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Heavy Paddy

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Everything posted by Heavy Paddy

  1. Couldnt just be the last selected object have its widget and this one will apply its movement or rotation to all? So when the user selects the stair which has to be the one on the ground last, he will be able to position it exactly. very simple solution, isnt it!? just a idea.
  2. I really hoped that the update would be free from 3.0 to 3.1 . Personaly I wouldn´t update if it isnt free for LE3 owners, because I expected the upcoming features to be in the 3.0 Version anyway. From the graphic-site LE2 was way better and cost the same as Leadwerks 3, so an priced update wouldn´t be a good dicision. At least, it would NOT be very costumers friendly, from my point of view. But if i am not happy with it, I always can move to a nother engine.
  3. I would prefer you focus on what you have and make it as good as you can. I am an old Shiva user and what Shiva maybe did wrong, and on one post you said the same, was that they focused on too many plattforms. People who bought a LE3 licence and therefor supported LE3 feel dissapointed and with the price a little bit.....irritated. Costumer service is as IMPORTANT as a good technology.
  4. The idea of the import/export button is very useful. And the projected shadows..... I can´t wait to see them I am looking forward to the end of the week
  5. Hi, Is there a way to get the translation of the perspectivecamera in the editor to set the position of the camera in the script? Because it feels intuitive to navigate in the editor and search of a good spot to start the game from. Best, Heavy Paddy
  6. Thanks for your good tutorials. They really help getting to learn the engine and a little bit of scripting, when you arent a programmer And you arent too fast or doing too complicated stuff, so the viewer can follow your steps.
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