mosterai.lua calls animations by name, like "Run", "Idle", "Death" and "Attack"
I think you might have to rename your sequences or edit the script to match the sequences.
Here is an assemble tutorial (you need 6 images to make a skybox)
Here is an envmap capture tutorial
Here is a diablo style example using a shader.
The mana bubble has alphamask for it's shape, and blackmask for the mana.
in the lua pivot script, use
to control the mana fillrate
Sett LightningQuality to 2 in the App.lua will help, if not you can try adding this to your pointlight as a script.
self.entity:SetShadowOffset(0,.95,0) --.98 is default offset.
But you will get skewed shadow the lesser number you put in, but shadow ackne will be reduced.
Small typo I think, compare self.buffer to buffer size, not context, or self.buffer will recreate each loop
if buffer:GetWidth()~=self.buffer:GetWidth() or buffer:GetHeight()~=self.buffer:GetHeight() then
Making pivots as nodes in a order, but when I parent them, they are reverse sorted.
Not really a problem until you need them as nodes using GetChild(int) for a road or similar.
Skyrim had the same problem until 3 days ago: