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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. @tjheldna - not currently, but I believe there is that we've by now demonstrated a need to somehow mark files as needed. Preferable a non lua file you can add files/directories to in plain text format
  2. are comments scanned aswell? Or can we mark directories/files as 'always include' ? For instance my gui has all the textures it uses in it's xml files, so it would be good to be able to say always include "gui/*"
  3. a few things to help you debug; Did you infact start a new C++ project? Are you editing the correct map? ( just opening a new project in the editor wont change the map for reasons unkown ) Are you using the FPS prefab? ( in this case you need to remove the camera in the C++ code or it wont work ) Have you compiled BOTH the debug and release version of the source? As for the map needing to be called start.map - look for theese line in the App.cpp file; std::string mapname = System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map"); Map::Load(mapname);
  4. Guppy

    Droid planet

    For your own sanity you may wish to redo the leg / foot rig to something a little more animation friendly; here is a easy to follow tutorial;
  5. Blenders fbx exporter is somewhat limited
  6. http://www.lua.org/pil/11.1.html
  7. You would be supprised; https://www.google.dk/search?q=multi+monitor+gaming&oq=mu%C3%A6ti+monitor+gaming&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.8277j0j4&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&espv=1&ie=UTF-8
  8. The STD version is a dlc to the indie version usually dlc gets installed automatically, you may want to see if steam has an option to download the dlc ( not at the computer ATM)
  9. Putting it another way if you own STD version then you cannot install the indie version
  10. That would indicate that it is installed- try launching it and create a new project?
  11. Wow that looks amazing. And because purely positive feed back is useless here are a few nitpicks: 1) The lighting on the model doesn't do it justice it is for instance impossible to see any detail on the neck. Here is a tip from photography - since rending a showcase model is pretty much the same thing http://mrstromain.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/3-point_setup.gif 2) shine (specularity?) map the leather bits ( small bags, shoes ) it seems unlikely that a guy that scruffy takes the time to do a mirror polish on his boots and belt bags every morning The bagpack looks a but like plasic, again dampening the shine will help. The shine on the hair makes it look waxy, if he is to be used for 3rd person this will become very anoying after a while. The face colour seems a little bland you might want to add a tiny smidge of shine here ( just dont overdo it or he will end up looking greasy ) Over all I'm extremely impressed - I've seen people who sell their models who didn't look half this good.
  12. Anything you draw after world->Render() will be drawn ontop of the world - so an alternative approach would be to use the RTT( render to texture ) tutorial and and render the character as a transparent sprite ontop.
  13. Fairly strange question but sure you can put letters in your game - you just need the proper models like for instance; http://letter.turbosquid.com/ Multiplayer - you can but will need the standard ( c++ ) version, from here you can add any network/multiplayer library like RakNet. "play game at local so someone can play" No idea what your asking
  14. Guppy

    update code

    Google for "visual studio project header search paths" leads to this answer; in the Visual Studio C++ Include directories under Tools | Options | Projects and Solutions | VC++ Directories I am however unable to verify the solution as I have no windows machines at my disposal
  15. Computers are more comfortable with things being power of two because you can optimized that quite heavily. or to put it another way stick to resolutions where x & y are one of 128,256,512,1024,2048,4096
  16. Was just made aware that the wiki was private - that is now fixed.
  17. I've looked before - there isn't one. While there are ways to enumerate over files in a directory this does not include the virtual file system overlay.
  18. While he may indeed be stretching his neck the shirt position is just wrong here is a comparison with the first google image hit for "shirt, tie & jacket"; I mean sure, being dead and all you migth let your self go and loosen the tie a bit - rip the shirt etc, but there is just no way that the collar would be able to slip below the collarbone. Infact it's even below the fishmouth ( the notch in the lapel - not sure what it's called in english ) which would never happen
  19. just saw a video was released with the up comming zomebie pack, and the zomebie with the tie was still not fixed as I noted here; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=346895224 A shirt & tie won't sit that low on the chest even if your dead, do fix it as it looks quite second rate tbh.
  20. Guppy

    CRY *WIP*

    Surely one topic is enough?
  21. Not sure, this might be it http://mygui.info/docs/class_my_g_u_i_1_1_multi_list_box.html Try the layout designer, if it's a predefined widget it will be there if not I'll add it to the to-do list -need to do an example for how to do custom widgets anyway
  22. Seems to be a lot of interest in this, but very few people want to actually contribute - hopefully by making the code publicly available that may change https://bitbucket.org/guppy42/cppandluatest note this is currently an entire leadwerks project not just the library! only the code::block (linux) project is set up, for windows you will need to follow the steps in the wiki and adapt them to windows studio. This getting started file should give you an idea of where the new code lives and how to add it to your own projects. The most valuable feed back at this time would be telling me of your failures/succes when using it either in the demo project or your own. If your interested in adding to the wiki or fixing/adding code send me your email or bitbucket account name and I'll add you ( tho I think there is a limit to how many I can add ).
  23. There are a few solutions, you could use the source from a lua project ( like Crazycarpet suggests here ) world->FindEntity("StorageEntity")->getKeyValue("pauseMouseLook"); expose a C++ 'store/retrieve' function to lua ( I go over some options here that does not require massive external libraries ) #2 only deal with strings so you would have to call it quite a few times
  24. Yeah it seems like the sensible solution would be to make a grid based A* implementation, would've been nice to just have the engine solve it tho ^^
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