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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. I use Asus G series laptops, I find them better specced and cheaper than Dell Alienware.
  2. Fixed both and reuppped, but they have their own sliders in the Ocean object. If you set fog in the atmosphere object also set same values here in the ocean object, maybe abit brighter..
  3. The viewdistance can't be altered in the usual way, since it's a transparencyworld mesh I can't parent it to the entity without it bleeding. So we need to increase the aabb around it. I can make a slider for that. And update it in the UpdateMatrix(). About the fog.. I need to look into that one. Thx. Thanks
  4. It's far from perfect, but give it a go : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/355-ocean-refractive-depth-shader/
  5. Surfs up new controls allow us to break waves (sort of) 30 meter wave.. ~ 80 feet?
  6. The FFT ocean was just a sidetrack for testing Joshs' dataset in my shader and won't be released by me.. but, the original Gerstner ocean is still coming as in the video in the first post.
  7. Real looking water looks much more boring than game-waters, so I think it's a matter of what you want it to look like. Google ocean pictures and you see what I mean, google ocean 3d fft and you'll see simulated water/oceans. If it's windy it gets noisy, if there is no wind, you have that glossy water game effect. So what's your favorite color?
  8. I know how to setup reflections in c++, but in the editor using lua and fw, is it possible at all ? The current waterplane use it, but theres more behind the curtain than the object-lua and shader I suspect.
  9. After Josh teaked it, I admit it looks better without all the noise
  10. it's 32x32 meters but they should be perfectly tileable, the fft data set is not something I'm releasing, I guess maybe Josh will use some of it in LE3 with tesselation or an adaptive mesh or something. Here is the vid :
  11. Scaled the area down like suggested and the data plays alot better
  12. Yeah I thought about the wave area is too big, The glassy effect is the refraction normals are 8x surface normals, and it looks wierd on the picture, but it doesn't look that bad when it's in movement. I will try out with smaller wave area, this way it should move better/faster without looking unnatural and I don't have to interpolate every other frame.
  13. Here is a couple of shots of the shader using FFT vertexdata (Josh kindly borrowed me a dataset) It still struggles from interpolation issues either in data or conversion, so I'll post a vid later if I get rid of the issues (..and if Josh allows it)
  14. LE3 ran 360ms on android? :-)
  15. I think it's a very nice reference for lua beginners. http://lua.gts-stolberg.de/en/index.php
  16. I know I thought I was ready but I have som sunlight issues. So I guess I'm on valve time atm. I also like to control the waves by dialog in the editor.
  17. Don't worry, I'm having fun doing shaderstuff
  18. Ah.. You missed the directive around diffuse *= texture2D(texture8,texcoord1); //texcoord1 reads UV channel 2 And #declare should be #define. And The diffuse should also go in the 2uv.frag file #define LW_DIFFUSE texture0 Looks good! This is what I got : Here are the shader files fixed : frags.zip
  19. shader change for this test was : Before main() add uniform sampler2D texture8; Find diffuse *= texture2D(LW_DIFFUSE,texcoord0);//*fOcclusionShadow Add below this line : diffuse *= texture2D(texture8,texcoord1); //texcoord1 reads UV channel 2 or use + to add it on top, use black as background. Add texture8= to your mat file and use any diffuse shader. Might be useful to use glsl preprocessor directives so it doesn't apply to everything. Just create a mesh_diffuse_whateverelse_2uvmaps.frag and use #declare dualUV 1 Then in mesh.frag test if this is true and apply the example above. This way you can apply 2 UV sets using any shader, bump specular, glow or what not. good luck Let me know if it works or just ask,
  20. You can do this with 2 uv sets.. UV1 has 4 tiles UV2 has 1 tile... ..and a small shader change (2-3 lines or so in the mesh.frag)
  21. You can do that in a shader using to 2 texcoords for diffuse if you do the tiling in the shader you can keep the other stretched. Simply multiply them to blend even. Maybe the existing shaders support it, haven't checked.
  22. shadmar

    Getting Fun Now...

    Great! More tools the better
  23. A faulty lua script can cause this. Try to disable the urban_box_mixstack9.lua
  24. You could try increasing the offset just a bit to 0.01 from the road_node.lua it should be : class.roadoffset=0.005
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