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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. mosterai.lua calls animations by name, like "Run", "Idle", "Death" and "Attack" I think you might have to rename your sequences or edit the script to match the sequences.
  2. This works for me: BarL = Model:Box(1,0.5,0) BarL:SetPosition(self.camera:GetPosition(true)+Vec3(0,0,2)) BarL:SetParent(self.camera)
  3. Testing carving and hollow, working great so far. Edit: smoothing of carved/hollowed items seems a bit off.
  4. Here is an assemble tutorial (you need 6 images to make a skybox) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12146-making-a-skybox/#entry88194 Here is an envmap capture tutorial http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11224-skybox-rendering/#entry82736
  5. Steam colorscheme on the UI would rock!.
  6. Try : model->GetSurface(0)->GetMaterial()
  7. shadmar

    Light - Halo

    Yes lensflares can do this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=319995666
  8. Silo2 is really simple to use, but it's not free (cheap I guess, but that is subjective, it's on Steam)
  9. shadmar

    2D UI masking

    Here is a diablo style example using a shader. The mana bubble has alphamask for it's shape, and blackmask for the mana. in the lua pivot script, use SetColor(1,1,1,amount) to control the mana fillrate maskedsprite.zip
  10. shadmar

    2D UI masking

    Yes this is very simple using a shader, let me know if you need help.
  11. @reepblue Sett LightningQuality to 2 in the App.lua will help, if not you can try adding this to your pointlight as a script. self.entity:SetShadowOffset(0,.95,0) --.98 is default offset. But you will get skewed shadow the lesser number you put in, but shadow ackne will be reduced.
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6864-blend-modes-for-particles/#entry59316
  13. Could you post the contents of the mat file?
  14. If you have a camera object in the scene list, you have to enable posteffects. (there is a checkbox for it)
  15. position of child is the realtive local position to parent I think?
  16. shadmar

    SSAO fixes

    Small typo I think, compare self.buffer to buffer size, not context, or self.buffer will recreate each loop if buffer:GetWidth()~=self.buffer:GetWidth() or buffer:GetHeight()~=self.buffer:GetHeight() then
  17. Making pivots as nodes in a order, but when I parent them, they are reverse sorted. Not really a problem until you need them as nodes using GetChild(int) for a road or similar.
  18. What are you using it for?
  19. Skyrim had the same problem until 3 days ago: https://www.google.com/search?q=steam+workshop+subscribe+limit&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 http://www.bethblog.com/2015/03/02/skyrim-workshop-file-limit-is-now-limitless/
  20. shadmar

    DA 19 weeks in

    Looking good! Are you still using csg houses or models or a combo of both?
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