I know he already choose but i wanna tell mine too:
This engine is ever in upgrade and i am happy to this, you don't even know how is bad having an engine full of bug with a slow updating.
I saw in my "little" experience that when there is multiple calling command (as for example a linepick) it should be better have one function called from most of the part of the code, so with a little modification you are able to fix the problem (as for example in bmax i did a Math class where there was stored all the math calculation i needed).
I saw too that 2.32 seem to have many "issue" and as my project is actually in a good step, i choose (you can read it in the topic) to w8 till the version seem stable.
Leadwerks is cheap, because Josh didn't need to pay many testers or programmer (i think he is still alone) so he simply can't find any bugs any time he make some changes, we should help him on this, also as i know he asked for money just only for the big update from 2.28 to 2.30, many other engine will ask for money EVERY big update they did.
In past i was complain for the few of FPS this engine had so i dropped it, few months ago i come back and i am happy to see the engine is faster then before (also i didn't test 2.32 where Josh said is even faster in some cases), so i'll suggest you to think twice before dropping a project, Leadwerks is a nice tool.