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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Just do a quick blur - water reflections aren't meant to be razer sharp anyway
  2. looks pretty dam(n) awsome
  3. Thanks Olby! Sadly it didn't work so well
  4. Cant for the life of me figure out how to add the water to a project - have a water shader and a whole pile of water normal maps.
  5. if you have a test map I can test it with AMD on Linux
  6. I use std::list<Camera*>::const_iterator camIter = world->cameras.begin(); while(camIter != world->cameras.end() ){ if ( (*camIter)->GetClassName() == "Camera" ){ camera=(*camIter); } camIter++; } if ( camera == NULL ) { // if the map did not provide a camera we create our own camera = Camera::Create(); camera->Move(0,2,-5); } In place of the create camera code in App.cpp ( after loading the map ). That last camera seems to be the one used, how ever there is no guarantee for this.
  7. Also every lightsource is a camera
  8. If you have an extra camera in the scene graph try to delete that - I know that has tripped me up
  9. Well it's beta, so some bugs are to be expected - they wont get fixed either unless they get reported. **Hint** As far as I can tell there are only me and DerRidda reporting bugs for linux (the rest of the linux users are either shy or not using ubuntu LTS ), and this is quite frankly this is an area I've not yet used.
  10. Guppy


    My first thought when I read this was to make multi level fountain model with the water effect, like this But if I read this update correct that will not be possible? Or can we attach the shader/effect to custom planes?
  11. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10016-mapping-standards/ is about as close as you get I would recomend modeling a meter stick and using that to figure out the conversion ratio
  12. Google "mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1700' doesn't match value '1800'" yields 1000+ results the first of wich is; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12398809/c-boost-filesystem-mismatch-detected-for-msc-ver-value-1700-doesnt The answer distills down to; "The library your attempting to link is compiled with a different version of Microsoft Visual C++ and thus cannot be used." Solution: Get the library compiled for the MSVC your using or compile it manually
  13. Sound like your asking for streaming terrain/maps - which wont really work with the current leadwerks map format I think ( you'd have to chunk up the map + model loading )
  14. If you bake your cycles materials/node setup then there is no difference to the blender internal
  15. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/world/worldupdate-r503 " World::Update This function updates a world. Physics, particle emitters, navigation, and various other tasks will be updated. This function should be called once in the App::Loop() function. " so yeah navigation (, particles and "various other tasks") IS dependent on physics as it stands, unless you've some secret 'turn off physics' function up your sleve
  16. Guppy

    Vision cone

    I realize that the radius is used for the bounding box, but given that it also limits the height/length of the cone. The function is named "GetEntityNeighborsViewCone" not "GetEntityNeighborsPieSlice" so I just figured giving it parameters describing the cone would make sence Optional parameters goes last as otherwise you cannot skip them ( tho maybe you can with lua ) My comment about concurrency does not imply having to rewrite it threadded, but rather than you can safe guard against changing circumstances such as for instance physics becoming multithreaded ( in that case if you checked the vision cone from a collision trigger the results would be unpredictable ) At any rate I did not mean to offend, you did how ever ask for optimizations - which I took to mean general feed back.
  17. You could stop calling world->update(), but then you will have to handle particles and navigation your self also, which I think with switching physic engine you would have to any way ( particle coliding with terrain, dynamic changes to nav mesh due to physics )..
  18. Guppy

    Vision cone

    Nice function, a little critique wrt the main function "GetEntityNeighborsViewCone(entity, raduis, scriptOnly, angle)" assuming that "angle" is the apex angle ( it the angle of the pointy bit of the cone ) and that "raduis" is not the radius of the cone but rather the radius of the circle of interest (ie the height of the cone) Might I suggest that it be changed to "GetEntityNeighborsViewCone(entity, angle, height, scriptOnly)" To keep the optional parameter at the end where it belongs and also keep the cone definition together. For "WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallback" a cleaner solution would be to pass the global parameters as a table ( tables in lua are passed by reference always so changes to it will be reflected in the variable of the calling function ) using the "extra" field like so local extraParameters={ table={}, entity=entity, scriptOnly=scriptOnly } It just removes an error source in case you start using it for both players and mobs ( concurrency, interrupts, etc )
  19. This may be usefull towards that end; http://kayru.org/articles/dssdo/
  20. Skulle vi ikke bare blive enige om at det er letter for alle parter om vi alle tog og snakkede et fælles fremmedsprog - f.eks. engelsk når det nu er det sprog som spil motorens udvikler taler?
  21. As already pointed You dont really want to pass those as getCurrent work in both cases, also passing anything other than simple types is error prone. Window:GetCurrent() http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowgetcurrent-r628 Context:GetCurrent() http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextgetcurrent-r632 The bitbucket link has examples of passing data in both directions as well as calling lua functions from C++ and vice versa, but as I said it will require some digging as it's a more or less complete gui
  22. What would you like to know? Here is an example of pushing data from C++ to lua; http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/138/entry-1288-pushing-complex-lua-tables-from-c/ If your up to digging through C++ code there is some examples of going in both directions here https://bitbucket.org/guppy42/cppandluatest (be ware this project is semi-retired) Finally the c++ source code for the lua version is in the source folder of any lua project you create - you can take that and replace your app.h/c++ of your c++ project and it will work exactly like the lua project - except for any changes you make
  23. also http://www.rjek.com/arcfour.lua.txt
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