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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. Ha very nice stuff!! I noticed you are using a fullscale texture, I would suggest a slope based splat shader for texturing (later on) and maybe use a fullscale texture as some sort of land/texture type indentifier. Following this with great interest
  2. Yes I meant bumpiness slider. But I'm not on solid ground here.
  3. I think you can adjust height if this is checked and height is then saved to the tex.
  4. Converted just for you http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/500-fxaa-shader-franck22000/
  5. If you are using : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/481-bloom-shader-for-leadwerks-31-beta-edition-steam/ Then you need to add the bloom.lua (not bloom.shader) Just click add and type bloom.lua (since you can't select lua files) There are some adjustables in (3 in brightpass.shader and 1 in bloom.shader)
  6. Confirmed. This should probably go in the bug report section. If I re-export your fbx as gmf (using UU3D), this works. scattership_anim_turn2.zip
  7. uniform mat4 projectionmatrix; ?
  8. For basic modelling I use Silo2 (which is very easy to use), but be aware it does not support animation and is not actively being developed. (and not free)
  9. shadmar

    Up! (Part 2)

    Instead of trying to stich those T cracks you could add a simple vertical skirt on each patch and see how it looks.
  10. shadmar

    Up! (Part 1)

    I definitely need to check this out!
  11. I'm preety sure I chattet these functions to you, but you were all set on SetColor, so there was no stopping you .. But there is a slight issue if you don't want to change it for all your shaded entities that uses that shader... the uniform is set for ALL entities using the shader. SetColor is sent per entity.
  12. if your maps isn't named start.map, you have to update App.lua so the correct map is loaded
  13. It's been there all the time, even in 2.5
  14. You can use SetFloat,SetInt,SetVec2,3,4 to send custom stuff to your shader if you add custom uniforms to the shader. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/shader/
  15. entity1:SetMatrix(entity2:GetMatrix()) --will set entity2's position, rotation and scale to entity1.
  16. shadmar


    If you are able to assign mats to the paches for wireframe, you can use drawmode=2 in a mat file and assign it to your patch. mat=Material:Load("..") patch:SetMaterial(mat) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/489-wireframe-and-point-mats/
  17. Here is a quick comparison chart from tweakguides
  18. Here ya go : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3898-fxaa-311/
  19. If you're using the beta you can do this with kleptos postprocessing shader (look in the workshop) or you can parent a big plane o the camera and paint it with a skybox texture. (also a script in the workshop)
  20. Default exmaple seems to work : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/model/modelgetsurface-r344 (if you exchange barabarian with the crawler)..
  21. height used to be stored in alpha in the old days but I think it's just a "normal" map now.
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