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Leadwerks for non-Ubuntu Linux, Arch / Fedora.. etc
Neuro replied to Neuro's topic in General Discussion
Well, I've never had anything not work before, like Ryan Icculus said recently, 99% of the time you compile one binary and it works everywhere. He called it a non-issue and a myth. I've been distro hopping a bit lately, I just put Linux Mint Debian, based on the rolling release version of Debian on my laptop, still got Arch on the desktop, because my laptop was having some trouble with manjaro and need a distro i can install quickly. The thing about linux is, and its a big problem with ubuntu, is that if the package repositories aren't updated incredibly regularly, then the whole advantage of being on linux is null and void. Take blender or gimp, you always want the newest versions because there are areas where are software is lagging behind the propriety packages, so you need those new features. The same applies for many programming language libraries, like SDL. We, as game developers, need to be on the bleeding edge. I tried to go back to ubuntu for my laptop, but it was horrible, I was immediately reminded of why I hated it, programming libraries are generally made to be backward compatible, you don't get much forward compatibility, so ubuntu's package manager throws you an old package and you are in package dependency hell for at least 10 minutes. It's awful, no wonder people think Linux is hard, and even if you are a ppa package repository wizard, you still need to find all those new ppas and ignore the out of date ones. When I downloaded blender on the ubuntu standard ppa, it was from February 2013, that's absolutely pathetic, you can't be out of date by over a year with the way things are changing on linux, on Debian Testing it was about 6 months behind, but on arch its rarely over a day behind. Going around configuring/compiling every software/library and everything it depends on because you have a package repositories from the dark ages is aweful, it kicks linux somewhere it hurts, in the "everything is to difficult to use/install nerve". SteamOS is, without question going to need its own ppa for the latest drivers for gaming related equipment and related libraries. I don't know if you have some magical ppa or trick to get around this beo6, but I'd be interested to hear, I suppose once you have a set of things you know you like you can just remember and download them. This is a bit of a passionate issue for me, I think people who are looking to make games with leadwerks are going to have some good computer skills by necessity, I mean, even understanding the basics of how games work is a good year of study for those who didn't just pick it up as an interest. Most people who use ubuntu however, often just use it for basic tasks, like surfing or a media center on old computers. - Sorry for the big message, I just wanted to get that package repository issue off my chest. -
I know that leadwerks for linux is specifically aimed at ubuntu, but will it work with any other, non-debian based distros such as arch? I'm an arch linux user and it would be a real shame if it wasn't available, because arch has such a fantastic package manager, I don't have any problems with my steam games or any other programs, so I don't see why it would be a problem.
Something fantastic that linux has is krita, i use this program for digital painting, and let me tell you, this program is absolutely amazing. http://krita.org , digital painting is its first priority, but it should work well for other things such as textures to, much better than gimp when appropriately Ok, Thomas wants to beat me down for my incorrect terminology and mistakes because I'm not an "uber-elite-linux-user" or whatever, the fact of the matter is that I know plenty of linux legends, including one who works on the kernal for cannonical who sits opposite me at my office, who agrees, Arch (for example) is just too much of a headache, such as crashes when you update the package manager or something. Maybe you have an excellent memory and can remember the location of 200 different .conf configuration files to edit every time you have a problem and you feel you've built character through learning that, however there are many seasoned developed developers who don't use arch/gentoo/debian etc for anything but specialist purposes. A couple here people believe the terminal is a failure, I disagree, at least if you're at the level of wanting to develop games on linux, you should be able to uncompress your tarballs and compile your own software, that's often just a necessity if you want the newest versions (although arch has been terrific on this front). The software center would be a lot better if it always had the newest versions of blender and gimp for example on download. As for the drivers, Josh said what is wrong in a parallel thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7698-c-dependancies-in-leadwerks/, in regard to Intel integrated graphics. There is an attitude amongst some linux users who are unable to hear criticism for their beloved OS, even from fellow linux users, if somebody gets angry about something then that person is flamed. Ubuntu may be making some decisions you dislike, but its the only answer for noobs to linux and infact, every body else who doesn't want to prance about like some sort of glorified software engineer, because they can do something is 2 minutes, that would take a new user 2 hours to figure out on the same OS to that, that would probably be done automatically on another larger OS like win or macOS. we have to be thankfull to ubuntu. So, back to the topic and the context of the topic being a person who wants to try out linux, get Xubuntu it has a more familiar interface to windows users that regular Ubuntu but works all the same, you can type in "[insert problem] ubuntu" and you will see plenty of topics, problems and sollutions to that OS, if you use something a little less popular then you just don't have the support, I really like Linux Mint, pretty much everything that applies to ubuntu applies to mint as it is a ubuntu derivative.
I just spent an entire day farting about with dependencies in c++, worst of all, has been ImageMagick, I mean, plugging in the header files into my cpp has been an absolute nightmare, I've been reading forums and everything and even had my friend here, a computer science graduate with quite a bit of work experience now, help me with this. (i'm running linux) Now, this has been an absolute nightmare, so much so that I feel like never want to use c++ again. Will I have to worry about this kind of horror at all when I'm using leadwerks?
