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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. only free if you already payed for windows and photoshop CS3+
  2. mmm... imagine hitting save and instantly seeing the changes in the editor . Only thing is that it would still need to convert the model when finishing the project iirc .blend files contains alot of "fluf"
  3. The "no royalties" bit we can agree on, I don't think the upfront bit is all that important tbh - especially if the product has a 1 year cycle
  4. Or just a proper bug tracker
  5. The Neosis topic lists the price excl. vat which I thought was odd, but maybe I misjudged how large/successful you lot are. So if you don't mind me prying please answer the attached poll ( votes aren't public ). The reason there are two "no" options is that at least here you can avoid having to deal with VAT unless your business has generates xxx revenue/year - till then your considered a "hobby business". Personally I'm very much at the hobby end of the spectra
  6. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1&search_term=GMF%20file%20format&search_app=forums
  7. "It's time to claim your reward!" The reward was for linux only, I take it windows/mac part will follow later? "Please use the username and password below" How do I attach it my my leadwerks account? Steam ? I think it's been covered but between my kid being sick and the ouya bomb, I'd like to have it repeated how do I add this to my steam account? (and do I need to - I think I could just pull/push workshop items though the indie version I got on steam?)
  8. He was wrong now he is admitting as much and attempting to rectify it, why are you haunting him? I mean even R2 has been known to make mistakes... from time to time... As a side note when I backed LE it was 50/50% wanting to attract talented indie developers to linux and creating child friendly games 3D for the OUYA in the comfort of linux. I decided to not ask for a refund because the first 50% still apply and I hope LE will be able to deliver. As for the second 50% I am hoping josh will allow us to discus/share experiences with each other about engines that actually do support android/OUYA, we could each do the research our selves but would very time consuming wading through the sea of offerings
  9. You could try "Insane Bump" dl: https://sites.google.com/site/ccdsurgeon/download Info: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?317041-Insane-Bump-2-0-overhauled-Crazy-bump-alternative
  10. The android forum is "protected" - kickstarter backers cant see it. At any rate it seems you were right - Josh decided to kill off android support
  11. In this case the 0 is important aswell ( previous version was 2.69 )
  12. *Super Ninja bump* Could we maybe pin this ?
  13. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7091-unofficial-leadwerks-3-faq/page__hl__faq
  14. Even if it didn't have it builtin packages have been auto installing dependencies for the past 17 years or so.
  15. @gamecreater: is is that easy - if you start from a copyright protected work ( everything that doesn't explicitly state otherwise is automatically protected by copyright btw ) the your committing a copyright violation. Now you may be able to change it so much that it becomes impractical to prove, but your treading dangeours waters. If you just look at a model and get inspired to created one that is virtually identical then that's plagiarism - which isn't in it self illegal even though most people frown upon it ( google "zynga plagiarism" ), do note however that this doesn't mean you can just plagerise and feel safe, because if your work of art can be shown to cause "brand confusion"1 ( see LEGO vs the "0937" bricks ). It doesn't even have to be very close copies to fall for the "brand confusion" eg. if you created a jump and run game featuring a plummer it wouldn't matter much if it was a AAA game featuring a plummer that was photo realistic you would still have to remove the game and pay nintendo damages ( should they choose to sue you ). Hasbro is perhaps one of the most agressive companies in this regards - they have no problem suing the pants off indie devs making a nonproffit tribute to original pacman. ( Ironic as their "Kre-O" bricks are almost indistinguishable from LEGO bricks ) Well that got very long winded - exec. sumary / tldr; Don't base your assets off anything that isn't public domain or has a license that explicitly allows you to create derivative works ( eg. CC- style licences ). 1) I don't know the legal term in english - bascially it's to protect people from mooching off your customer goodwill
  16. His "lets build" series is also quite good
  17. @Dude: If you steal a car an paint it red does that make it your car?
  18. I wrote hxxp because the link got swallowed guess that it doesn't like links to playlists ( there are 6 related videos )
  19. Spotted this on gamedev and figured it would be interesting to people here hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw6Vi-_hwy0&feature=share&list=PLW3Zl3wyJwWMpFSRpeMmSBGDShbkiV1Cq btw - how do you embed youtube videos/playlists on this forum? okay it even nixes urls oO
  20. Blender is at times downrigth counter intuitive so to get any work done you need to build muscle memory, start here and just repeat until your fingers start moving on their own when you want to do something. http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-courses/blender-basics-introduction-for-beginners/ after that knock your self out by googleing videos and/or visiting the store http://www.blender3d.org/e-shop/default_dvds.php One very good dvd that's sadly now sold out is the "Low Poly Character Training" from cgcookie.com - you may be able to find it used, but supposedly it's available to citizens members so a 1 month membership may be the better deal. ( and no I aint selling my copy, I still use it as reference from time to time )
  21. Perhaps a few words on why you chose Sculprtis (windows/mac only) over the alternatives ? I've never used anything except blenders built in sculpting mode - which after the introduction of dynamic topology is pure love, but I'm curious about the alternatives.
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