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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. facepalm moment - turns out I had stubbed the "isFormatSupported" function in the rendermanager with return true; so err yeah just ignore this tread, I'll chalk it up to sleep deprivation
  2. MyGUI uses it for colored text - suppose I'll have to find a way around that.
  3. Managed to write and build a shared lib to do just this before I remebered that the linux version cannot load it yet and I've no way of compiling it on windows... oh well later ^^
  4. It should be possible to create a lua lib that that can do the above for you [/size] require("libLua-cryptloader") cryptloader:LoadDir("Data/","password"); ofcourse you'd need to obfuscate the password a bit
  5. I've been usingLeadwerks::Texture::RGB and Leadwerks::Texture::RGBATo pass to Leadwerks::Texture::Create(_width,_height,LEformat) But I also need to create textures with one color channel and one Llumiance channel + alpha (GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8) - I've been using Leadwerks::Texture::Intensity16 for this which gets me the correct buffer size but when I bind the texture it just shows as black. So what should I use instead?
  6. Been wondering about that as well - I mean the kickstater alone generated 318 backers with indie or c++ licenses.
  7. Well V1 is not contained in mPlane so what did yiubexpect?
  8. The font is garbled, the linux version refuses to load lua libs so it's hardcoded and I've not even begun handling inputs yet - but my Leadwerks myGUI platform is finally rendering \o/ Not a terribly exciting screenshot, but after a week of staring at code and loosing sleep to casts and rogue pointers I'll take any visual gratification I can get
  9. Odd - the shared file ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Leadwerks/libsteam_api.so is indeed 32-bit but the one in the project dir is 64 bit - try linking against that There is also a 64bit version in ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Leadwerks/Library/Linux
  10. You are missing a linker search path - try creating a blank c++ project in LE:steam and diffing the codeblock project files.
  11. I think there is a perfectly fine forum already in place and don't see any reason to gut it.
  12. Guppy


    I added a zip file "test_archive.zip" to the root of my project containing a folder with a single (empty) xml file test/test.xml. The standard app code finds and loads it as a package, however I cannot seem to verify it's existence from leadwerk; Leadwerks::Directory* dir=Leadwerks::FileSystem::LoadDir("test"); Return null and [/size][size=4]Leadwerks::FileSystem::VirtualFileSystem is empty aswell What I'm trying to achive is listing the contents of a directory as leadwerks sees it ( incl vfs, etc )
  13. That is I believe by design as it's no longer valid for the current version of LE
  14. My point was ; not all methods are mapped to lua
  15. He wants a list of functions (methods really) from the headder files - how is that any different than "digging through the source"
  16. What would be the point? If you have the c++ version you have the header files, if you dont then you cant use them...
  17. Is there something like glutReshapeFunc for leadwerks? That is a call back that can be registed to be notified when the user resizes the window.
  18. bascially if you try to run a c++ project binary currently it will fail with "mygame: error while loading shared libraries: libsteam_api.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" now you can get around that by specifying LD_PATH=. mygame, but that is quite frankly ugly and inconvenient So please in Project -> Build options -> Linker settings -> Other linker options put -Wl,-rpath=\\$$$ORIGIN ( personally I use "-Wl,-rpath=\\$$$ORIGIN/sharedlibs/" to avoid causing clutter in the root dir but that's just me ) edit: swapped "." for \\$$$ORIGIN because as codeape pointed out you don't have to stand in the same directory to execute the file.
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