Hi, I'm a linux developer, for an IDE I often use Geany, its very similar to Codeblocks, there is also 'cute' QT4, which is a good visual studio style c++ editor that lets you drag and drop ui elements and compile it to multiple platforms. What can linux offer you? The Good POSIX termial, mac also has this, it is the increadibly powerful terminal you can use to search through and administer your system, like concatonating your code and searching through it all at once, there are a variety of powerful terminal programs that can help you do things such as batch image resizing that are simply much faster and friendlier than windows. Speed : Assuming your drivers work well and everything goes smoothly you're game will run smoothly without the problem of programs bugging you in the back ground, you can run linux on legacy hardware or laptops Customizability, you wont have to put up with a computer that feels like its owned by Microsoft, you can setup your own menus, sounds, file managers and everything else. The Bad Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice to run Linux, Gimp is not quite as good as Photoshop, you don't have the same access to proprietary software, blender however is terrific on linux, drivers can be a real issue to, to quote Linus, the father of linux, "Nvidia, **** you!". As a new user you will have a burden of choice when it comes to what distribution you want, as a new user, you should probably just get ubuntu 13.04, xubuntu is good to, the interface is more like windows, I'd recommend xubuntu to a new user, linux mint is particularly good to. I made the somewhat poor descision to use Arch linux because it is favoured by linux-enthusiasts for its marginal speed performances and customizability, but in reality, its a pain in the neck, I have trouble navigating between different hard drives, getting my phone to connect to my pc or running ad-hoc drivers. The OS allready has enough problems with drivers as it is without needing to make the problem worse. If you're going to install Linux onto a laptop, do a search on linux/ubuntu in relation to that laptop. Dont go for any obscure distros, really, go with the newest (non-beta) ubuntu or xubuntu, then you shouldn't have problems. Fedora, Manjaro, Arch, Gentoo, don't even look at them.
Ahoy me hearties! I'm a noob at programming, I have probably done about 40 hours of programming all up thus far, so I'm fairly comfortable using C++ until I make an absolute mess of everything and have to start a new project. . Anyway, I'm not going to be using Leadwerks until it is released for linux and I'm really trying hard to familiarize myself with the appropriate libraries, maths skills and general programming habits that will help me dive straight into the thick of Lead3 when I get my hands on it. Can you give me any recommendations as to what I should be learning? Right now my main goal is to improve my Trigonometry/Linear Algebra/Matrices/Vertex Math.
Blender Plugin Useful for Everyone (Hipsters and Programmers too)
Neuro replied to Pancakes's topic in General Discussion
I come from max/maya background, these days, I use blender, I've never used Ultimate Unwrap. Although blender is incredibly powerful and fully featured, it is often more difficult than other programs to use because so many of the options can only be accessed through hot keys. In terms of the smaller scale game dev community I do think blender is the best option, its open-source and free. I think blender is inevitably going to have to do something to help this problem it has with its user friendliness, whether that’s simplify the hotkey system, with something like the "space bar" menu maya has, more graphical ui buttons or some other more efficient means of getting to the tools. It can be a bit of a burden for a new or casual user because you're likely to forget a lot of the hotkeys. . Just a note on ultimate unwrap, I've noticed a lot of people accompanying UV software with larger packages that already contain those features simply because the UV software gets rid of all the unrelated features and makes the UI easier to look out (without having new features of its own). -
Future Leadwerks (Linux) user, my introduction.
Neuro replied to Neuro's topic in General Discussion
Well having an OS debate isn't really worthwhile, the point is that right now we are driving to a more and more multi-platform experiance, a lot of my friends are mac users, most gamers are windows users and the majority of the linux users I know are either corporate programmers or system admins who don't even need a gui to fully operate their computer. I always felt like the GNU/Linux operating system had something amazing about it and had the overwhelming feeling that it is where I belong, when I finally switched over I knew my intuition was right. - -- -- Moving on, here in Australia we have a lot of Chinese people, there are chinese shops and writing every where, my gf is Chinese and I've been studying Mandarin Chinese at college for over a year now, does anyone have any thoughts about the asian (esp. Chinese game market), they seem to have their own version of everything, plenty of Chinese only MMOs and RPGs? And what other game engines have people here used in the past? What are your current projects? -
Hi everyone, I'm a kickstarter backer and a huge fan of linux, I come from Sydney, Australia. I immediately feel a sense of energy and togetherness emanating from the Leadwerk's community and I hope to make new friends here. The first thing I sense from Leadwerks (even though I haven't used it yet) is an level of attention to people who are not the best programmers and that's great for me, when I finally get leadwerks I'll have over 10 or so years in digitally artistic experience and half a year of programming experience at college. I've the better part of the past 10 years studying traditional art and 3danimation, over the last year or so however I have been studying mandarin Chinese and recently started programming at TAFE, so I look forward to a bright future of being a competent game developer. About 3 months ago I switched to being full-time a linux user and I gotta say, I haven't looked back, not only that, I am surprised that even though I have dual-boot, I don't really use windows for anything other than the odd video game. Honestly, I wont support anything for that operating system, its truly horrible if it wasn't for its wider support of programs and cheaper price than mac, absolutely nobody would use it. To give you an example, I could buy the worst, cheapest, second-hand laptop I can find and run a lightweight (GNU)Linux OS on it like a charm. Well, I'm a dedicated user now, and the kind of work I do isn't the sort of work you'd expect from a linux, but GIMP, Blender and Inkscape have really proved themselves as professional alternatives to the other programs such as Photoshop and 3dsmax or Maya that I used to work with. A few years ago I started work on a game, (project name) Cyph, [[ http://www.indiedb.com/games/cyph ]], at that time I was a big UDK fan for its licencing agreements and fairly easy implementation, well I had a lot of trouble finding reasonably priced programmers to work on the project because it has its own (C/Java influenced) programming language called Uscript, I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Unreal Engine as it was one of the most easily accessible game development engines if you go back 10 or so years, after the Duke Nukem 3D's "build" when home users could experiment with something a little more than raw coding into regular windows. Ok----- Time for me to cut it short, Looking forward to working with Leadwerks, hope to meet fellow Linux users, Chinese speakers and people interested in the Chinese game market, Artists, Programmers, the whole bit. Thanks a lot if you stuck it through to read my massive intro!