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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Would be good to add support for regulare controllers aswell tho the ps3/ouya/xbox ones are more widespread and being able to use those aswell would be a huge plus for the game / engine
  2. That's not really engine specific tho
  3. Fixed the link - though I dont see anywhere it actually lists opengl capabilities, so I guess we are to figure that out our selves based on the gfx card list
  4. http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/QuickStart It may seem a little overwhelming at start but it's really worth it, the main advantage of mercurial is that it's a distributed system. So each developer has their local code under revision control aswell, and the version db is stored with the code - so if you take a copy of the code you get complete version history aswell ( making backups quite a bit easier )
  5. Not only that but you can host it your self on a nas or other lowpower device ( think raspberry pi, beaglebone black, etv)
  6. Just a mass larger than the player, no? ( that way you can still knock over the fence with a truck or explosion if so desired)
  7. You have ofcourse the latest catalyst drivers installed?
  8. It's certainly worth bringing up for when Josh reaches the 'Integration with blender' goal
  9. http://vimeo.com/84168438 goes "VimeUhOh could not find that page", still uploading?
  10. Check the bone rotation of the fingers
  11. Looking at the 2nd sketch I kind of expected his lower body to be an arachnid - mostly because that would be super creepy xD
  12. http://cgcookie.com/blender/2011/01/21/intro_uvmapping/
  13. you mean like object picking? http://antongerdelan.net/opengl/raycasting.html I would have though it built in but I cant find anything when searching for it on the site
  14. Yeah - any post processing could be done by the objects shader.
  15. While the virtual file system / container is trivial to write I'm not entirely certain you can do this in the indie version your self - for one thing you would need to overload/intercept ( or what ever the lua term is) every instance where LE tried to load something off this disc, and I'm fairly certain that isn't exposed to you.
  16. It's an integrated graphics card - people tend to slap a dedicated one in either because of output options or speed. The quick fix would be to disable the intel gfx card in bios (if it lets you) the downside to that is you cannot use it to offload calculation on ( opencl, etc )
  17. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Leadwerks_2_tutorials/_/programming/raknet-in-leadwerks-tutorial-r80 IIRC Raknet is free if you make less than 100k USD from games
  18. RTT / multiple cameras - to get the security camera effect, or portals for that matter
  19. I don't see that anywhere tbh - if your refering to "No original digital media file or files or segment or component thereof may be published, sold, distributed, transferred, marketed, or further licensed. This includes any publication of such files in a format which may lend itself to resale, export or distribution for further use." Then stuffing the model into any sort of virtual filesystem and or adding a custom header would qualify - the problem is that "lend itself" is a vague non legal term and since your not the one who written the contract any interpretation favors you.
  20. http://www.blendswap.com/blends - 10.000+ free models ( license vary, but you can filter by license - and honestly even CC-BY can be used in commercial games. Not all models are game friendly so watch out for that) http://opengameart.org/ - this one is a mine field in so far as licenses go so you really need to keep an eye out
  21. That explains a bit - every human size character created in max that I import into blender comes out at ~40m tall - which needless to say gives a bit of issues with clipping . 1.9 inches => x2.52 cmd = 4.788cm 190cm / 4.788cm gives roughly a scale factor of 40
  22. This one is for C but seems a little more clear cut that the example on lua-users http://blog.acamara.es/2012/08/22/creating-a-lua-5-2-dynamic-link-library-of-c-functions/
  23. err what? it's just a shader running in webgl - slap it on an appropriately sized quad that's facing the camera and hey presto. to add dynamic light modify the shader to to also average the colors and add a point light at the center in that color - timing the intensity of the color to the animation. I don't really know how physics work in LE yet but the way I would to it would be to create a bounding/collision sphere and that "grows" each step of the animation and apply force to objects that collide with the sphere based on their distance to the center of the sphere. That way objects gets blown away at different rates depending on their mass NB: I'm very new to LE, this is just how I would solve the problem in a homegrown engine - you may not be able to do it in LE but I rather think you can.
  24. not sure about the physics but this looks pretty awsome: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XdfGz8
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