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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. And i take it the editor does not support plugins?
  2. While waiting for the linux version I'm brushing up on my somewhat rusty c++ skills and learning openCL - the end goal would be to implement a procedural terrain generator that will emit meshes via dual marching cubes. I think it would be possible to add the terrain to Leadwerks 3.1's pipe line by wrapping the VBO's in a class that inherits from "entity" - but the question is would this show up in the editor? ( still a bit unclear on just how the editor interacts with the game executable )
  3. Well serves me right for using different emails depending on the level of trust I place in the service. Suppose by the time the linux version drops we will have been told officially how to link a forum account to our kickstarter acc.
  4. I see your now listed as a "backer" rather than member - how did you swing that? (also a "pro" level KS backer)
  5. My question was more about the forum access that comes from holding a license - or do you mean to split the steam developer discussion off to forums on steam it self?
  6. Will those of us who received a steam key as part of the kickstarter have "Leadwerks 3.1: Indie Edition for Windows" added to our client area? Having recently removed windows from the of the house hold computers that had this "infection" I'll have to wait (im-)patiently for the linux release, but I'd still like to be able to see the rest of forums soon
  7. That would be an add? you can add .wd-adunit { display:none; } to your user style sheet if you dont want to see it - or use add block
  8. err.. then why would you want it? The point of the steam version is that it's integrated with steam workshop and what not isn't it?
  9. Out of curiosity will kickstarters "own" the Android mobile addon or hos will that work?
  10. I think it's a tutorial level not the engine demo tbh.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-order (choose your language in the menu) Note, I'm not being condescending - you just seem to struggle with the English language so I figured that a definition in your own migth help you understand what you just bought.
  12. I'm currious, water as in oceans or fluid simulation?
  13. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1937035674/leadwerks-build-linux-games-on-linux/comments?cursor=3893676#comment-3893675 Ofc that statement is subject to interpretation, I personally take it to mean that the gui designer will almost certainly come during 3.1's lifetime
  14. http://repo.steampowered.com/download/ Only works with nividia at this time. The steam-runtime environment should let any distro act as a steambox and seems like a much more appealing alternative - for developers at least: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-runtime
  15. Google marching cubes - it's an old naive approach but for minecraft style landscapes it's perfect. ( just Need to alter the look up tables to squares )
  16. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamuniverse#announcements/detail/1930088300965516570 Still in two minds about weather to get it or not - I run Linux Mint ( basically Ubuntu with a desktop that doesn't get in your way ) on all my own systems so I'm not convinced there is any gain. Hopefully they will have a liveCD/USB What about you - are you going to take this opertunity to try linux now, or stay with the familiare comfort of Windows / Mac OS ?
  17. While I agree with in principle that user modifiable content is a bonus for any game, there are some aspects that the user should not be able to modify since it would ruin competitive game play (mostly applies to multiplayer).
  18. Your basic premise is flawed ( as many companies have discovered, and decided to ignore ) - You want your end user to not be able to view the data[1] but be able to view the data[2]. In order to achive [2] you automatically open up for [1] - why? Well in order to decrypt your data for you application to present it your application needs the key - that means that your user have access to the key. And yes this may be out of scope of the average user, but though the magic of the internet all it takes is one user who can figure it out. if your worried about file altering being used for cheating, you could simply use the "streaming update" trick - basically you roll out updates on per file / data chunk basis form minor updates. This requires you to check the files /data chunks and submit their check sum to the server to see if an update is available. Anyone who has a bad checksum ( ie one that matches no version ) gets marked in the black list table. Every few weeks you go through the black list table and do a "ban wave" for breaking the EULA. The reason you wait a few weeks is to make sure you catch all offenders. Do note that this will be defeated in time as well (when people realize why they get banned) by intercepting your check sum calls and returning "proper" values - The trick to counter this is to update the exec to alter the offset often enough that it becomes too annoying for the cheat/bot author to keep publishing. But even this is a loosing battle ( just ask blizzard ) - the more people playing your game the more likely one of them will be more clever than you and beat you at the cheat anti-cheat battle. At this point you need to tell your lawyer to "go get them", see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDY_Industries,_LLC_v._Blizzard_Entertainment,_Inc. The idea here being to hit the so hard nobody want's to risk it again
  19. I don't see how that would prevent spam - I mean I am allowed to post But I'll take your word for it
  20. Why is it that non "developers" cannot edit our profile? I realize it will properly change once I get my kickstarter reward and the account gets upgraded, it just seems a tad silly.
  21. As much as possible I would like for the editor to use system icon - by name rather than hard coded paths. The reason for this is that this would make the editor follow the system theme (gtk theme for windows/osx users I suppose) - so it doesn't end up with a different icon size than the rest of your desktop ( or gtk apps for windows/osx users )
  22. This belongs in off-topic I think but I cant start a topic there :| Anyway Triune is having a sale today on their gun SFX packs ( -50% ) http://triune-store.myshopify.com/collections/sound-effects In case you dont watch Filmriot here is the episode they did on the recording There is also a $5 indie pack http://triune-store.myshopify.com/collections/sound-effects/products/indie-gun-sfx-bundle Bit more limited selection - still it's very cheap for 3 different types of guns Note: I am in no way associated with Triune films - When they mentioned the discount I just thought of you guys.
  23. Does this include OUYA support and Blender integration? or do Those stretch goals have a different release date?
  24. And you base this on? From personal experience ( using linux for some 15 years now ) I've never had an issue with either nvidia or amd on linux - unless you count their drivers being binary only
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