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  1. I added a camera to the scene and now I get a solid black screen that says "trial version" at the bottom. Although there is a directional light in the scene and a sphere is in the scene I just see a black screen now when I press Run or Debug.
  2. I haven't gotten to the FlowGraph part yet. I see what I described when I press Run in the Editor or when I set up a primitive and press Run. I installed and uninstalled the software several times and get the same thing.
  3. Trigger and Aggror: I googled and found that in Xcode I can go to Project > Scheme > Edit Scheme and change the Run to Debug or Release. I ran the file in Debug and then as a Release. Now when I click Run in LeadWerks I see a rapidly flickering screen with a white color and other colors.
  4. Yes Darkness Awaits runs for me; it ran out of the box and I did not have to compile it. I'm following Aggror's tutorial but I am on a MAC so the first time I tried to start my own project(s) I compiled using XCode since I only see XCode files in the Projects folder.
  5. Yes I tried that. I'm using the demo version. I tried to create primitives (spheres etc) and attach scripts and then press run but I get the same error every time. At this point I'm just trying to get the software to show something when I press run inside the Leadwerks window and I am having no luck.
  6. Hello. I am on a Mac. I am trying to follow the Flowgraph Editor tutorial made by Aggror. I get the following error when I create a box and press run: Failed to launch "/Applications/Leadwerks/Projects/Lesson/Lesson1.app" I built the project in Xcode but still get the error. Any suggestions how to fix this?
  7. Which engine would that be? Anyone know of any beginner LUA game programming book which has code that would also work in LeadWerks3?
  8. I'm looking for exactly the same thing. Beginner tutorials in Leadwerks using Lua and Flowgraph. And other Lua tutorials in Leadwerks in general. Preferably video format.
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