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  1. You can try this http://www.martinkearl.co.uk/2017/05/leadwerks-pbr-2.html
  2. Thanks for this!
  3. How would you switch the emission map on and off to simulate toggling the light?
  4. Sorry for the late response. Idk if you got your answer, but you would just make the entire emission texture black with the parts you want illuminated a plain white color (or what ever color you want)
  5. You can try this as well http://www.martinkearl.co.uk/2017/05/leadwerks-pbr-2.html
  6. How are LODs currently being handled in LE4? I remember seeing tutorials on this in previous Leadwerks releases but not sure if the system has changed.
  7. Looks great! Better than just the weapon tilting a bit as the character rotates.
  8. @ErhanK Can we see an updated screen capture?
  9. @Josh thanks for the reply. I just swapped the spectator.lua file for the FPS script.
  10. I receive this error message when I try to launch The Zone DLC map
  11. Been looking for a program other than Crazybump to create high quality materials for a while now. This one seems like the first worthy contender as an alternative. Just thought I'd share http://www.boundingboxsoftware.com/materialize/index.php
  12. Any chance I could be pointed to any more details on Leadwerks and sprite sheets?
  13. I realized this just after I posted. Thanks again
  14. I've managed to implement the suggestions Macklebee (many thanks again sir) suggested concerning formatting the ammo count. I've tried both putting a "0" before single digits and using an " if " statement but prefer how it looks without a "0" in front of the number. My question is how do I format it so the number's position changes >100, < 100 and below <10. This is what I have so far. I only get results >100 and < 100. HUD_01.lua
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