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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. 1. How is the fps on default settings? 2. What is your gear? CPU and GFX card Something to consider : The default setup includes all post effects (they should be turned off all of them, hdr and bloom excluded) even godrays are enabled (and we don't have a sun :/ ) The trainhall have many pointlights, wich on my GTX560M each knock off about 5 fps. The zombie used to hog fps when chasing, I think this is fixed, but I'm not sure since I couldn't reproduce it. Did anyone manage to kill everything without dying ?
  2. Ive tested compile using release instead of debug several times during the development, it always turns into white screen just hanging. The debug version seems to work ok, but I guess it contains some VS2010 dependencies. So next lecp have to be a pure lua project im afraid
  3. This worked for me in the r316 lecp build : (use after camera is created..) ... // get framework main camera _camera = GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); PositionEntity(_camera, Vec3(0, 0, -2)); //Loading the assets.pak SetZipStreamPassword("Assets.pak","lol99"); // add the first state and switch to it _stateMgr.AddState(new LogoState("logo", &_stateMgr)); _stateMgr.Switch("logo"); ...
  4. Aggror jut to check, does the pak work without any pw (just to rule that out) LE crashes hard if doesn't find a soundfile etc.. I was unable to create the asset.pak due to missing abstract in paths etc.. (lecp)
  5. FindChild() will do :-) All scene placed objects are child entities to the loaded scene. You can also use globalobjects .
  6. This is top notch, now I'm scripting blind in lua. Also GLSL i'm doing "blind". So consider me as sold.
  7. Wow that looks really great!! coming along nice :-) Let me know if you need sand in that tube, the snow shader using sand texture could do that.
  8. Set controller iterations to 1 and physics quality to linear usually helps on my controllers.
  9. Took a while to start yes :-) Packed using smartpacker? Loved the atmosphere, birds and animals. Good job :-)
  10. You can try setting the filters for the textures TextureFilter( TTexture texture, int filter ) TEXFILTER_PIXEL TEXFILTER_SMOOTH TEXFILTER_MIPMAP
  11. Would ne nice to see a screenshot of what you see.
  12. If that's in the editor just click somewhere else, it's just "selected" and it's red when it's selected..
  13. Beautiful models, walls and buildings looks excellent Maybe the ground is abit uniform and too clean, it should be more dirty (in my head )
  14. Turn off the postfilters like ssao,hdr,godrays,antialiasing, bloom helps alot on the performance. Also using older cards than 8600 would render slow.
  15. Allright so this will work? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/1279-loadmaterial-vs-creating-same-material-in-code/
  16. Very nice :-) Normalmap is detected by naming? Are material text files in use the new engine? Can use set zsort gloss etc by script dynamicly?
  17. It's like swearing in church Benton Looks great Josh, can't wait to play around.
  18. You can always hack the shader ...In the oceans frag find : vec4 color = .... add below color*=vec4(R,G,B,1); Where you replace the RGB using float values in ranges 0..1 normally, but try 1,1,2 for extra blue, or 2,2,2 for twice intensity, but as Meta says they will probably look abit burned if set too high.
  19. r244 - You can now be killed, so watch out
  20. That looks like physx cloth physics (metallic deformation)
  21. Lol.. I knocked him into the cokemachine He is stuck there, butstill going for me inside. Undocumented feature
  22. Using drawimage()? Do drawimage use any shaders?
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