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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. To keep the GUI project from growing too abstract I had the idea of making a toy city game for my son where he can place down tiles with roads/grass/houses/traintracks and then put cars, trains and people in that will run around randomly. Seems fun and deceptively simple, but one thing I can't quite figure out is how to keep the cars on the road, the train on the track and let people walk on the pavements and cross the road. This lead me to two questions; Can I have multiple navigations meshes? ( on each for cars,trains and people ) how would each tile share what parts belongs to various navigation meshes? For 2) I'm thinking of making multiple collision meshes to cordon off the areas that are off limits, of course this depends on 1 being possible. But the documentation leads me to believe it is not, if it indeed is not how would you go about it?
  2. Intro This is a hard post for me to make, I really dislike releasing code that isn't done and polished ( as people will inevitable judge your ability by the code ) on the other hand I've had to realize that if I do not then this will be another entry on my dead project pile - and I do believe that the community could benefit from it.. once it's in a more presentable shape at any rate. For some time now I've been working on porting myGUI to Leadwerks, or well honestly "working" is a bit of a misnomer as according to my version software I've not done anything use full for 5 weeks As somebody ( i forget who ) once said; The hardest part of a any project is finishing it. And that's very much the issue here, I've done all the challenging/fun bits and now there is "just" the finishing it left, so what needs to be done? Current state of the UI The C++ binding is 90% there ​RTT is missing, but should be trivial resource paths from files specified in XML files works but needs more thought (current implementation is guessing where the files are) comments may in places be in Danish (woops) Input handling uses standard leadwerks key inputs, which is less that satisfactory leak detection, it's been a few years since I've last used c++ ( or any unmanaged language ) so I'm quite paranoid about leaks [*]Lua binding lacks real world test to see what is needed [*]Automatic event binding is not yet supporting all widget types ( bascially just a whole lot of typing ) [*]Text labels seems to bleed through overlapping windows ( apparently because your supposed to have them on different layers and the demo does not do this - myGUI is still new to me as well ) [*]Switching between mouse look and cursor mode needs to be standardized ( currently relying on a modified fpsplayer ) [*]Linux only everything *should* work cross-platform but I do not currently have a OpenGL 4 windows machine ( my old media center is a fusion e450 which should in theory be OpenGL 4 compatible - so I may install windows on that at some point ) if anyone want's to try it out on windows I can guide them through the cmake settings required. Why My GUI? The default skin looks nice It's still maintained It has an agreeable license The developers have made a host of tools to actually work with the gui - you can find pre-compiled binaries for windows here ( works well with wine, or you can compile them on linux ) ​Skin creation tool Layout tool Font map tool ( but you can also use true type font's directly ) Widget creation tool etc [*]It's well documented http://mygui.info/docs/index.html [*] What's required in order to participate? At least Leadwerks license and a willingness to contribute, beyond that experience with any of the following is a nice bonus C++ Mercurial Lua valgrind "distributed" collaboration bitbucket Goal The ultimate goal is to provide a royalty free, free to use UI library to any and all Leadwerks users Licensing and commercial use myGUI is licensed under MIT http://mygui.info/#ui-tabs-15 but some of the companion libs have additional licenses, none of which preclude commercial/closed source use. A attribution template that can be copy/pasted into your games 'credit' section is planned. How can I participate? Assuming that I at this point sold you on the idea, shoot me a pm or reply here introducing your self and I'll add you to the bitbucket repository and help you get it working on your machine. (I've no idea how to make a publicly readonly repo there, and I'd rather not enable everybody writing to it all willy nilly) Keep in mind that as a working family father I've only about 2-6 hours / week of 'me' time so there may be some lag in replies but I'll try to be as quick about it as possible
  3. This might be usefull aswell http://antongerdelan.net/opengl/shaders.html
  4. The feature is windows only atm - Josh is blaming GTK+ for it not being there on linux
  5. Been hearing alot about people getting sick due to the disconnect from your eyes telling you that you are moving but your *** telling you your not - are you seeing this effect? Seeing as apparently the problem apparently goes away if you got have a fixed frame in image ( like a cockpit ) I was wondering if perhaps a hud would also make the problem go away. I've no interest in the device if it's just an advanced vomit inducer in regards to FPS games
  6. The ability to use the scroll wheel on scroll panes the ability to make the 4 way split viewport turn into a single viewport support for systems with non american numeric input
  7. Most of it is Akin to cc-by-nc some of it is more permissive tho
  8. Try https://bitbucket.org/ instead you can use either git or mercurial - while I prefer that latter the truth is that unless you plan on using the comand line client the there isn't any difference ( hell you can even convert your repository from one to the other while preserving history )
  9. you may have to reload the map, but changes to models/textures/scripts/etc are automatically picked up by the editor
  10. Noting is stopping you from using a versioning system - I personally use Mercurial (hg) and that works just fine
  11. not as easily but it can be done; http://lua-users.org/wiki/BitwiseOperators I think LE uses lua 5.2?
  12. It gets automatically freed when there are 0 refs, but you can free it manually before this. Eg. I imagine that the engine will free entities when unloading the map that spawned them regardless of ref count.
  13. Why do you want to count references - if your looking for leaks surely instances are what's interesting? I mean you could potentially have lots of pointers pointing to a free()'ed instance and that wouldn't indicate a leak.
  14. It may just be me but it's way to glossy, and while it's for a horror game adding a bit of light a bit helps to let people actually see the asserts
  15. of course - but you will still need to export "handles" for lua to pull at
  16. Also when ever I try to edit the armature blender crashes on me - that me be down to me using a bleeding edge version, but I never hard that happen before.
  17. You need to apply rotation,scale and location for both armature and model - that said when I export your model I just get a flickering ghost with a skeleton that seems to be upside down and missing a bone - not sure what that is about but the animation viewer is kinda wierd on linux atm.
  18. Your armature is scaled in object mode - select it ( while still in object mode ) hit ctrl+a and select 'scale', now re-export again. screenshots of what to watch for here; http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10181-error-failed-to-load-model/#entry75349 Honestly scaling in object mode is the cause of almost all problems new blender users encounter, it should be disabled by default.
  19. Imperial nose lengths ! As long as you stay consistent does it really matter? that said however I seem to recall josh switching from meters to cm some time ago I believe you can set it up per map ( defaulting to cm )
  20. It is possible, there are various way of doing it one is outlined here; http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/138/entry-1288-pushing-complex-lua-tables-from-c/ Not mentioned in the blog, but in the source file are additional classes "luaMemberFunction" and "luaFunction" Which lets you add functions to your lua table. Alternatively you could skip the that and just push the functions directly with (lua_pushcclosure), but I think wrapping them in a global table will do much to prevent name clashes and it looks prettier. if you do chose to to go the manual way you should remeber to use Leadwerks::Interpreter::L
  21. You could ask for help - the idea of the competition is co-operation after all. Though granted it seems everybody is flying solo
  22. I'd copy SDL's implementation as well; https://hg.libsdl.org/SDL/file/3331d2f57704/src/video/x11/SDL_x11window.c#l1242 There are simply way to many edge cases for it to be a productive use of your time, especially when the license is so liberal; Selective bold is mine - to highlight the relevant parts. Only 3 is an issue and even there is just when you sell source code that you have to have a comment going "/*the following X functions were copied from SDL under the following license, the rest of this document is not released under that license.*/" Really shouldn't be a problem
  23. uninstall and then reinstall. You may want to check your disc's S.M.A.R.T status also
  24. Couldn't you just recalc a sub selection - I mean you will know roughly where you obstruktion / new path is
  25. I'll look it over this weekend, won't have time before then
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