Hi guys, anyone experienced in 3ds max ? Iv'e googled it to find out why or how this is happening and there is no explanation i can find.
Iv'e got a helicopter modeled in 3ds max 2010. Ive set the Pivot for the top blade and the rear blade.
I centred the pivot to the children of the body (bladerear and bladetop)
When mince turns the blades in LE 2.5 with a script he made,telling each blade to rotate on a certain axis, they sort of turn and then go back and forwards and backwards as if they were coliding with the body itself. It's strange, also they don't rotate correctly on their Axis, the top one is at an angle facing upwards slightly and the rear facing out to one side although they ARE dead straight in 3ds max. I export them as an FBX and use LE's fbxtogmf.exe.
In the model viewer it recognises the Body is the parent and the blades are children in the hierarchy.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Thanks again,
**********************************************SOLVED THANKS TO MACKLEBEE*******************************************************