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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. I don't think I would. Every one here loves game design I suppose, but to each of us game design means something altogether different. As I said before I managed one of these in the past and the way in which decisions were made struck me as a bit unsettling. For the sake of the project, everyone had to compromise a great deal on what it was that they loved about game design in the first place for an extended period of time. I learned a lot from the project. But I can't say I even cared about or liked the game itself. I'm not sure if anyone did. We each had are favorite parts about the game. We liked the enviornments, the enemy design, the waterfall effect. But I'm not sure if any of us were making a game that we actually wanted to play. My sole reason for starting that project was for learning experience and I said so upfront. We were all noobs on that team so it made perfect sense. But in Leadwerks Community, I'm not so sure. Personally, I wouldn't mind partnering up with a couple of people here at some point, but I wouldn't bother to build a partnership with others when there are so many areas where I need to improve before I could honestly consider myself as an asset to anyone. So I would have to say no. But if Josh joins it I will have to yes! He could be our Tim Tebow!
  2. Surprise, she is an elf! Sunday I am going to finalize her costume and begin retopo and animation. So that means that if you have beef with anything I'm doing as far as anatomy is concerned now would be a good time to express it! I recognize the fact that the detail below her waist is rather lacking but that is because I don't think she is going to be baring any leg in the engine. Also, lack of skill. I want to practice on better legs and arms parrellel to my working on this project, but I'm not sure if any of those practices will make it into the game because I have to move to more areas right now. Thanks!
  3. Have you tried Lord Hippos Crysis shaders? I'm not sure if that is your issue but his shader makes all the geometry in Leadwerks have lots more contrast in the way it is lit.
  4. I have no idea of whether this is an improvement of not. But I made some changes. I now have about 10 difference faces for this body I guess more or less not including all the inbetweeners. I simply can't choose. So, as I've been designing the costumes I have decided to possibly just cover her face. And to "pull a Tali" (or Samus, if you prefer) and just uncover her face for a few moments of the game only. I think I had a more realistic looking face before I ever started posting screenshots. But I slowly started stylizing the lines. It even started to look a bit like the faces on the Shin Megami Tensei characters and that's when I decided to pull it back a little bit because I wanted a little bit more realism. Anyways this is what I suppose I'm going with and I'm gonna start finalizing this. I think I improved the hips. But only in a subtle way. She is probably still double knee'd but I'm gonna cover that up anyway with clothing. Since I never learned to model arms very well, at least for now, I will probably just cover them also. I'm also working on her theme song or her battle theme. I loved it late last night. But then I woke up next morning and was like..."Was I drunk or something when I did this?!" Anywho, back to work.
  5. I went back over the 100 other versions to see where I went wrong. And actually at version number 50 and below I had the hips correct. But at some point I used the Pose tool in Voxel mode and everything got stretched out of porportion but I didn't notice it because of snow blindness. I dunno about 3d Coat anymore. It feels like if I want to correct the hips, the best thing to do is to just delete the legs and start over because I can't get the hang of that Pose tool. If I was sculpting on a base mesh using polygons instead of voxels or live clay, I'd have a lot more precision for stuff like this. Really starting to wish I could get Zbrush. But for now, I think I'm going to go back to blender for sculpting.
  6. How generous! Thank you!
  7. Thanks guys. Hopefully this will help me improve. I agree with everything you say. Though the double knee was supposed to be the muscle right above the knee, it doesn't really look like it.
  8. I'm finally going to convert these voxels into polygons. After rejiggering and rejiggering for so long. I am so indecisive but I have finally decided! There are at least 100 iterations of this model on my harddrive each just the tiniest little bit different than the other. What really finally helped me decide is the fact that I was watching the original Mobile Suit Gundam series and I noticed that even though the artists knew the anatomy for their characters that sometimes they just bent the rules in order to do whatever they liked. So I stopped trying to be so realistic as I was before and I just let it go and allowed myself to model the way I thought I wanted to see it. Still not 100% happy but this is my personal best. So I'm allowing myself to be 94% happy for today. I am glad that I laid the groundwork for the gameplay code before I finished the character model because now I can just flow into the gameplay and animations side without too much of a jarring change of pace. I'm curious in your honest reactions so that I can learn from them even though this is IT. I'm going with it. All the other 99 versions of this model are telling me to do it! It's a bit comic booky but I'm alright with that. I have other, more grounded feeling versions where for example the hips are not so full and the head seems larger because the rest of the body is smaller and therefore a bit more common. She also has the supermodel trait of wide shoulders that are exceedingly narrow from the side view. But hopefully the player will be too preoccupied with the game to be bothered by such things.
