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Posts posted by shadmar

  1. 20 hours ago, Russell said:

    @shadmar incredible Dino land!!

    I don't need now, but in the future in another "minigame" or level in my museum, would you give me your permission to use the camera model and fps hands??? They are cool!! 

    They are made by @tjheldna so it's not my permission to give. But you can use the shaders to your liking if not otherwise is staded in them.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I cant seem to run the examples. It probably just me.

    I figured out that the splinetools folder needs to manually moved to the script folder after install (3900 load errors if not :)  )

    But now I get

    "D:/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/spline/scripts/splinetools/editor/editorspline.lua" : 14 : attempt to call global 'new' (a nil value)


    • Upvote 1
  3. You can easily just mod the vertex shader to this with no overhead. .z

    Something like :

    modelvertexposition.z = sin((modelvertexposition.x*modelvertexposition.y)+currenttime*.001);


  4. In lua I would do this :

    --index which vary on each recurisive run.
    local mid=-dim..":"..-df..":"..dim..":"..df..":"..xfactor..":"..yfactor..":"..division..":"..factor..":"..orientation.x..":"..orientation.y..":"..orientation.z
    --create model if the index "mid" doesn't exist in table models
    if models[mid]==nil then
    	model = Model:Create()
        models[mid] = model


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