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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. Always have a couple of pivots at the top. This way just select everything in the list down to your object and make it child of one of the top pivots. Move your object up in one go. Dechildify the pivot again. Clunky this too, but faster than your method
  2. We don't really have a safe method for this other than using 2 worlds I think, which complicates stuff a alot for such a simple effect. Or you can always do some hacky stuff, like give all interior materials an alpha value of non 1 and just apply rain shader on everything alpha != 1, but you'll run into problems sooner or later when you add other alpha stuff. Maybe Josh have some better tip for this.
  3. Yes you can use the depth texture for that if you know the distance to the wall/window/door. Or a rendertarget, render interior to one buffer and everything else to another, and just apply rain to the one.
  4. Even if rain was just shader, you still need to know when you are inside. Raycasting or similar would still be the way to detect that.
  5. Yeah, but I dont know how to assemble a cross layout from images, however if you already have a cross image you can ofcource use it, 2) is true, seams will show if you use jpg as source, or DXT compression for the cubemap. Also if you want to make an ingame envmap for metal shaders, you can use this methiod: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11224-skybox-rendering/#entry82736
  6. Added a small tut for the prevoius post.
  7. I dont know how to make one, but I know how to assemble one from pictures. Uploaded 6 new ones to the WS: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401648279 If you have skybox images (6 of them) you can use imagemagick http://www.imagemagick.org/ to assemble them, using the montage tool : A skybox have 6 sides, and needs to look like this in LE (6x1) image: Cubemaps have 6 sides: - left side (positive +x or px) - right side (negative -x or nx) - up (positive +y or py) - down (negative -y or ny) - front (positive +z or pz) - back (negative -z or nz) Use montage to assemble like this form 6 images (into one like the one above here) montage -geometry 1024-tile 6x1 left.png right.png up.png down.png front.png back.png output.png Copy output.png to the Materials/Sky/ Open the output.tex in the texture editor in LE - Select compression : Uncompressed - Select Filter Mode : Pixel - Select Texture Mode : Cubemap - Save Now you have a ready to go cubemap for LE.
  8. I'll bet those holes are terrain if drawdistance was longer.
  9. Twitter has a 400x400: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2593591307/hw4bybqdciktvd4karwq_400x400.png
  10. ...seems impossible, always renders NW quad, anyone made it?
  11. Sometimes, I need to restart steam and or Leadwerks after subscribing to WS items before they can install. It's not consistent.
  12. I believe each particle is a billboard of 4 vertices, and they are rendered without depth, so that would not be possible?. Just create your own emitter using instanced boxes/spheres and they would follow the same rules as a normal entity.
  13. Export to fbx from blender, then bring it in to LE works. (I don't have the plugin so I haven't tested)
  14. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12081-installing-dlc-instructions/
  15. Yes I'm sure you can do it. No, I dont want to have stray shaders in the WS, maybe in a modelshader pack some day later.
  16. Ah, copy & paste from a PM. Try these: diffuse+normal+dissolve.zip dissolve_animation_shader.zip
  17. Ghostbusters! skinned: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=6549 not skinned: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=6562 Use SetColor(1,1,1,1-amount) to dissolve.
  18. Isn't there something in the EULA against this
  19. That is supposed to be sorted in latest, let me know if it isn't.
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/getting-started (install part) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/features (Built-in lightmapper with light vector maps)
  21. And installed 347.52.. (why did I do that...) off.exe = 2270 fps as before on.exe = 540 fps ... wow that is insane... Rolling back to 344.75..
  22. I get 1000fps in either using your uploaded test to nvidia. Win 8.1 - GTX 770M 344.75 drivers. (laptop) Edit: However fraps says 2270 fps (off.exe) and 2060 fps (on.exe)
  23. I get the same artifacts from the mdl, but I rexported your .blend as fbx and recalculated normals in LE using angular 35 and it looked ok.
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