  9. Using Lua means I don't have a GUI I guess. But that's fine, I'm just using Debug text and pictures to get my point across. It's not going to be too much worse than Minecraft's default interface. Just don't look under the hood. It's a mess in there, how I'm doing things at least, but it runs fast.
  10. You're right, but when I started making this script I didn't know that. And I also set it up so that any numbered switch can do any number of different things and then I can view dubug text that tells what it's doing. Why? Lack of experience. I was just making it up as I went along. I was using my experience with CryEngine Flowgraphs and Blender Logic Bricks to come up with the design for it though. My entire script is just a bunch of text nodes like in a flowgraph, that you designate with set state commands just like in Blender GE, which is how I see it now.
  11. Wow, I decided to take a lil breather ,as you do, when sculpting in 3dCoat. I had a choice between playing League of Legends or doing something else. So I decided to check how much harddrive space I had left because hi res modeling in 3dCoat can take up gigabytes pretty fast if you are irresponsbile with your saves, as I have been recently. Anyway, I found I had almost no disk space remaining so I set out to delete some old 3dCoat files and there must be hundreds here. So I went to my very first 3dcoat save on this computer and what I saw got me thinking. Because recently I've been calling myself some pretty bad names. Saying things like, "Why do I suck...so BAD!?", "I hate myself". Especially since Josh announced the 3d art internship, that I don't even think I will succeed in getting. But when Josh did announce it something inside me started to move. Because I had always shielded myself from getting upset about my modeling by being a little non chalant about it. Not to say I wasn't putting effort into it because I have been. I love modeling and game dev stuff, but my attitude was pretty chill even while spending many hours practicing over and over. For example, I couldn't tell you how many times I've practicing modeling a single finger. And to this day I still haven't gotten it right. Though admittedly I could still practice more than I have been. But hearing about the internship made me start to recognize and deal with the desire that I have to improve. Not to expect to get better, but to sort of demand that I try harder. Anyway, when I looked at the first 3dCoat savefile that is on my PC. I opened it in order to see whether I should keep it or just delete it. And I look at the model which was saved in January of 2010, and I realize that back in those days I never taunted myself by saying that I sucked so bad or that I hated myself because of my modeling (at least that I can remember). But back then I just put my head down and kept practicing. And the best thing that I discovered is that today when I look at them I don't think, "Wow these old ones such bad" I look at them and I can see where i did things correctly and I can kind of plot out what I would need to do in order to correct that which wasn't done properly. Like in the first head on the left, you I see that the brow and forehead are fundamentally sound for the beginning stages of modeling. Even the curvature on the jaw is pretty functional. I can also see what's wrong with it too. And it's reassuring to me that I didn't give up even in the face of how much actually IS wrong with it. Well anyway, I guess that's sort of my point. That even in the face of what's wrong with whatever I'm currently working on, I shouldn't give up. Because I didn't give up back then either. Anyway, back to it! Though I'm sure I'll be calling myself bad names again shortly. Also as a colorful aside, the guy I used to idolize "elsevilla", has really been progressing as an artist during the past year that I haven't been following him much. He was once a pencil artist who wanted to learn colors. And I watched him struggle with that, but I went to check him out today and my goodness his colors have improved so much that I feel ashamed that I ever doubted his decision to change from pure pencils --> color and CG artist. What a fool I was to doubt that guy. Maybe I should allow myself the indulgence of idolizing him again. Though I'm not sure if I need to idolize anyone anymore. I'm too old for it.
