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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. Does it work if you opt-out of beta? Didn't work for me (when I had it)..
  2. shadmar

    HDR Shader

    @Ameshi : It should be used combined with bloom.
  3. shadmar

    HDR Shader

    feel free to upload.
  4. Thanks Jorn, maybe one day. This will be a workshop item only very soon, and I will remove the links to the "standalone" one. The new version have some improvements.
  5. Fix for muzzleflash black box issue http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11597-black-box-around-pistol-muzzle-flash/#entry83701
  6. Hi Here a fix for that, just make sure the material for the daynight.mat looks like this, and you have no skybox added :
  7. I had this, everything worked except right click, so : 1. yes 2. yes 3. no 4. yes 5. windows 8.1 64 bit (norwegian) 6. gtx 770m but seems to be ok after a reboot.
  8. Somthing like this not testet for a sinus wave (not tested); uniform float currenttime; .. fragData2 = vec4(texture(texture4,ex_texcoords0).rgb*sin(currenttime*0.001),materialflags/255.0); or like Josh suggests: fragData2 = vec4(texture(texture4,ex_texcoords0).rgb*ex_color.a,materialflags/255.0); Then in your app code send emmision strength by entity->SetColor(1,1,1,emissionstrength);
  9. You can also do this (not supported tho) : -- Get world self.world=World:GetCurrent() --Find camera by looping over every entity in self.world: if self.camera==nil then for i=0,self.world:CountEntities()-1 do --CountEntities is not a supported command if self.world:GetEntity(i):GetClass()==Object.CameraClass then self.camera=self.world:GetEntity(i) --GetEntity is not a supported command tolua.cast(self.camera,"Camera") System:Print(self.world:GetEntity(i):GetClassName()) break end end end
  10. That will work, assuming your model have 2 uv-maps and texture4 holds a texture. You can use these to test your shader : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8439-fbx-converter-and-second-uv-channel/#entry65740
  11. Do you have a navmesh calculated for your map? They only navigate through navmeshes.
  12. Yes that took a long time in the model editor. But just 1+ secondish to load in the editor itself.
  13. Might be better to do raytesting or aabb intersection tests instead of physics.
  14. Yes you are correct, gave it a try aswell, I could't get it to work either.
  15. I think you can just parent the "sword" to the wristbone in start(), no need to use PhysicsSet...() at all.
  16. SetLinearDamping SetAngularDamping I think are useful for flight simulation.
  17. Not documented, but you can give it a go anyway: Entity class have this : virtual void AddBuoyancyForce(const float nx, const float ny, const float nz, const float d, const float fluidDensity=1.0, const float fluidViscosity=0.1);//lua
  18. Here is a quick and dirty way : 1. Install ImageMagick ( I used windows portable version ) http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows 2. Mod app.lua to be square : self.window=Window:Create(self.title,0,0,System:GetProperty("screenwidth","1024"),System:GetProperty("screenheight","1024"),windowstyle) 3. Disable your ingame camera 4. Add a pivot or something where you want to create an envmap and attach this script. function Script:Start() taken=0 self.camera=Camera:Create() self.camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()) self.camera:SetFOV(90) end function Script:UpdateWorld() self.world=World:GetCurrent() local context = Context:GetCurrent() taken=taken+1 --PZ if self.camera and taken==1 then self.camera:SetRotation(0,0,0) end if self.camera and taken==3 then context:Screenshot("./1.tga") end --NZ if self.camera and taken==5 then self.camera:SetRotation(0,180,0) end if self.camera and taken==7 then context:Screenshot("./2.tga") end --PY if self.camera and taken==9 then self.camera:SetRotation(-90,-90,0) end if self.camera and taken==11 then context:Screenshot("./3.tga") end --NY if self.camera and taken==13 then self.camera:SetRotation(90,-90,0) end if self.camera and taken==15 then context:Screenshot("./4.tga") end --PX if self.camera and taken==17 then self.camera:SetRotation(0,-90,0) end if self.camera and taken==19 then context:Screenshot("./5.tga") end --NX if self.camera and taken==21 then self.camera:SetRotation(0,90,0) end if self.camera and taken==23 then context:Screenshot("./6.tga") end end 5. Run your app 6. Use imagemagick montage from commandline montage -geometry 512 -tile 6x1 1.tga 2.tga 3.tga 4.tga 5.tga 6.tga out.tga 7. Resave out.tex as cubemap in LE texture editor. 8. voila... but there are small artifacts in the seams.
  19. sculpt.shader line 27 if you want to hack it
  20. In the tools folder you have fbx2mdl and img2tex, not sure if they are allowed to bundle with a game for modding support.
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