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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. if the 16 thing referes to 16 bits per channel then gimp is out untill version 2.10 comes out
  2. @CrazyM: "Help the lazer shooting pumpins kill the evil crawler" kind of deal?
  3. Going places - mostly backwards its seems keyhandling is completely fubar'ed and will likely need a rewrite. Automatic binding to lua functions ( onClick="Player:myFunction" or onClick="Player:output:myOutput" ) works perfect - but only for top level widgets... will properly have to do late/dynamic binding instead. Seems every time I tick one item off my todo list I add 5 new
  4. On linux at least this is a known bug with following work arounds; Dont open browsers from leadwerks Close the browser entirely before returning Make sure the browser is open and fully loaded before opening a browser from leadwerks ( this should auto transfer the request to the existing browser and end the synchronous command immediately )
  5. You can in the c++ version, not sure about the indie version
  6. pack it into a zip file and dump it next to the executable - or what are you asking?
  7. Other than the scifi pack props having disappeared ( this machine doesn't have steam so I suspect that is why ) there the scene renders identicaly. Any idea as to what I can try to add that would require opengl 4? It's easier to test if it runs off the intel HD gfx if it crashes from using the none opengl 4 one
  8. Figured out what gfx card it is $ lspci | grep VGA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2) which only supports opengl 3.3... so again why does it work? oO do I need to test for specific extensions or?
  9. $ glxinfo | grep version server glx version string: 1.4 client glx version string: 1.4 GLX version: 1.4 OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 319.32 OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler OpenGL version string: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 319.32 OpenGL shading language version string: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler Doesn't that mean it's OpenGL 3.3 ? ( I dont know what card it is - some cheapo that got installed into my work comp because the monitors didn't support displayport ) I figured it migth be using the cpu's buildt in gfx card: $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430S CPU @ 2.70GHz model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430S CPU @ 2.70GHz model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430S CPU @ 2.70GHz model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430S CPU @ 2.70GHz But as I understood it this doesn't work on linux yet, also I've done noting to try to make it use this driver - the desktop runs proprietary nvidia drivers. Reason I ask is I've been trying to find a way to reliable determine if the gfx card can support my game - and if not offer suggestions on how to use the card that comes with their cpu. How ever my efforts stopped dead in it's tracks when my test machine decided just to run the game instead.
  10. class animal{ virtual void makenoise() { std::cout << "??" << std::endl; } } class dog: public animal{ void makenoise() { std::cout << "wof!" << std::endl; } } std::vector<animal> animals; now if you iter over your animals vector dogs says woof, with out the virtual keyword they would say ?? even though they define their own makenoise() command - you would have to downcast them to dogs ( and know to do this ) to make them say woof. adding class bigDog: public dog{ void makenoise() { std::cout << "big wof!" << std::endl; } } to the above example big doges will go "big wof!" even though dog is missing the virtual keyword - this is because virtual functions will always stay virtual. For this reason it's concidered poilite to type it out anyway when you overload a virtual function, even if you dont need to. It just avoids confusion
  11. Yes that is the part that centres the mouse. Notice that it uses the context size divided by 2 (=the mid point of both sizes) So off the mouse is really stuck on the lower corner then the context is twice as large as your screen
  12. It should lock to the centre of the screen, are you using multiple monitors? Also hitting escape or alt+F4 exits the program
  13. Entity->CallFunction comes in two flavors, one that seems aimed at collisions and one that passes an Object pointer. I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to use this to pass data to the function I'm calling, I can set a void pointer as "userdata" which isn't terribly usefull - the source claims to export it to lua but the documentations says it's not exposed in lua. Is it possible to use this to pass a table to lua? and failing that can I somehow convince CallFunction to pass along the information that I've pushed a table onto the stack? Right now I'm resorting to putting the table into a global, which is not really ideal. Now I can sidestep using CallFunction by doing Leadwerks::Interpreter::GetGlobal("Player:Test"); lua_pcall(Leadwerks::Interpreter::L, 1, 0, 0); Unfortunately I've no idea what Global to use ( in the above I'm trying to target the Test function inside Player )
  14. I don't think you understand the issue vulcan the problem is that Button1 has a #define to relate it to your example, Try adding #define GREEN 2 and see if it will compile
  15. I don't believe you can namespace defines? But yes it would make more sense if it was Leadwerks::Button1 or even better Leadwers::MouseButtons:Button1 as it is it seems to be just #define Button1 1 [...] #define Button5 5
  16. This one has been driving me nuts, the below code fails to build in leadwerks namespace MyGUI{ enum Enum { Button0 = 0, Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5, Button6, Button7, MAX }; } I finally tracked it down to Button1 being #defined as 1 - presumably somewhere in the leadwerks linked library as I certainly haven't made that it and MyGUI builds just fine. I've worked around it so far by simply commenting out buttons 1-7 and setting MAX to 8 explicitly - but now I need to pass Enum:Button1 so I kind of need it. I can do #undef Button1 #undef Button2 #undef Button3 #undef Button4 #undef Button5 In this header file and it also solves the problem - but I'm not sure if that will screw something up for LE, or even why those defines exists in the first place
  17. You could try this http://cgcookiemarkets.com/blender/all-products/baketool/ It's over kill for the cube ofc, but for larger scenes I can see it being very useful
  18. Guppy

    Workshop Remixes

    Perhaps the workshop should show what package it's remixed from - and/or the combined sized for the download? - just so you don't surprised by a massive download chain
  19. Self.camera or where ever you store the camera reference
  20. Did you UV unwrap it? And if you used materials in blender rather than textures you will need to bake it to a texture
  21. I wasn't trying to be mean - I'm simply pointing out the easier path to learning. Everybody gotta start somewhere
  22. Judging by his comments so far I don't believe he can program at all, so learning lua first and getting to grip with concepts such as variables and control structures is properly a good idea. Then once he feels comfortable with lua and the idea of programming, we show him c/c++ and tell him the horror story of the star that eats memory.
  23. http://luatut.com/introduction.html You can start learning right from your browser ( hit Escape key to test out examples ) Once you done and understood the examples hit the round red lua label to see the table of contents
  24. That certainly works - I just find it more intuitive to have the camera as a separate entity so I can adjust FoV and what not independent of the fps script One thing you didn't answer is how do I turn on for instance the sky box? I may be missing something blatantly obvious
  25. (the ones from the work shop) How are they supposed to work? Here is what I've tried; Modified the FPScontroler script to take an optional external camera, IMO this should be part of the default script. I also added self.camera:SetKeyValue("skybox_texture","Materials/Sky/skybox_texture.tex") self.camera:SetKeyValue("skybox_intensity","1.0") On said camera I've tried plugging in each of the scripts in turn to no avail - in fact when saving the map and reloading the camera has no scripts attached. I've tried to open the script in the editor to try and find a hint of how to use it, but I cannot - guess it's some sort of content protection scheme kicking in there.
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