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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. Another small update, fixed the y pos bug and added sliders for specular and gloss in the shaders + updated mat file.
  2. Not in the current version, maybe in a later version, its just an wavy mesh for now, no underwater or transparency. Haven't figured out how transpericy in the shaders works (refraction) I seem to get reflection or some distortion. Ah well learing from the existing shadersis hard
  3. Aye sorry, wrong version of the lua script (GetKey else missing) Fixed and reuploaded. The mesh is by 512, but you should tile on 504 due to the skirts.
  4. Any output in the Editor.log worth mentioning ? Edit : ah waternoisedot3.dds not in the zip, hold on 2 sec.. Edit2 : Re uploaded the zip and added the missing texture. Try now.
  5. One more thing, the mesh has skirts, but the skirt normals points straight up to minimize tiling visibility. And... forgot to change the deafults For best look with deafult skybox, set cubemap blend to 0.35 and bump to 0.3 and normal to 0.5 - fixed and reuploaded. Should look like this then:
  6. Ok it's in the store now, let me know if it works
  7. Hmm... well xz and y displacement with 12 aggregated waves, makes not perfectly tilable. If you still want it I can upload it in it's current state. I tried with some skirts but you can still notice. But I guess an adaptive mesh would maybe solve this, but that's beyond my programming skills. Max mesh size are 32k triangles, I get all sorts of distortion if I go any higher.
  8. Yeah I'm not pursuing perfect foam, but another problem, not actually perfect tile match... But anyway.. Just the lua controls to go and I can upload it as an alpha test ocean to get some feedback... Mikes sub luring about in the sunset :
  9. Thanks. I think it's more on the side than below, you give the GPU some data and then you can control them in shader language. But I think it's a one way ticket, once your data is sendt to the GPU, there is no coming back to CPU to perform physics, but I'm no expert. Anyway trying some foam on the waves based on vertex y, not entirly happy, seem abit un-natural in movement.
  10. Very nice!! Great editor, thanks
  11. Got it SetKey in CreateObject() I missed the return self.super:SetKey(key,value) in SetKey function, that was actually it
  12. @roland.. lol I hope you find your socks @Gandi thx for the feedback, I haven't tried tiling it yet, but I guess you could cull the tiles. 32k osn't that much so I guess you could deploy a larger mesh. @Mike I thought my ocean looked great with your sub in it
  13. This is my current cluttered script for the ocean object, but I see no trace of wavescale, wfreq or wlength in my sbx, so the ocean is always default between loads. (im a totally newbie on this so any help is appreciated ) How can I persist my settings in the sbx ? Say if I cange wfreq in the dialog require("scripts/class") require("scripts/math/math") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:AddGroup("Ocean") group:AddProperty("wavescale",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,20,2","Wave Scale") group:AddProperty("wlength",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,2,2","Wave Length") group:AddProperty("wspeed",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,1,2","Wave Speed") group:AddProperty("wfreq",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,10,2","Wave Frequency") group:AddProperty("bumpscale",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,10,2","Surface Bump") --group:AddProperty("camerarange",PROPERTY_VEC2,"","Camera range") --group:AddProperty("backgroundmode",PROPERTY_CHOICE,"None,Solid,Skybox","Background") --group:AddProperty("backgroundcolor",PROPERTY_COLOR,"","Background color") --group:AddProperty("skymaterial",PROPERTY_FILE,"Material Files (*.mat):mat","Skybox") --group:AddProperty("fogmode",PROPERTY_BOOL,"","Distance fog") --group:AddProperty("fogcolor",PROPERTY_COLOR,"1","Fog color") --group:AddProperty("fogrange",PROPERTY_VEC2,"","Fog range") --group:AddProperty("fogangle",PROPERTY_VEC2,"","Fog angle") --group:AddProperty("gravityforce",PROPERTY_VEC3,"","Gravity") --group:AddProperty("Saturation",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,2,1") --group:AddProperty("Brightness",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,2,1") --group:AddProperty("Contrast",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,2,1") --group:AddProperty("cullrange",PROPERTY_VEC3,"","Cull range") --group:Expand(1) end function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model = model object.wavescale =1 object.wlength = 0.75 object.wspeed = 0.025 object.wfreq= 1 object.bumpscale = 1 function object:SetKey(key,value) if key=="wavescale" then self.wavescale = tonumber(value) elseif key=="wlength" then self.wlength = tonumber(value) elseif key=="wspeed" then self.wspeed = tonumber(value) elseif key=="wfreq" then self.wfreq = tonumber(value) elseif key=="bumpscale" then self.bumpscale = tonumber(value) end end function object:GetKey(key,value) if key=='wavescale' then return tonumber(self.wavescale) elseif key=="wlength" then return tonumber(self.wlength) elseif key=="wspeed" then --Notify(tonumber(self.wspeed)) return tonumber(self.wspeed) elseif key=="wfreq" then return tonumber(self.wfreq) elseif key=="bumpscale" then --Notify(tonumber(self.bumpscale)) return tonumber(self.bumpscale) end end function object:UnlockKeys(model) self:Refresh() end function object:Init() --self:Refresh() end function object:Refresh() if fw~=nil then local mat=LoadMaterial("abstract::rock1.mat") local shader=GetMaterialShader(mat) SetShaderFloat(shader,"wscale",self.wavescale) SetShaderFloat(shader,"wlength",self.wlength) SetShaderFloat(shader,"wspeed",self.wspeed) SetShaderFloat(shader,"wfreq",self.wfreq) SetShaderFloat(shader,"bumpscale",0.1) object:SetKey( "wavescale", self.wavescale ) end end function object:needsUpdate() self:Refresh() end function object:Reset() self:Refresh() end function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end object:Init() end
  14. At Night with Mike Type23 luring in a pack I'll share it in the asset store (free), but I want to try to get some foam and shore foam, and maybe som refraction in first + about 30 tunable parameters in the lua dialog.
  15. Thanks, and I doubt objects will interact with waves unless SetBodyBuoyancyMode can read values from the GPU, there is no CPU work here, the CPU considers the ocean as a flat 128x128 vertex plane. Everything is done in GPU... So buoyancy needs to be scripted/programmed I think. Silent before the storm!!
  16. Weather is getting worse... dive dive ... lol
  17. You mean the existng one? You have to add a texture slot in the mat file and then blend it in the shader using GLSL. But I haven't tried a diffuse one, just an extra normalmap like this : normal += texture2D(texture7,modelvertex.xz*scale).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; (on both refraction and reflection normals)
  18. Hey Mike, can I borrow one of your pro subs ? Testing ocean using cubemap reflection mixed with a texture. Water from higher up.
  19. Thanks guys I got it working, cool, I can now control my shaders live instead of reloading all the time:) +5
  20. How to do this in the editor, I only get a crash when calling GetMaterialShader ? function object:Init() object:SetKey("material", "rock1.mat") material=self:GetKey("material", "rock1.mat") shader=GetMaterialShader(material) -- =====> Crashes EXCESS VIOLATION SetShaderFloat(shader,"wavescale",2) end
  21. Wondering about this myself, I think it will work using SetShaderFloat/Vec#, but I'm not sure how to use it correctly I tried SetShaderFloat from the editor but I don't know how to fetch current material (to get to the shader) in lua (if we even need to do this)
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