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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Thanks for the swift replies @tournamentdan There wouldn't really be any waste polygons as anything that is fully hidden would be removed during modeling @Josh Great, that will make things a bit easier - and 'collapse to single object' sounds like something the blender integration could do automatically
  2. With regards to modeling assert what is faster for the leadwerks engine - multiple meshes or a continous mesh ( with sligthly higher poly count ) ? A highly simplified example would be a "T" asset it could be moddled either as two separate "beams" or as 4 "connected boxes" Normally I'd not even consider the separate meshes a viable option constantly thinking "this need to be able to be unwound into gl_triangle_strip's but after watching (it's very long video relevant part is around 12 minutes in ) he basically builds a wooden bookcase type thing out of individual boards which is admittedly very fast - but every fiber of my being is screaming for a retopo. So which is it? ( kinda hoping it's just my dated knowledge of opengl showing and that the difference if any is neglible ) ps. I realize he is using a different engine and all, but the question is still relevant I think
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