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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. The forum titles no longer convey any special privileges - or so I'm told
  2. Sorry josh but that is the most stupid thing I've heard all day. Did modeling software companies stop innovating when blender became open source? Did office suites when star/open/libre-office did? Have the widespread availablity of opensource desktops in any way stifled innovation on the desktop marked? If anything having an opensource competitior forces people to think in new innovative ways if they want to attract paying customers.
  3. Your first screenshot shows that you have indeed not applied scale In object mode select the object and press CTRL+A that will pop up a menu asking what to apply - select "scale" Now the object is actually scale that way and you can export it Hope that's a more usefull explanation than my first
  4. I think your refering to morphing? I dont think thats built in but it shouldn't be too hard to do if the two models have the exact same number of vertices and they are arranged in the same manner
  5. Actually having custom shapes for control bones is more the rule than the exception. Imagine trying to animate this bird; if all the control bones were identical cones
  6. Generally speaking people keep their control bones on a seperate layer and the base shapes used to alter their appearens on another layer again which is hidden to avoid clutter. If the exporter only exported visible layers wouldn't this problem solve it self? Nb. I've not yet had time to test the exporter so the above may well be how it works
  7. I like the textures it has a very nice handpainted look, but the model looks very carved / man made. It may just be down to taste but I pefer it more natural looking ala; http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/68618 https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-bw_TbXgZnFE/UgBRhYA8acI/AAAAAAAADk4/j40KDS67-GA/s640/rock2.jpg or even better with a bunch of mismatched stones that do not fit together too well and are clearly held together with magic
  8. And then each of us ends up with sligthly different sized props depending on how hunched we belive the crawler to be. Honestly it doesn't have to be a model even of a box I'd be quite happy with WxHxD in blender units
  9. As I recall you have to delete the bones after generating the rig from the meta rig.
  10. A human scale reference in .blend format - could be as easy as importing the fps controller place holder into blender. It's really helpful when modeling to make sure you have consistent a scale that will just drop into leadwerks with no further scaling needs
  11. Guppy

    Art dump

    Another one, this time trying various tecniques for making bent pipes. It's just a generic dodad to liven up a scene - the model is meant to be sunk sligthly into the wall since it has no back face poly's There is no normal or spec maps, it needs it as it looks entirely too flat and shiny. 422 tris https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=wvFJ&id=0B7B0hlkpWcYWQUFtZXNYcmJyb00 License: LE0
  12. Guppy

    Art dump

    Some times I make asserts just to try something new that I've no intentions of using, how ever they may be of use to other people. In this case I wanted to try and see if I could retopo a cloth simulation I worked rather well I think and at a fairly modest poly budget; 1608 tri's ( 544 for the legs & 1064 for the table cloth ) The legs looks like absolute **** and will properly need to be re-done, the cloth is 1 sided - not sure it that will cause problems for leadwerks The zip file contains the .blend file, textures and gimp file ( .xcf ) https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=wvFJ&id=0B7B0hlkpWcYWQXFuaGY4ckcyYjQ (56MB due to gimp work file) License: LE0 ( do what every you want with it as long as it's leadwerks related )
  13. And while we are at it please do a real scale of the images instead of having us load 5 full resolution images to then view as thumbnails - the site is bad enough on a cell phone with out that.
  14. I have the display size set to 4 spaces, but in my files tabs are tabs - this allows every developer involved in the source to view it according to their own personal liking. But I take it that's what you meant?
  15. Guppy

    Blender Character Rig

    @YouGrove: It is plain a old IK rig they just changed the shape of some of the bones - you may have to bake the IK animation to FK before exporting, but there is no special magic involved
  16. Josh could you please search for "Collision" with optional ".####" (# being a number ) that way it will work in blender aswell
  17. Not to bad, but I think you will find it's a bit easier going using modifiers ( mirror, array in this case )
  18. I thought it was fairly obvious that it was in reference to the whole "singletons are bad" rant.
  19. "It's a poor carpenter that blames his tools" Sure using a hammer to fasten a screw gives undesirable results, but is that the fault of the hammer?
  20. Isn't that what the workshop if for?
  21. IK = inverse kinematics - bones are "automagically" rotated/moved based on rules & constraints you set up FK = Forward kinematics - each bone is manually rotated/moved The idea of baking IK to FK is that the engine may not understand the rules & constraints you set up in IK.
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