@gamecreater: is is that easy - if you start from a copyright protected work ( everything that doesn't explicitly state otherwise is automatically protected by copyright btw ) the your committing a copyright violation. Now you may be able to change it so much that it becomes impractical to prove, but your treading dangeours waters.
If you just look at a model and get inspired to created one that is virtually identical then that's plagiarism - which isn't in it self illegal even though most people frown upon it ( google "zynga plagiarism" ), do note however that this doesn't mean you can just plagerise and feel safe, because if your work of art can be shown to cause "brand confusion"1 ( see LEGO vs the "0937" bricks ). It doesn't even have to be very close copies to fall for the "brand confusion" eg. if you created a jump and run game featuring a plummer it wouldn't matter much if it was a AAA game featuring a plummer that was photo realistic you would still have to remove the game and pay nintendo damages ( should they choose to sue you ).
Hasbro is perhaps one of the most agressive companies in this regards - they have no problem suing the pants off indie devs making a nonproffit tribute to original pacman. ( Ironic as their "Kre-O" bricks are almost indistinguishable from LEGO bricks )
Well that got very long winded - exec. sumary / tldr; Don't base your assets off anything that isn't public domain or has a license that explicitly allows you to create derivative works ( eg. CC- style licences ).
1) I don't know the legal term in english - bascially it's to protect people from mooching off your customer goodwill