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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. To cleanse my artistic palate so to speak I figured I'd do something very much different and start recording placeholder audio - but what kind of NPC/player sounds would be "universally" useful? Here is what I have in the way of "dialogue" Yes No Affirmative! I can not do that I can not do that yet I do not have enough energy I need more resources Nope Never gonna happen Locked Still Locked This is a restricted area, please move along. + Various getting hurt/hit sounds
  2. I wrote that I turn it off - because I think such a feature neds to come with The ability to turn it off. Even The current one is anoying
  3. And how pray tell are we supposed to discuss this if we are not allowed to draw on our experience with other software that uses the EXACT same thing?
  4. It's the first thing I turn off in blender - but then I have hot keys for it there
  5. Guppy

    Next Steps

    I think you read that backwards yougrove
  6. Been spying this one http://www.msi.com/product/vga/N760_TF_2GD5OC.html goes for about 230 EUR locally which isn't that bad. But I'll properly hold off for a while, I don't yet feel the cards age in every day use. Thanks for the chart gamecreator that was really helpful.
  7. I'll run some tests tonight to see if I can confirm, thanks.
  8. Rigth - geodns says US Mountain View, California, United States, North America 94043 37.4192, -122.0574 Google Google google.com 807 So yep one of googles outgoing servers has gotten itself blocked for spamming - you might want to tell them about these two lines "550-"JunkMail rejected - mail-la0-f46.google.com []:36489 is in an 550 RBL, see Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?" " And of course it works for other people - only people using spamcop ( and similar solutions using the same RBL lists ) will be affected. you are aparently not alone in the problem: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/gmail/4J2-am8ud1w
  9. Thanks, meanwhile here is a video of it to show I'm not hallucinating First part - run mode, the lag isn't so noticeable in the video - it just looks like I stopped for a bit at the end, the last light show it quite well tho. 2nd part - debug mode, very fluid all the way. If there is some sort of debug I can turn on that will help you figure this out do let me know.
  10. Use either hotmail or gmail - I believe both can be setup to use your pop3 while still sending from their servers. But you should really get a hold of you ISP and have them fix their problem
  11. When I wore a younger man's cloths I apparently had all the time in the world and kept abreast of what's what in the graphics cards world. Today fell very much lost when looking at the offerings they only real players still seem to be Nvidia and ATI ( now eaten by AMD ) - but the names and numbers could could be random hieroglyphs for all the sense they make seem to have little to no bearing on the actual performance of the card. My current card is a XFX black HD 6850 that ended up being so noisy I had to replace the cooling assembly my self, while it resulted in a quiet card it's was a nerve wrecking experience I've no intention of ever repeating. If I were to replace that card what is recommended ( silent, is very important to me ), and is it even worth it yet? ( my card isn't really featured in comparison charts anymore, which is usually a bad sign ) I realize that the last part is somewhat subjective, I no longer have time to fiddle all day with my computer for a few % more performance - so to me "worth it" needs a massive performance increase.
  12. Code::blocks ( the official LE choice I think ), Anjuta, Kdevelop, eclipse... really 5 seconds googling for "Linux IDE C++" should have you drowning in options
  13. Ogre3D does something like that, the general consensus is that in theory it's a good idea, but in practice is is horrible for performance. http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=75131&sid=85e176a1b22a0d0649a63766d2dc7cfc I hope it's ok to link there as ogre3d is not a competitor (it's a opensource rendering engine, not a game engine )
  14. Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 21: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xED 0x70 0x65 0x73 in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/ccs/sources/pages.php(441) : eval()'d code on line 15288 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: <title>Playing with p�pes </title> in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/ccs/sources/pages.php(441) : eval()'d code on line 15288 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/ccs/sources/pages.php(441) : eval()'d code on line 15288
  15. That's the current shop prices and while it's a good bit more on topic than I am I was referring to the kickstarter rewards, where the $100 (linux only) reward is now seemingly identical to the $200(all platforms) one - due to the fact that the strech goal "android +OUYA for everyone" was replaced with "steamOS for everyone". Which would seem to require that everyone get the steam version ( wich is all platforms ). This is all based on me knitting together available facts, and so I might have gotten it wrong - but an official reply would still be nice
  16. Indeed. Also sorry for hijacking the topic
  17. There is currently a 10% discount via steam on the DLC tho
  18. yep that's according to the KS reward list - but between swapping Android for steam and the steam versions being multi os per default it would seem there is no difference. (Steam's creed is "buy once play anywhere", ie if you buy it for one platform you've got it on all platforms )
  19. I was under the impression that the linux and windows (and mac for that matter) versions required separate licenses? Otherwise what exactly is the difference between the $200 and the $100 KS reward?
  20. Guess that's a "Developer" group privilege then
  21. Don't think it matters all that much tbh, more interestingly how are you able to delete your posts?
  22. RBL is Reverse Block List, bascially YOU (or your mailgateway) have been listed as a spammer. go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ and check if it tells you your IP is - if it is you need to clean your computer of virus and rootkits and then follow the instructions on the last link. If it's not you need to call your mail provider and tell them they are a bunch of flipping idiots and that they need to get their **** to get their **** together - you may want to use words with a slightly higher diplomacy index.
  23. On my cell phone so I vant quite read it due to formatting, but this could properly be adapted to worknwith leadworks shader system :http://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/GLSL_Programming/Unity/Translucent_Bodies#Complete_Shader_Code
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