  12. Would that work out okay? I am looking at this simple lua info and I am just wondering whether this is the right path to go. Right now I use arrays for everything in my lua code including a finite state system implementation. Where I basically just say... --State System stateSys={} stateSys[1] = {name = "Break", switch = "false"} stateSys[2] = {name = "CamSwitching", switch = "true"} stateSys[10] = {name = "In Battle", switch = "true"} stateSys[11] = {name = "Battle Mode", switch = "active"} stateSys[12] = {name = "Base Damage Cal", switch = "set to nil"} stateSys[13] = {name = "Friend or Foe", switch = "friend"} stateSys[21] = {name = "pa_commandprompt", switch = "disabled"} stateSys[22] = {name = "Count?", switch = "count"} It's the same for the weapons, characters, monster data... Everything in my lua code is structured around manipulated arrays like this. It's not elegant but it works and it runs fast. I tried fancy loops but I just ended up slowing things down. Well anyway, everything is running and working fine except I don't have a dynamic inventory system that is capable of sorting itself and being sorted by the player in game. Is the table.insert command the right way to go for building something like this into my array laden code? If so, does anyone have tips on how to use it effectively so that I can have a sortable inventory? Thanks
  13. I was hoping for a dark theme option too =D. My 3dCoat background is BLACK
  14. I think most people care about cloth and water and stuff like that for physics. and as far as the 500 falling boxes is concerned, you can replace the boxes with feathers, softbody goo drops, or chocolately nuttyslack bars. Imagine it raining nuttyslacks! Doors are cool and all, and believe me on other forums such as Blade3d and blender I've seen my share of forum posts of people complaining about how their car doors won't rotate properly due to interactive forces. Oh well, I guess it's a got pros and cons for all of them.
  15. the hips don't lie and neither do these results - speed also doesn't lie where are the softbodies
  16. Hello! The procedure is simple. Add Cube Select front face E to extrude face. S to width and height of this face E to extrude again G to grab and now push the face back into the cube to add depth Now select a a face on the cube with right click Shift + D to duplicate G to grab this cube and move it somewhere to make it easier to see E to extrude this face to add depth to it keep the width and height unchanged so it is a cube still Then position this and Shift + D duplicate it and move those around to make shelves hope it helps
  17. Pancakes


    Hey if those kids didn't gain access to 27" Imacs we'd have to spend that money on teachers' salaries and policemen I think the good guys won in our current situation
  18. The best way to learn is to teach others. Is what a wise sig once said. I wanted to do a tutorial on enviornments. But honestly I'm just not ready. I think only a pro is good enough to do a tut like that. Someone like this fellow right here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77485&page=4 And I've tried to hit the record button while modeling, UV'ing, sculpting, texturing. And it's all just not something I'm ready for. Pressing the record button just makes me worse than I already am. Because I like to improvise. And for a nooby to try to tell others how to do something through improvising is just kind of dumb if you ask me. There is never really a modeling phase, or texturing phase or anything like that, even though I was trying to record a tut in phases. But instead I just kind of bee bop boop boop around until maybe I get somewhere that isn't terribad. So yeah right now pressing record button is probably not the brightest idea. But instead if I manage to get somewhere that's not terribad. I can just show some timelapse screenshots or something. So yeah, no tut about enviornments. I do have some fail tutorial footage but it would be a waste of time to upload. laterz
  19. I have to take issue with some of what Josh says in response to Red O - I think most people don't mind complexity in building their games. I think what people want to avoid is the arbitrary language barrier of programming. Lots of people can think and solve programming puzzles. They just don't want to have to deal with the 'weird' syntax of solving the puzzle. It's not really a barrier of intelligence or willingness to apply effort. It's just that to some people dealing with programming syntax is the equivolent of going shopping with your sister for shoes. It's just not something you want to be involved in. It's not that you can't do it. It's just, if there is a way to avoid it, you will take that path. I would like to avoid programming syntax. But I actually have a ton of fun solving logic puzzles and programming puzzles with cryengine flowgraphs. Have you spent some time using cryengine flowgraphs? You can really do a lot with them and there is a lot of freedom of how to approach programming puzzles. So in essense we all want the freedom to work on our games. To some people that freedom == to coding everything with words in a programming syntax. To others, that freedom == to having the thoughts in their head transfer into their game unfettered by programming syntax, which to some acts more like ball and chain, than the wings of freedom. Just be careful not to underestimate the level of control everyone wants with their freedom. I guess. Unless I just misread what you said.
  20. omg OldSpice is subscribed to you man, I'm jealous
  21. In soviet russia, software downloads YOU! But no, seriously you should get taken care of soon. I think they send you an email or something. It should be automated now.
  22. oh poop, it's a genius convention =( i humbly request next blog describes something shiney and or rainbow oriented
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