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Everything posted by MikeClarke

  1. The examples i provided were somewhat off. I don't necessarily mean adding the details, I was more referring to the flow and transition between styles itself. For example a farm, a farmer would more than likely put grazing animals on his hilly land and crops on his flat land. Since its easier to plow the flat land. The reason I'm asking is because the levels I had "pre-imagined" had gaps in the flow, how do I get my player from level 1 - the coastal sewer system, to level 2 which was bridge based. I could quite easily just blunder the locations but I quite like architecture & design so I tend to think more about the realistic side of the flow. Would building A really have been built in this location. Would a developer who built a residential set of houses placed them here, due to the trainline there. Sounds v.odd even as I type this but it has some semblance of logic. At which point do you cut realism for gameplay and vice-versa.
  2. This isn't an engine specific question, more of a design process question. When I design a level whether its future/modern/past I look for references, ideas. Things I can work with to get a more realistic ingame experience. I was just wondering how realistic people go, I've spent my morning reviewing various sewer schematics for one of my levels. Despite my game being set 75years into the future I figure we tend to "ugprade" our systems as opposed to demolish & replace - more so when it comes to sub-terrain. So my query is how "realistic" do you aim to go, is it just on the face of things - ie building has windows, doors & a roof; or do you look more in depth - the building has windows, doors, gutters and the drain would be over here, given the fire is here in the house the chimney would go here etc. Strange question I know, and obviously won't apply if your game is based in a fantasy world but it's just something I'm pondering as I look to plot out my sewer/lab system.
  3. I found out what was causing the error. It wasn't a camera as i had already removed them prior to the test. It was the player model. The attached script is conflicting due to the player controls. I did thankyou for the help earlier & will repeat in doing so. Although i would offer a minor bit of advice. The first being from my post count you can see i'm new here and the bit where i'm using the demo means i haven't yet parted with my cash. So in the interest of getting a "growing community" it would probably be a good idea not to put people off. Granted it won't affect your bottom-line but it will to LE and the more money they get the better product you get. Secondly (and lastly), I'm obviously not the most well equipped to provide you with assistance when it comes to coding, but there are other skills myself & others have. So it's generally a good idea to be less hostile, as someday you may need these people to help and they would be disinterested given the way you made them feel. Now i'm a big boy and can & will quite quickly move beyond this, now i will once again thankyou for the assistance provided it will be of great use to me over the coming weeks and has also saved me many hours of time since I'm not ready to get into the scripting side of LE.
  4. Must admit despite the initial help you provided the attitude since is a little "off-putting". I have saved the script as Spectator.lua, I have added a camera, i right click "Add Script" select the Spectator.lua and Ok. I then run the game. I Cant turn fully, or fly around pressing Z or wasd (Or mouse), I have "Limited" turning and zero adjusting height. So you tested & it worked. I'm using it on nothing but the demo (replacing existing camera) and it didn't work.
  5. Rick Response, ideally that style yes. At the moment its not a "major" issue, but I want to check the lighting with some transparent brushes and with doors opening/shutting etc Which i can't really see the "in motion" from the editor.
  6. I did that (slow response as i took my daughter to scouts) The mouse "look" was seamingly locked, it only had minor left/right. No up/down. So i couldn't turn around or fly about etc. I'm using LE3 is this for LE2 perhaps?
  7. Almost but not quite, this basically has the player controls (with small left/right mouse look). I can't turn around or go high into the air etc which was my issue with using the character. The ability to go up down & turn around are the important aspect because i'll need to go through tunnels, up & down inside of buildings (which have ladders not ramps/steps etc)
  8. A bit of a hopeful request, is anyone able to whip me up a small lua script i can just attach to a camera that has mouse controls (ie free-look, left click to go forward) its just so i can actually move through the levels i am in the process of putting together. I know it's alot to ask it's more of a hopeful reaching.
  9. I don't have permissions to download the file. I found that earlier as well
  10. I'm starting to feel extremely thick now, i love the tools and love the engine but i must have broken the cam about 30times today lol. Is there a v.simple way I can add a camera, and just spectate through the map (fly through the air) I dont need it to follow a player etc Just want it to fly around so i can view the map im working on without making it all accessible to a player just now (ie i can add ladders, without not being able to climb them stopping me from viewing the rest)
  11. Great ty Now just the vertice editing and i'll have the majority of my levels sorted xD
  12. This is definitely not a major aspect but would affect the speed in which i can produce levels (mostly due to past experience). By default when you boot up for the first time theres 4 viewpoints. I was wondering if it's possible anywhere to assign a key so we can easily move around the 3 2d viewpoints. For example in the Left - ZY panel, to go from position A to position B i can use the scrollbars (not ideal for small movements), or use the wheel on my mouse to zoom out & back in. I was wonder if i can press a hotkey of sorts, then just left click to move more freely. Just a query as i've been fiddling for the past hour or two and it's just quite a bit slower for smaller details (I prefer brushwork to meshes for ledges, metal stairways (http://www.amezz.com...andrail-ext.jpg) etc. Sidenote: Is there a way to manually adjust vertices, so instead of a i can make a diagonal rectangle line up to 2 platform brushes out of a rectangular brush
  13. Just as a generic note on the topic on a terrain editor, it would be nice if there was a v.basic terrain mesh feature directly in the editor as well as a seperate one. So say for example you wanted a full desert you would opt to use a seperate program to create the mesh, but sometimes you might just want a little mud pile near a curb and going to a seperate program for these types of touches can get tedious.
  14. This is all v.good news Thanks for confirming it for me. Got my Welsh rugby mode going all day today but tomorrow i'll begin with some experiments prior to picking up a license
  15. I assume that things such as brushes are a suitable walking platform regardless of the number? When I referred to a "lara croft style" it was more creating pathways by moving environmental objects, and solving puzzles to release doorways etc
  16. Thanks for all the help & advice, i'm going to start doing some demo mechanics n things just to get a better feel for using the tools/engine and i'll prolly pick up a license in a few weeks once i firm out the game structure more. I look forward to seeing those tutorials.
  17. Thanks for response, I have moved the camera using the x,y,z access in the viewpoints and got it sitting pretty much in the players skull, I think my current issue is the angle/direction im not sure what 0,0,0 or 0,0,0 equates to so for example if the default (50 i think) is / would 90 be - or | Either way I can tweak with all of this and get it right sometime tomorrow. Just thought maybe someone had it noted so i could avoid the black viewpoint ingame lol Also curious, in the demo is it possible to create a "new project" or do you require the full license for that. Wasn't sure if it was like the other engines where you can create it, but to publish you require the license etc.
  18. Hi, I'm Mike. Its taken me a couple of years to get time together to begin on my own full project. After going through various forums, looking at engines etc I've decided to go ahead and work with leadwerks3. I have a couple of minor queries which i'm sure i'll come across but 1 will be imortant before i really get going. If i opt to create a project for windows/mac using lua, can I convert to using c++ later on. I have experience with both but I would prefer for a quicker start to use lua then later on once things start taking a bit of shape to switch over to c++ to unleash that extra power. Query 2, how in the demo game can I switch the camera from its current position to a "feasable" fps. It's not majorly important its just im in a decision of whether to go first/3rd person and just wanted to see how first person would look on the engine. If theres a fairly quick method that would be great. Also if anyone has any recommendations or check this out stuff i'd love to see. Basic overview, the game is based in/around vegas. Modern day with some "alterations" to reality. Depending on fps/3rd person I may be going with a "tomb raider" style of play as opposed to D style (sega saturn anyone xD) There will be alot of utilizing the environment to progress and create weapons/paths etc.
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