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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. The double folder was an artifact of the android unpacking. The texture is just plain white to test - it's not finished yet, I wanted to test the normal map to make sure it looked proper in game. The other texture is an AO bake
  2. You have to turn on shadows in the material, I accidentally forgot to turn it back on before packing
  3. Here. Ironically I had to download the 7zip add-on to unpacknit on androids es explorer.
  4. Tar is a container file(Tape ARchive) I'm not near my computer for the next few hours I'll attempt to repack it on my phone
  5. It's a gzipped tar.. ? Winrar and WinZip should be able to extract it just fine. It contains the MDL.
  6. The blend file would be a problem as it's ~70mb currently, the .mdl and textures are attached I've turned off shadows in the material and the blinds disappeared so it's not z-figthing
  7. At first I thougth it was z figthing but after confirming in blender that I have no overlapping faces ( I've a couple that intersects but not at any of the problem areas ) I attached the default light to the player on a hunch and sure enough - it's the shadows. Since it looks very much like sheite I'd like to know if I can somehow fix it You'd normally not get that close to the mesh but it's very noticeable from a distance as you get very brigth blinds in the shadow areas as you viewing angle changes ps. why does the forum sensor "c.r.a.p" ( sans punctuation ) ?
  8. *shrug* I could only ever make it work by linking to the specific files included inside the leadworks dir
  9. There was source code for a theora (ogg vorbis) decoder floating around the forum a while back edit: found it; http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10460-letheora-by-niosop/page__hl__theora
  10. Should the aim not be to use the stable driver? For Ubuntu in particular installing beta drivers is an excellent way to make sure your system breaks on the next desktop update
  11. Not sure why one would fault GTK for being asynchronous - aren't all modern GUI API's multithreaded/event driven these days? Also setting a input and then immediately reading it is not a use case that would ever happen, and goes against the intended use because you'd spend a lot of time in idle wait polling a input box instead of simply subscribing to the event ( changed signal in gtk speak ). The simple truth is that any unfamiliar API is going to seem idiotic until you become familiar enough with it to use if comfortable - for instance I still curse every time I come across the Leadwerks input API. My solution here has been to do a hacky api wrapper to make it behave event style - this predictably is horribly unstable because I'm using it in an unintended way.
  12. You have to link against the Lua included with Leadwerks
  13. Both are fine editors but I find the reason you chose one over the other a bit whimsical - your prerogative of course But in gimp Window -> single window mode And depending on what you mean with the seamless texture gimp has auto seamless ( only really work with textures with no real pattern to them ) and offset x,y for manually making your textures seamless
  14. Blender went this route, but they have a paid team and (contrary to the kickstarter page's promise of " our team has a lot of experience with multi-platform development" ) Leadwerks does not. I've before suggested that He hire an experienced consultant to code the UI in GTK+ (or Qt, wx, etc ) a complete recode is not necessary - between glade and gtkbuilder a reworked UI should be done in no time flat and the consultant could focus on helping josh tie in the code bits that responds to the evens ( showing images/opengl contexts/altering states, etc ). ofcourse this rests on the silly notion that the editor components is written in C, C++, python or one of the myriad languages that actually have gtkbuilder bindings.
  15. Gimp and krita are free alternatives to Photoshop for the work you would need to do for textures
  16. Guppy

    Droid planet

    I can understand wanting paint to make it look better.. But would a robotic civilisation really care about estetics? And if so would they so closely resemble our own? Just some thing to ponder
  17. Mint is Ubuntu with a different desktop environment - everything else is the same (quite literaly they start with ubuntu 14.04, remove unity and add in a non retarded desktop ). However if you report a bug and it's no ubuntu 14.04 it gets rejected
  18. For blender you most likely need to apply transforms in object mode.
  19. You have ofcourse applied the animation shader in le?
  20. There is no (longer) support for any mobil platform, so that seems very unlikely
  21. Aww come on! the slideshow thing is part of the nostalgia;
  22. The title "Lockdown (Escape Plan)" has a few problems Love the Eye of the beholder style movement tho
  23. once registered you can find the forums here http://redmine.code-i.de/projects/le-community-project-3/boards/
  24. It is, or is there something wrong with the map loading class Josh posted? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10139-leadwerks-map-class/page__hl__map
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