Are you sure that's your locker? It looks more like your terrain.
Have you tried increasing the zoom value of the camera? I have almost no idea on how the orthogonal mode of the camera works, but it might be worth a try.
You should make sure your phy file isn't a phy tree file - those are just for static objects and not for physical interaction except collision. Try to generate a convex hull instead.
I guess something is wrong with your link: "ReCast is an icecast2-compatible streaming server supporting MP3 and Ogg Vorbis streams out of the box. Logging can be enabled for any source (making it very suitable for radio stations where logging is compulsory) and clients can request any time range..."
Thanks, I feel a lot better now (no, not because of the plus votes but because there are a few people who understand my sense of humour ).
This still does not change my opinion about the board software's behaviour.
What exactly does your code do at the moment? Don't forget to use EnablePolledInput unless you have called Graphics() or MouseX() and MouseY() won't return anything of use.
Yeah, I actually am. I just wanted to express that this is a rather strange (but hilarious) behaviour of the board software and I'm sorry if you don't like my sense of humor.
That would be great for benchmarking - place thousands of items in a soft body and look how fast the single threaded physics engine handles it . The final score will then be calculated by multiplying the amount of pork in your bag by the framerate (e.g. 10000 * 0 = 0 points).
Even my simple cloth code is awfully slow, I guess a bag with items inside and some kind of complex soft body wouldn't be much faster.
Although that's kinda good for my reputation - is it possible to disable this "feature"? I've plus voted one of my posts by accident and have a very bad conscience now :\
You're very generous and your models look great. I have a question about the rock texture though - it seems to be a bit low res on the screenshot? I wonder whether that's caused by the compression of the screenshot?