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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. Here is a pure shader variant of animated flames, if interested. I used a star formation of planes. Should look something like this : flameshader.zip
  2. Here is the full daynight shader cycle with godrays and an example map. Several bugs including the wierd offset for the sun was fixed, also lensflare shader inpout is ready, but the lensflare shader isn't yet. Godrays settings have several tweaks wich is read from camara:GetKeyvalue(), easily set from your app in lua or cpp. --godray local fExposure=camera:GetKeyValue("godray_fExposure","0.3") local fDecay= camera:GetKeyValue("godray_fDecay","0.97") local fDensity= camera:GetKeyValue("godray_fDensity","0.6") local fWeight= camera:GetKeyValue("godray_fWeight","0.24") local fClamp= camera:GetKeyValue("godray_fClamp","1.0") local fWhiteOnly=camera:GetKeyValue("godray_fWhiteOnly","0") if fWhiteOnly is set to 1 it will not bleed colors. But I kinda like non white. Forum only allows 5 mb uploads so here is a dropbox link : EDIT: soon in the ws.
  3. I'll post it here later today.
  4. Looks like this with these adjustables: uniform float fExposure=0.26; uniform float fDecay=0.9999; uniform float fDensity=0.8; uniform float fWeight=0.24; uniform float fClamp=1.0; const int iSamples = 30;
  5. I got one ready to go with the daynight cycle and bloom. 20 passes at 1/4 resolution is hardly noticable on the fps. However I feel we should probably have some sort of lensflare to go with this.
  6. This might help : Tools->Options->Viewport->Grid Units Change it to Meters.
  7. His log says Device: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 But I guess he could have a dual card.
  8. I dont believe in god or his rays But yes I have one, depending on what you are combining it with. Bloom?
  9. If you in your script add this : Script.player=""--entity Then in your scene tab, you can drag and drop your player entity. You will need to reference they player as self.player in the script.
  10. They are backed up if overwritten as .bak1 2 etc..
  11. You can't use stream class for file operations when sandox is enabled.
  12. Standard Edition on Steam is a DLC. http://store.steampowered.com/app/287760/
  13. Have you tried : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10246-official-leadwerks-exporter-for-blender/
  14. Initialize it first like this before map is loaded (if you load any) if (Interpreter::L == NULL) Interpreter::Reset(); Also your lua script has a typo, capital B instead of b. It works on windows atleast both in editor and not.
  15. There are different methods depending on how close you are getting to the planet.
  16. Isn't csg blocks collapsed, so they are not really seperate runtime as entities, unless they have mass or have a connected script.
  17. I wouldn't think that pivots should steal this amount of fps (or hardly none at all). So wierd I think too.
  18. Ah this is much simpler than going via the inverseprojectionmatrix, thanks!
  19. I suspect editor setting isn't transferred when game is run. Try setting this in your app.lua self.world:SetLightQuality(2)
  20. It sets the matrix ..rotation, position and scale, all in one command. Documented under Entity.
  21. But that is for 3.x. what is not working with it?
  22. Updated: *Fixed the ATI issue, thanks TattieBoJangle *Fixed the cloudscale issue, thanks HaydenMango *Skydome now follows the camera (if found) *Skydome resizes to the camera's drawdistance (if found) *Added adjustable bloom settings (if workshop the bloom is added the scene)
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