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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. Leadwerks has almost the same one, but the tabs are on the left
  2. Yes you can, look in the pointlight.shader specular = lightspecular * specularity * pow(clamp(-dot(lightreflection,screennormal),0.0,1.0),GLOSS); GLOSS would control this. It's default 10.0, you could simply just send that through an uniform if you change the lighting shaders.
  3. In deferred shading all lighting is done in a prepass. So you don't have the same control you do in forward rendering.
  4. For specular using normals just color: fragData1.a = materialcolorspecular; for using specularmap : (standard luminance used by the television industry, rgb=0.299,0.587,0.114) (says google) color_specular = texture(texture2,ex_texcoords0) * materialcolorspecular; .. fragData1.a = color_specular.r * 0.299 + color_specular.g * 0.587 + color_specular.b * 0.114;
  5. A set is up in the workshop now.
  6. No, postprocessing still in progress for Leadwerks 3.1.
  7. Yes you can also use different materials, there is an emissive shader.
  8. @Rastar L3DT can export raw (unsigned/signed16 bit), Bryce7, and GIMP with a plugin I believe. Possibly others.
  9. You can use buffers already, but there is no way that I know of where you can create a cubemap texture under the cuirrent lua api where you can render 6 textures to. Unless there is some setting I don't know about http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/texture/texturecreate-r340
  10. Shaders are not, 3.0 uses forward rendering and shaders, 3.1 is deferred and uses completely different shaders. Guessing you are trying to load a 3.0 project in 3.1? If so try copying 3.1 shaders folder and replace the old shaders and see how it works out. (in your project)
  11. It's csg behaviour, there is an improvement request here : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6893-csg-mergedont-merge-option/page__hl__empty+script
  12. Make an empty script call it : nocollapse.lua (doesn't need to have any code in it) Add the script to box2,3,4,5 They shouldn't collapse on run anymore and respect the parent rotation and position. So if you rotate the parent, they should follow.
  13. Bones are entities. so you can parent a weapon to your hand bone. You can lookup bones by using something like .. hand=modelwithbonesentity:FindChild("left_hand") weaponentity:Parent(hand)
  14. entity:AddTorque(x,y,z) (force based) entity:Turn(x,y,z) (not force based) both are simpler than SetRotation() and SetPhysicsRotation() If you are making the ball roll on the gound using keys, I'd use AddTorque, since it's physics based.
  15. You could take a look at Scripts/Objects/Cameras/3rdPersonFollow.lua
  16. What are you trying to do? Nothing in your code makes any sense to me.
  17. it's abit of a long shot but : 1. Navigate to Shaders/Model/ 2. Copy diffuse.shader and call it diffuse2.shader 3. Navigate to Materials/Effects/ 4. Edit securitymonitortex2.mat to have diffuse2.shader. run
  18. I still can't get this to work : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8138-pointlight-viewrange-bug/
  19. @rick yes, buffers are created in the script:start() Try copying the shader to a different name and assign the copy to the second material, that might work (sounds stupid, but what the hell, just try)
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