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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. Fantastic Idea. I think you should definately be hired as LE3's official docs guy.
  2. I often wrestle with this. Initially, I came to Leadwerks because Blender game engine used to have license issues. But now it doesn't. So honestly there is no reason for me not to use blender except for the fact that I beleive in what Leadwerks is doing. I have confidence in the developers of Leadwerks and I love the direction they are taking. I voiced my committment to Leadwerks. Bothered the hell out of Josh with lots of 'suggestions' and so forth. And I just like to support a compnay that is doing such wonderful work. I may love blender, but I do understand that the market is there so the consumer can vote on whose craft should continue and whose craft should end. I think Leadwerks should continue because of all the wonderful things it offers to people that they can't get anywhere else, and so I have called it my nakama. And it's as simple as that. Some people bond with their boats, their cars and their bikes. I bond with game engines. That's how I roll. And "she's a beaut" But still, Leadwerks should learn from Blender, because I feel Blender is certainly learning from Leadwerks as well as Unity and Cryengine. Which is the ONLY reason I continue to bring it up here. Blender is learning from the others, but the others tend to ignore blender. Soon, blender will have it's own positives in addition to the positives that it assimilates from observing the features of other engines. While the other engines will have their own positives, sure, but they will have neglected to learn from what blender is doing, because to them, blender is not even on the radar. That is not a smart move. I've already told you blender has resolved it's licensing issues. And it continues to evolve. Because it's watching and learning from everyone else. But like I said, the others are almost oblivious to what's going on with blender. I see what you mean. I don't know about Linux but these simply isn't true about Blender. You see, the entire intention of making Blender 2.5 was to listen to what people like you have been saying all along about the previous versions of blender. Blender 2.5, IS blender foundation listening to the will of the people (however right or wrong) I found 2.4 perfectly fine, but they made a lot of changes in an effort to appeal to people like you Rick. But the world hasn't realized it yet, and that's fine because 2.5 is still buggy and in development. I suppose they will let the word out a bit more once it's called stable. http://www.blendercookie.com/2010/01/21/creating-an-axe-part-2/ it's an hour long, but it shows you a lot about blender particularly one approach to texturing, the entire site is very nice
  3. I'm using Leadwerks silly and I do have old projects from back in the day when I was using blender. But the quality hardly shows the game engine's ability. I know it's hard to believe. ANd I'm not belittling Leadwerks. That's why I'm using Leadwerks I love it. But the effeciency of the blender style workflow is undeniable to those who know it. It's so ahead of it's time that people don't know what to think apparently. THis is the result of blender foundation having literally zero marketing budget. Like I'll just give you a scenario. If you look at the silly building with bones tutorial I made. Now imagine that once u finish outlining the building and modeling the furnitiure. That you can press P and immediately start playing the level. Now imagine you open a tab within the same editor and starting using PTex to paint on the furniture. And then you start scultping and baking the furniture. What next? Press p to test. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many effeciencies that I cant' name them all. And there is really no other editor to compare it to. So I can't say, blender's X is better than Cryengine's, because blender's X is something Cryengine doesn't even begin to have.
  4. Learning about blender game engine will set all of your minds free. I cant' prove it. But as the one between us who does know about blender I can say that working in blender game engine is appox. 500% more effecient than working in Leadwerks.
  5. Red Oktober, blender game engine is both easier to use and more powerful than 3dRad by leaps and bounds. Leaps and bounds. No offense to RAD though.
  6. Pancakes

    Model citizen

    oh mumbles what would we do without ur jokes
  7. I'm stubborn! I'm never going to buy it EVER!!!! lol except if I actually do end up buying it but I won't!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PR_rzF8ofw what are you recording that with btw
  9. I like you cassius. I don't know what game would be easiest though.
  10. Girl + Squid + Sword chop chop chop
  11. Do you mind if I call you Mumbly-chan? Okay Mumbly-chan, here's my suggestion: Lower the scope of your project. Let's just get something done, no matter how humble. I won't actually be able to incorporate RPG gameplay until Leadwerks 3 so for now the scope of my project is less than it was before. Now my goal is just to have a character run around and interact with the environment and to basically collision test whack a monster into oblivion. No inventory, no save system, no cut scenes. All extremely simple stuff. Because that's what I'm capable of right now even when I try my best!
  12. yeah i have no UU3d. I figured that was the problem
  13. Pancakes


    I'm no expert. And I doubt you'll find a tutorial on this method. But I'm researching Genetica/Blender/3dCoat worlkflow. It's really nice, but expensive. It will cost you about $700. Though I bought Genetica when it was 50% off.
  14. I would like to request the world's most awesome collada support evvver!
  15. Thanks! well, it's funny you say that, because in my opinion sculpting and retopology are really good in blender but Sculptris is better for sculpting and it's also free. So I would recommend Sculptris. (don't say I'm just a mindless blender nut ) Also 3dCoat retopology is just phenom so I'd also recommend 3dCoat for both retopo and textures. Blender is still great in those areas though. I'd say Blender is about as good as Mudbox once you know how to use Blender. But Sculptris is still better imo. Animation and modeling is also great. thanks, Bones wise, Rick asked me about that. But at the end of the day, I ended up having export issues so it was pretty much useless to show it. The ModelViewer didn't open the file when it had bones. I'm not sure what the problem is but whatever. My eyes are on LE3 anyway.
  16. Let all license holders get the beta, so they can get addicted like crack cocaine.
  17. awww, thanks but I don't believe it, this tutorial sucks why can't I do anything right somebody even specifically asked me for help and this is what I regurgitated. *slits wrist
  18. This tutorial is not very good. Sorry. It took forever to upload and now I'm grumpy, or at least I want to say I'm grumpy because I want to let the internet know how upset I am with it right now so that it can be ashamed of itself. I'm older than the internet so it should be more respectful. Well anyways It's on youtube. You MUST watch it in 1080 or u'll probably not be able to see the UI. Okay I left notes on the video so go there. Bye
  19. If there is one shader I hope you make very versatile and easy to alter in realtime within the editor, I hope it's the SSDO shader. Bloom and others would be nice too though.
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