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  1. I'm not to sure about Android, but for iOS I think the answer is yes. It appears the way LE3 is designed is to give the developer access to rendering functions in native code for the platform. A statement from Josh regarding the rendering architecture for iOS... Basically I could gut the rendering engine if I have too... (maybe not desirable... but it would make me stronger??) Full thread here --> http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/5945-ios-rendering-pipeline-for-le3/
  2. Thanks for addressing all of my questions Josh. Best of luck on finishing things up with LE3!
  3. Your response seems very promising. Especially "...The engine wouldn't have any idea what happened." I think all of your options are very legitimate... but the last important point.... I will have to have access the EAGLContext. In my previous post you will see a parameter in the extremely long api called "videoTextureCache". Its created with the following function: CVReturn err = CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, oglContext, NULL, &videoTextureCache); The function simply returns a handle to a new CVOpenGLESTexture cache. But notice we passed in a EAGLContext .. Eventually we have to render the contents to the display via [oglContext presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER]. If I can have access to the EAGLContext then we are good to go. This looks extremely promosing. Please believe me .. I know this API that apple is using to get all of its advertised bench marking is complicated. If I can wrap this "rendering plumbing" in Lua and hide it then we can just concentrate on quickly creating these 3d interactive scenes.
  4. I just wanted to emphasize that the API returns a texture handle to you. size_t frameWidth = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pixelBuffer); // Pixel Buffers provided by CPU decoding video size_t frameHeight = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pixelBuffer); CVOpenGLESTextureRef texture = NULL; // create OpengGLESTexture Ref CVReturn err = CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(kCFAllocatorDefault, videoTextureCache, pixelBuffer, NULL, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA, frameWidth, frameHeight, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, &texture); Noticed that we passed in actual pixel buffer with its attributes (the frame width and height) . Note the '&texture' in the the API call .... This information is passed back to you ... You can also query the size of the texture given back to you. The API determines the size of the texture because you passed in the attributes of the pixel buffer (as compared ot your snippet). Now since it exists you can bind it as needed ... glBindTexture(CVOpenGLESTextureGetTarget(texture), CVOpenGLESTextureGetName(texture)); Yes...its a bit different ... others call it weird .. The API is giving the texture handle back to you instead of you submitting it. Some game engines (e.g, Unity) have a rigid rendering pipeline that only allows for the traditional rendering approach I mention above using glTexImage2d. This approach is 'old school' ... not as old as Bainer Hall from my UCD days ... but still 'old school' Eventhough you may not have a LUA script for this I am hoping that your rendering pipeline allows for this type of option. It would be nice to have the LUA layer of absraction.. then you could use LUA for rapid prototyping of multimedia assets in virtual worlds ....
  5. Thats fantastic! 1.Interactive 3D environments/Virtual Worlds with multimedia --> Video Textures. In my scenario I will be loading existing multimedia assets from a users device. ((extremely powerful with iOS Core Image Filters) 2. Advanced/Real Time Post Processing (extremely powerful with iOS Core Image Filters ) 3. Video Texture Atlas (as opposed to a static texture altas that is built one time). Then a developer can grab pixels in real time from the video texture and used as needed (additional post processing, etc, etc) This new API basically replaces glTexImage2D. The developer no longer needs to pass a pointer to some image data. Instead you provide a pixel buffer and the API returns a texture handle back to you that you can use as you see fit. Apple found a better way of doing the traditional memcpy from CPU to GPU for the texture data. Technically its not a new API... It has been on Mac OS for a while. As long as LE3 does not force me to use glTexImage2D then we should be able to use it....
  6. The API requires Opengl ES 2.0 (programmable pipeline) ... does not work with a fixed function pipeline. Optimal rendering performance on iOS requires this iOS. I would seriousy recommend understanding this API... In fact there are some frameworks that require this API. Some iOS resources when apple migrated to this rendering pipeine implementation. ****************************************** For those registered iOS developer on the forum that are interested in this topic and want to perform your own technical due diligence or see the technical merits of these APIs from Apple's perspective I have provided the links below for you to review at your earliest convenience. ]WWDC 2011 Session Videos https://developer.ap...deos/wwdc/2011/ Session 419: Capturing From the Camera Using AV Foundation on iOS 5 API enhancements and performance improvements Brad Ford, iOS Engineering Summary: Highlights all of the benefits of CVOpenglESTextureCache https://developer.ap...deos/wwdc/2012/ Session 517: Real Time Media Effects and Processing During Playback Simon Goldrei, Media Systems Summary: This session is packed with good stuff. But more importantly Apple has introduced APIs to allow synchronization of Audio with Video (Opengl ES 2.0)
  7. Will the iOS implementation of LE3 allow developers to use the latest rendering APIs provided by Apple. In iOS 5 the CVOpenglESTextureCache API was introducded which greatly improved rendering performance. The layer of abstraction LE3 implements via LUA looks great. But in my experience sometimes with game engines it all comes down to what APIs are implemented beneath these layers of abstaction utlized with scripting languages. It doesn't matter if its C#, Javascript, LUA ... What good is the scripting if I can't tap into the full power of the native APIs... I need an game engine that will allow me to use the CVOpenglESGTextureCache API and use native iOS APIs (e.g, AVFoundation). If there are missing APIs can you create plugins? Congratulations on LE3! It looks extremely promising...
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