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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. What operating system? How did you delete it? (via steam's uninstall or just plain old hitting delete? ) Try opting into beta and see if that solves it
  2. Right-click on Leadwerks in your steam library and chose properties the last tab has a dropdown that lets you opt-in. After this it should update Leadwerks automagically.
  3. Leon if you uninstalled you need to opt back in to beta
  4. Isn't monodevelop for C# ( completely different thing ) <includedfile> vs "includefile" Are you sure your writing in C++ ?
  5. wouldn't a multiple choice poll have made more sense here?
  6. Randomly stumbled across a batch renamer for blender http://adaptivesamples.com/2013/09/07/batch-renamer/ and remebered this thread Here is a test blend file; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7B0hlkpWcYWcWl3ajNHbjdQb3M/edit?usp=sharing Layer 1 has the unbroken object Layer 2 has the broken object ( made a lot of space between to make sure the physics engine doesn't stick them together ) Layer 3 has the collision shapes ( renamed duplicate of layer 2 ) It occurs to me that the the shards and collision shapes must somehow be associated ( child ? ) and each shard should have a mass Can that be done in blender or does it have to be done in LE ?
  7. Not very cross platform and Notting you cant do with raw wapi32 ( GetActiveWindow(); )
  8. Unless the editor is written in some weird language that does not have GTK/QT wrappers, it would actually be a fairly minor change - only the view code changes the model & control layers would remain largely untouched by it. It shouldn't take a year to write that, having to learn GTK on top of rewriting the view layer might, hence I think it should be outsourced to somebody with experience. It's an annoying extra cost, but honestly the current UI ( under linux atleast - I've yet to try it on windows ) feel a bit like trying to do calligraphy with both hands tied behind your back and with somebody randomly coming by to give you a shove.
  9. A very big one - and properly one that needs to be outsourced; Rewrite the editor using standard elements from a stable crossplatform ui toolkit (GTK,Qt or wxWidgets ), this will get rid of many bugs and fustrations ( oh yeah that particular scroll pane cannot be mouse scrolled, scene tab will sometime stop drawing and just display the last tab, etc, etc, etc ) Many of those toolkits comes with a visual designer - GTK for instance has glade/gtkbuilder which abstracts the design down to an xml file, this file can then be edited independently of the functionality which in my book is pure win. With the rewrite there really needs to be support for custom plugins and widgets (w. the glade approach you could even make custom panels ), as well as support for scripting editor actions in lua. Oh and do consider using scintilla for the editor, no point in reinventing the wheel when a perfectly round one already exists and is ready to use.
  10. http://luatut.com/crash_course.html Very handy as you can test stuff without leaving the website thanks to the inline console ( hit ESC ) Once your down with that it's time to hit the docs http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation Because honestly you have to know at least some lua in order to create something at least vaguely interesting
  11. From what little I remember of german it would seem that you forgot to inform your linker where it can find the library files
  12. http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter16.html also about 400.000 hits on google for "Planet Atmosphere Shader"
  13. That is nice, however since this thread will likely show up in the search it would be nice if you posted the solution also
  14. It seems that your problem is that you have double verticies along your edges ( zooming in this also seems to cause gaps ) you should either merge them or store them and look it up. But I think It may just be easier to take a different approach all together to creating the sphere
  15. Select the pieces hit shift-D to duplicate them and then rename them manually.
  16. Any why would that be a problem?
  17. Have a look at this; https://icculus.org/theoraplay/ Theora migth not be the best format - but it's defintiviely better than 500mb for 6 sec of video and it's unencumbered by patents
  18. Blender has this, I have actually been meaning to try the two model approach for LE for some time now. This video shows the blender part.
  19. Sometime shortly after the kickstaret josh decided to change forum permissions rather than having to alter the group off all the kickstarters, so the "Developer" title is infact defunct.
  20. There is no fixed solution but for things like body type, etc I would use vertex animation ( going from obeses to skinny ) and just blend that in with the rest of the animations. But that only gets you so far - hairstyles, etc will require swapping out meshes.
  21. had to google "HDR video game" to see what if anything it meant in that context - turns out it still means high dynamic range, but works just oposite of what you expect from photography. But if that's really what you want you cold do that in a post processing shader - simply clip the highlights / shadows while maintinaing roughly kodaks 18% gray
  22. "[..] just $9.99 [..]" I've often wondered what happens there - steam "converts" between dollars and Euros simply by sign swapping, so what happens to the extra cash? Does Steam pocket the difference or do you make extra off euro customers ? ( 9.99€ is about 14 USD ) Not complaining - by now I've gotten used to the euro "discount" - just wondering who benefits
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humor
  24. The texture is missing - seems to be an absolute reference to "C:\Users\Fabio\Desktop\Polygonmaker\Fantasy Horde - Guards\Guards-Unity\Assets\Fantasy Horde_Guards\Textures\FH_guards_01.tga" Also there are no bones or animations - then again that could have been lost when importing to blender ( 2.7.1 RC ) Still I'm intrigued about these reusable animations, given the correct bone naming scheme we should be able to use them on any humanoid in LE, right?
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