Thank you Aggror for the tutorial and for this FAQ.
Although I am not looking for tutorials for racing cars or shooters I think yougroove have a point - some sample games would help A LOT. I can tell you that i learned a lot about other engines by opening existing sample projects and doing small changes to learn.
About GUI I mentioned it many times, I am considering a game engine a rapid development tool and GUI should be part of it.
I am not moaning about this, I am trying to do constructive critique. If 90% of leadwerk usage would be big teams with dedicated programers and artists , yeah examples and gui would not be needed too much. But it seems the oposite from what i see on forum - leadweks is used by small teams or individual. Here any single item that help you accelerate your work counts. Otherwise you will probably never get to finish your work if you have to reinvent wheel for everything.