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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. The total black is usually fixable by recalculating the normals in the model editor. However not sure what could cause this during import other than a bug or normals doesn't get correctly imported.
  2. That looks great BES, I'm about to start on atmosphere worlds aswell
  3. if the .map file could be textbased, you could merge the diff only. Having support for both binary and text based mapfiles would make it more git/svn/merc merge friendly. Use textbased in developement and binary in release.
  4. I think the idea of those models is to export only the groups you need. So in UU3D, remove / hide groups until you have the look you need and then re-export selected groups.
  5. Power of perlin noise, calculated in real time on the gpu using Leadwerks 3. (big *** picture)
  6. With just a camera and one lightsource, LE31=300 fps, LE25 700 fps, LE30=2000fps
  7. Yes, just assign ex_texcoords1 instead of ex_texcoords0 to use second uv-channel.
  8. camera:AddPosteffect("/path/to/effect.shader") --Add camera:CameraClearPostEffects() --removal.
  9. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/473-glowmapshaders-leadwerks31/
  10. Cool, because I know nothing about tesselation/geometry shaders..
  11. Raster, when is next chapter?
  12. function Script:Howdy(one,two,three,four) System:Print(one) System:Print(two) System:Print(three) System:Print(four) end function Script:Start() self.Howdy(1,2,3,4) end prints out : 2 3 4 0x00000000
  13. Yes, it only works if you add bloom.lua to th root panel in the 'Scene' tab or use it as an camera effect camera:AddPostEffect("/path/to/bloom.lua")
  14. transitions slider should handle blend.
  15. The dof picture was mine, but it's not uploaded in the workshop (yet), kind of wip still.
  16. Hard to tell without seeing mydefault.shader
  17. Here a short tutorial from DanceTweety on how to combine FPSplayer.ua to the water prefab :
  18. I have something similar on the converted DA game. Idle animation doesn't animate shadow, but if character is moving it animates. Does pointlight have some sort of movement tracking so shadows become static if entity isn't moving?
  19. Type bloom.lua do not select bloom.shader
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