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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Maybe you have it the wrong way round? In that case every step when you multiply c by step you would have the bullet flying in the wrong direction. if that's not the issue I'm going to need some more details
  2. Untill they add eye tracking the occulus will be a novelty item
  3. Since the two positions can be thought og as vectors from origo: Normalize(A-B)*0.2
  4. For textures / 2D: http://www.gimp.org/ - While often compaired to photoshop, it is most decidedly NOT photoshop, but a great piece of software in it's own rigth http://krita.org/ - digital painting software ( if your going for that hand painted look ) http://mypaint.intilinux.com/ - digital painting software
  5. I have to agree with cassius - blender is down right hostile at times. how ever once you get the hang of it it's really quite great, and you have every thing you need in one single app. If your picking up blender for the first time then go through you will want to go through chapter 2&3 a coupe of times before doing anything else http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-courses/blender-basics-introduction-for-beginners/ ps: I just noticed my "l" button is broken so I had to manually copy&paste it in... sorry if I missed a few.
  6. Not really sure what you mean, blender has had curve support since atleast 2.4 http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.4/Manual/Modeling/Curves don't know about the 'and features 3d coat has' bit but you can bake normal maps with blender just fine It is free ( in every sence of the word ) you can choose to buy it (and so support the people making it, helping make it better) which also gets you support http://cgcookie.com/downloads/contours-retopology-tool/ But the plugin it self is freely available - source: https://github.com/CGCookie/script-bakery/tree/master/scripts/addons/contour_tools packaged: https://github.com/CGCookie/script-bakery/tree/master/release In that way it uses the same model as blender it self - the software is free, but you can chose to help it's development by sponsoring (or buying from their store).
  7. Not sure I tried aswell but even after applying it vertices that should have disappeared remained
  8. It's a bit more low level that that - I want to intercept the open/close/read file commands inside loadXXXX('.....'); as I'd rather not have to rewrite all the loading & importing functions
  9. Once the c++ version comes out would it be possible to use something like PhysicsFS in your game? Or rather is there currently a file system abstraction I can replace so I can make Leadwerks built in model/texture/sound loading use the virtual file system?
  10. Just about the only place I see tessellation having a place is as an "Improved bumpmap" - because it overcomes the traditional problem of bump/normal maping, namely that the edges of an object remains unchanged This allows for a much faster ( or lazier if you will ) art pipe line, eg for making a castle; vs The real nice part ( and what always has me day dreaming ) how ever is it's potential for creating static models ( buildings, etc ) on the fly procedurally using just basic geometric shapes... jum! For cases such as this it's perfectly adequate for "LOD", but due to it's linear nature it wont really work well with more complex or organic shapes - I ( or an artist ) can suggest a shape or form with far fewer polygons than you can with automatic tessellation, this is simply because it wont know what to focus on to get a recognizable silhouette1. 1) there are ways to improve it, for instance DMC uses quadratic error functions to isolate sharp features in complex meshes, this is how ever still not anywhere near real time. And of course not all sharp features are helpful in creating a recognizable silhouette. ((why doesn't the bullet list have indentation - makes i very hard to read ))
  11. Looking forward to seeing your one cube game
  12. Most likely the new vertex is offset based on a normal map or the like, meaning that your normal maps resolution is the effective limit of how much you can tessellate before doing so no longer adds detail. Either than or it interpolates the vertex normals or it's "parents" and used that for offset - but that would just make everything rounder regardless of design intent.
  13. This http://chipx86.github.io/gtkparasite/ styles it self as 'firebug for gtk' so it stands to reason that they found a way of doing it. Sourcecode: https://github.com/chipx86/gtkparasite/ (MIT license)
  14. I don't really see how you would use tessellation for a LOD system - it's not just about the amount of triangles but also where they are placed/how they are oriented. eg: a character viewed from 10m away could make do with a face made 100 polys or less the same character when viewed up close may have 1000s of polygons in the face to convey expressions and personality - tessellation would have no way of creating that detail
  15. It's been a while since I used windows but I seem to recall that there was a "speed dial" showing how hard the GFX card was working in the catalyst control panel ( might have been an XFX thing tho )
  16. "publish" Should mention OUYA, while it's "just" another android machine it differs by having a controller rather than touch based interface. Should be "3.1" ~ Here should properly be a mention of the (yet to be) made blender integration And finally a few words on upgrades as that seems to be a popular question
  17. This was pretty much what I had planed on - I had hoped to be able to pass a larger genome than 4 floats tho
  18. It's a bit strange tho that http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entityinstance-r173 is undocumented What exactly is the relationship between entity and instance - I mean I assume that :instance() returns a entity (because the command reference does not have a instance class) that is an instance of the entity ( as opposed to a full fledged copy ) - but what variables are instanced what is private/copied? - IE would calling :setColor(...) affect just the instance or all entities?
  19. It's a bit more complex than that as the idea involves a texture atlas, but that function would allow me to set up to 8 floats of information. Not crazy about it being floats but I suppose that can be worked with, thanks. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetcolor-r162
  20. Say I have a "orc" model from this model I wish to create 100 instances. In order to give the illusion of diversity these would be slightly differently scaled on x,y,z axis ( I believe this is possible with LE, correct me if I am wrong ) - but In order to further create diversion it would be nice if I could alter their hues slightly since the shader applies the texture it would need to know something about this model - namely it's state or DNA - is it possible to make this information available to the shader on a per instance basis? I suspect it is possible given that each instance already tracks it own animation state, but I'd like to know for sure.
  21. super usefull for any type of game, but please state license. ( I imagnie it's CC-BY )
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