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  1. Debugging should be relatively easy. With C++ or C# I can redirect the console output of the debug build of the game and read from it. We can toggle a breakpoint with the WinAPI call BOOL WINAPI DebugBreakProcess Enabling debug is done with BOOL WINAPI DebugActiveProcess As long as we set SE_DEBUG_NAME in the debugger we can debug any process.
  2. Is there any way with the lua api / indie edition to dynamically create walls and all other bsp stuff at run time? Im trying to work on a different level editor loader... Thanks in advance.
  3. I'm working on a project called Leadwerks Oasis. The project will feature an extremely revamped script editor with intellisense and code completion with built in Leadwerks API documentation. Other features include: Better file management (I seem to be having bugs with Leadwerks file management...) Built in array of file converters to drag and drop convert to a leadwerks format. Easy Leadwerks integration, have both programs running at once. (Program checks for file changes made by Leadwerks) Hopefully these tools will make the community more productive.
  4. Ever since leadwerks updated my project all the icons on my hud drawn with contex:DrawImage() are transparent in release mode and drawn correctly in debug mode... Any thoughts?
  5. Just a suggestion and really needed feature for instance i have a model that's UV mapped for two textures one is a transparent class one and the other is the base but I can only apply one with leadwerks 3 and the area UV mapped for the glass texture looks like the base texture just repeated... Thanks.
  6. Actually I meant so that we can see all the files and scripts our game uses like App.lua. so Project--App.lua, model.fbx, etc then the standard asset list.
  7. Add a button to open script editor without having to run program first. Integrate a way to run Lua functions async as Lua doesn't have that built in. Possibly a list of assets and actual included assets would be nice as well. More model support! toxic72.
  8. Looks good. But I suggest a lot more tutorials and beginner info. Also collision detection breaks at higher speeds.
  9. Any chance on Leadwerks rehosting the trial installer? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello, i'm new to LE as a game engine and would like to know if the following is possible: -Modifying a level such as adding walls, expanding walls, and removing walls is possible with code at run time. -Loading models at run time and placing them in the map Thanks in advance.
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