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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Intrested parties should really sign up on the LCP3 site and use the forums there, or you will miss out on the design phase - there are currently only 4 of us there. So if you want to influcence the story and/or art direction now is the time to speak up
  2. Guppy

    Bug fix update

    Completely off topic - but why are you tagging all your blogs with Android and iOS ?
  3. Is there also a way to export them, or it's a moot point.
  4. Sligthly more expensive, but worth every penny http://www.solid-run.com/product/cubox-i4pro/ They also have other "lighter" models If you plan on musing a corded mouse you may want to tape down the cord near the box or you will move it around during vigorous mouse usage
  5. The problem with that approach is that the enemy will only attempt shooting from points along the path to you, concider; ...............(You) _____|B|___________ /////|R|/////////// /////|I|/////////// /////|D|//(Water)// /////|G|/////////// -----|E|----------- ................... ................... ..............(Monster) In this case the monster will attempt move over the bridge (because that's the path to you) even though moving to the river side would put him in range to shoot. - and if you do not have a ranged weapon this would be a great advantage to him. It is ofcourse far the easier approach
  6. you would properly be shocked to realize just how similar to modeling what you did with those CSG blocks is.
  7. OpenGL ES - is the mobile subset of opengl, support for mobile was dropped in leadwerks
  8. Fairly sure they are still using the same crappy video core which only supports OpenGL ES 2.0
  9. Just out of curiosity why isn't adjacent BSP collapsed into a model at runtime? ( I actually thought they were ) I mean even if something like dual contouring surface reconstruction is of of scope, wouldn't simply fusing vertices within tolerance X and stuffing it into one batch/model help loads with performance? I relalize that there would be a lot of polygons that would never be visible but the overall poly count is still fairly low in the csg house
  10. Also it would properly be wise to have a CLA, it could as complicated as https://www.clahub.com/ or as simple as stating that any participants must agree that their work be placed under the projects license agreement ( CC-0 ? )
  11. Just a side note; as this is supposed to be a learning experience I'd like to contribute with something outside of my comfort zone preferably modeling
  12. licensed as DWTFYW, nice. Might make for some nice night time reading
  13. Guppy

    Water Update [beta]

    @marchingcubes that may be the very same error I got - I just assumed it was due to the update and deleted leadwerks.cfg every time.
  14. Think "golden axe" It's bascially a endless supply of enemies and a few limited moves ( unlike fighting games with all their combos and what not ) It would be super cool to make it rogue like - bit I think that would be outside of the scope
  15. ISO metric brawler, casual and different enough that something usefull will come from it ( isometric/fix angle 3rd person controller )
  16. Added it to my watch later queue, but just from skimming through it I would highly advice you to turn on screencast keys
  17. "Run through leadwerks" does this mean debug (the bug icon) or release (the play icon) ?
  18. completely offtopic: you can jump directly to the time code by adding &t=#m#s to the url ( editied your links to show )
  19. the transition between between water and land just shows a plane diving the screen ( not your fault I know ), but perhaps you can hide it with splash decal or by applying the wobble shader a little before? About it being green lit - stranger things have happened, hell add in some child friendly elements where you have to collect X (random) beams with clear visual and auditory showing how many to collect and how many is left. ala "You have placed 2 of the 3 beams. you need 1 more beam" The more I think of it the more I'm sure my son would love to play it - let me know if you need help with danish translations/voice
  20. you can from C++, but unless josh has exposed a function for it the the embedded lua doesn't support it. ( stand alone lua calls debug.backtrace iirc )
  21. Link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7B0hlkpWcYWdUV2cFRMN2lkRlE&authuser=0
  22. Not sure if a map or project will help - any time the water plane is not completely culled in release mode everything that is not water turns black - unless I show FPS (F11), debug mode works just fine.
  23. Yes like that, and often even more pronounced
  24. While that looks lovely real ice looks noting like that - it is in fact a very uneven surface with lots of scattering
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