games had low detail in the graphics. I know of some JRPGs on the Playstation one and Playstation two used the exact same tree model to populate every forest in teh game. They weren't even rotated or scaled differently. And I was so into the game that I didn't even notice until years later. So if I was modeling a sewer I would have 3-4 landmarks that I wanted to represent the location alongside an atmosphere in the lighting and color scheme. Other than that, I don't think it's necessary to have pipes with engravings of mock manufactorers on them. THough attention to detail is pretty cool and all.
  13. most people don't realize you have to be in the orthographic viewport in order to spawn CSG and lights. I know I didn't until I resorted to the good old randomly smash every button on screen strategy
  14. can u put all ur questions in one thread?, ur kind of dominating this section of the forum, btw I don't know the answer, sorry
  15. Blade3d was the best editor. Period. But Leadwerks is getting there. I have a suggestion to bring in some of Blade3d's scene editor options for placing props in the scene. I will illustrate with just a series of commands that a player might use in order to place some stone pillars on a target CSG cube. 1) Drag-drop stone pillar asset into scene. 2) Right-click stone pillar and drop down option for new Blade3d-esque scene options for the stone pillar. 3) select Duplicate --> x6 (to make six copies of stone pillar) 4) group select the stone pillars then... 5) select Organize --> Rows x Columns --> 2x3 (to place the six pillars into a 2x3 formation) 6) select Drop to Floor --> then left click the CSG cube you want to act as the floor. 7) with the stone pillars selected again choose Make Circular bam. you can have a perfectly aligned ring of stone pillars with 3 on the left and 3 on the right by doing this. I know it seems like a lot of actions but in practice it's a great way to test out layouts for your props with just a few button presses. Blade3d had other options like, Stack Selected, Rotate Randomly, etc. It was great having those options.
  16. well this topic went to pot. just chiming in that I ONLY call it a visual scripting 'language' because that is what Josh refers to it as. Nobody else I know ever does that anywhere else. It's part of the Leadwerks bias that you just have to deal with. He's entitled to that bias if he wants. I will call it a 'language' here because this is his forum and there is no reason to argue over that point. It's actually simpler for me to call it a language here because it takes less time to explain the difference between where Leadwerks Flowgraphs are and where I want them to be. Leadwerks flowgraphs are 5-10% away from handling the logic I have in mind. And the changes can all be done superficially in Lua. The only question is whether performance will be hit and by how much.
  17. Hi, so I'm working out how I'm going to push the Flowgraph system the last 5% it needs in order to become a fully fledged visual scripting language . Leadwerks is already so close that I think a novice such as myself can hack the functionality in with just Lua primarily. But I need a little cooperation from the devs. Mainly the first thing I need to know about is entity IDs and how I can most effeciently push them around and store them inside of Flowgraphs. Is there a command for this already? What I want to be able to do is to have a special generic entity ID node which has direct access to the properties of whichever ID it is referencing without actually being connected by any of its own inputs. The main purpose of the node would be to instruct other generic nodes upon which entity they should operate WITHOUT requiring those nodes to be connected directly to one another. The result would be flowgraph islands that can interact with one another without having to be connected directly. This is important for creating logic loops inside of flowgraphs where a single entity ID node can iterate through a list and have a single generic node perform several actions upon several different entities.
  18. On second thought I don't even personally need a tutorial. If someone could just quickly jot down a "cheat sheet" that I could use to help me embark upon making my own nodes then I can get on that.
  19. Well just ask yourself these questions: Could Super Mario Bros. be coded with visual scripting? Could Legend of Zelda? Could Metroid? Could Megaman? Could Final Fantasy VI? Could Angry Birds? I'd answer "yes" to all those questions. At what point do you start to say, "no"?
  20. I understand that creating an arbitrary visual scripting language might not pay off in terms of marketing and time you'd have to put into documentation. But for me to fashion one for myself that I don't have to explain to others or market and support is efficient. As long as the flowgraphs can handle high amount of use.
  21. As long as it is able to treat abstract processes as connectable actions, it can become a visual scripting language in the right hands. If I make an empty node with a bunch of inputs and outputs whose purpose is to compare conditions and transmit instructions between entities, I will have my visual scripting language! First node I'm going to make is an IF - THEN nodes with a bunch of inputs and outputs on it whose purpose is to act as a switch board for transmitting information. Then I will make a variation of that IF - THEN which transmits only the greatest of all connected inputs. Then another variatnt that only transiits the least. Then I'll have another node that converts all inputs into an average number. Then I will make a rounding up and rounding down node. Once I do that you won't be able to say there is no visual scripting language in Leadwerks 3. You would be amazed at the logic one can make with just those few nodes I listed above. That is, unless performance of Leadwerks 3 flowgraphs is the issue. If by saying, "it's for connecting actions, not making a visual scripting language" you are saying that it isn't optimized for heavy use, then you might be right and I might be wrong after all.
  22. If it's not too late I would prefer it if wasn't a FPS because such a tutorial wouldn't be able to introduce any camera controlling concepts, particularly with the flowgraphs. But anything's fine, I"m just stating my preference.
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