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Everything posted by OutragedSuburbanAmerican

  1. I sent them an email about a computer that has open GL 2.0, and I got this: Dear XXX, Thank you for contacting Frys.com with your inquiry. Regrettably, the item that you are inquiring about is not available at Fry's Electronics. A message has been sent to our product management team for their consideration. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Kristy A. Sales Associate Frys.com 1-408-350-1484 1-866-596-4152 FAX www.frys.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I luckily found a confirmed rig that can run it off another website though, thanks anyway guys... Certera 7321-$784.00 Open Gl 2.0 compatible
  2. I was hoping for some advice about where to buy a desktop comptuer that supports open GL 2.0 but is under a $800.00 budget, My current vista laptop and window 7 desktop do not support open GL 2.0, so every computer on the market may or may not support Open Gl 2.0, so Im confused, I tried some searching for rigs that support Open gl 2.0, but im not finding anything yet., I dont want to take a shot in the dark, I cant install a new video card on neither my laptop nor my desktop due to the incompatible hardware designs, so I have decided to just start over and get a new rig. any help on the cheapest rigs that support open GL 2.0 with windows 7 would be appreciated thanks.
  3. "If you have purchased a single copy from LEADWERKS CORPORATION or an authorized distributor, reseller or any retail channel, you may return it unused, within thirty (30) days after purchase, for a refund of your payment less any incidental charges." http://www.leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1198 http://www.leadwerks.com/files/eula.txt
  4. Yes, I already bought it on April 25th a bit too hastily( I forgot about the trial) and I may need a refund since the license does not provide free updates to future releases of Leadwerks(aka Leadwerks 4)
  5. Yes, but unfortunately neither of my two computers can run Leadwerks 3 due to old versions of Open GL. I was just mainly concerned if the Leadwerks License will include free updates to future versions of the software(Leadwerks 4).
  6. My current 2 computers cannot run Leadwerks 3, so it will take me a year or two to get a new rig for my business and for the software, that being said, does the $200.00 license include later versions of Leadwerks?. if not then I may need a refund because I dont want to re-buy Leadwerks 4 or 5 whenever I get the new rig in the future and have wasted 200 bucks on a obsolete software... P.S. If I do have to get a refund I will come-back and re-buy it . I am just not sure if it covers future versions, and I dont want to burn my money. Help would be appreciated.
  7. Some UK guy who sells "refurbished" computers at some of his stores in the US on amazon, scammed because he said window 7 OS and hardware in descrip, but only window 7 OS and xp hardware, moral-dont buy refurbished computers. Ill just use this comp for something else until I get the new rig for Leadwerks, thanks for the help guys
  8. Leadwerks 3 seems good, except by a recent controversial review by someone on Wikipedia who slammed Leadwerk 3 as a weak engine: http://en.wikipedia....ngine#Criticism
  9. Alright, well it seems that I am going to soon buy a new rig from http://www.pugetsystems.com/, and I am searching for an effective but affordable graphics card that run Leadwerks from the list below, any help would be appreciated thanks: http://www.pugetsyst...show=Video Card
  10. Well, the computer cannot be upgraded to any compatible pieces of hardware on the market because of the 9-pin setup and the fact how the chassis is designed is, so its worthless. However, I tried my other computer laptop to run Leadwerks: ,but I end up getting the error below: *** So now I have to get a new rig to replace the crappy window xp hardware pc with a window 7 os upgrade computer that i was scammed with by some fool in hiding in a dark cyber-cafe in the UK...
  11. Well, the computer cannot be upgraded to any compatible pieces of hardware on the market because of the 9-pin setup to meet the basic system requirements of the program, so its worthless. However, I tried my other computer laptop to run Leadwerks: ,but I end up getting the error below: *** Im confused about this and what Mr. said about Open Gl 2.1 earlier since it currently states that Leadwerk shoud work with: "Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8, with an OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card. ..." http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/getting-started/ So what version of Open GL does Leadwerks currently support? I need to know for a rig im going to buy to replace the crappy window xp hardware pc with a window 7 os upgrade computer that i was scammed with by some fool in hiding in a dark cyber-cafe in the UK...
  12. Well I used CPU-Z and my computer is a Dell 0GX297 745 Optiplex small form factor motherboard and it has a 1x PCI-express 16 and 1x PCI expansion slot so I wil try out : the EVGA card on the newegg link and if it doesnt work out, then I'll just return it and buy a new computer than this piece of junk, thanks for the help.
  13. Hello, yesterday I found that leadwerks was not running because of my stupid computer: http://www.leadwerks...open-leadwerks/ Mr. has found that my : http://ark.intel.com...mory-Controller is obsolete for the software and Im confused about what new replacement I have to buy, I have attached a diagnosis of my computer below. but Im not sure what to replace it with, just any card that isnt over $260.00 I would like a nvidia one, but I dont know if its compatible with my comptuer...help? Report.txt
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