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  1. Same, I don't know how VS code works as it started as a code editor and not an IDE. I can find a Appkit.o library, but nothing in other library formats.
  2. Yes, I'm in Linux and started the Ultra App in Linux with the MAKE file setting things up, these libraries were found in the VS Code solution that was converted over to a Code::Blocks solution in Linux. I think Josh might need to make new make files, each one covering a different OS. Due to the fact I posted before with Make File issues, and I had to fix the Make File to get it to run.
  3. I think their might be some assumptions when I say libraries. Below is a screen shot of the Libraries Code::Blocks lists in the Ultra App Kit Solution For some reason I can't find AppKit.lib, though have found AppKit.o The Other Libraries I have no Idea if they are needed for Linux development or even exist in Linux.
  4. So far Code::Blocks is not bad, kinda reminds me of VS 2010 when I was in school. Reason for avoiding VS Code is that Microsoft has gotten much worse over the past decade in a number of ways and I want to avoid the Spyware that they put into everything they make now a days. So I am looking at IDEs that are not MS owned and building applications with those.
  5. I don't think Code Blocks imports them correctly, as I can not back track the Library's path. So I need the List and where they are. I'm looking at setting them manually in the Code:Blocks IDE, which is also a good back up method should the Make file be corrupted, or not work with the supported Microsoft IDEs or another non-MS IDE. It'll also help if someone does something a bit dumb with their IDE or system and can't remember what they did.
  6. Hey Can I get a hand in getting Ultra App Kit to work in the Code::Blocks IDE. I've sorted out the header issues, but now stuck with the Ultra App library issues, I can see a list of Libraries, imported from the VS Solution, but it can't find them. Which ones do I need and where are they?
  7. I would love this if it also worked on linux, as I'm trying to develop for the linux community first.
  8. I've been following the Project Saturn Tutorials and got to the point with the barrels but I get the Error: Attempt to get Length of Field 'sound' (a nil value) How do I fix it. --[[------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a simple script to provide an impact sound for a physically interactive object. ]]--------------------------------------------------------------------- Script.soundfile1=""--path "Sound 1" "Wac file (*.wav):wav|Sound" Script.soundfile2=""--path "Sound 2" "Wac file (*.wav):wav|Sound" Script.soundfile3=""--path "Sound 3" "Wac file (*.wav):wav|Sound" Script.soundfile4=""--path "Sound 4" "Wac file (*.wav):wav|Sound" Script.threshhold=2--float "Threshhold" Script.maxfrequency=300--minimum delay between sound plays Script.range=20--float "Range" --Global values ImpactNoiseLastSoundTime=0-- This will be shared among all instances of this script and ensure we don't play too many sounds function Script:Start() self.sound={} for n=1,4 do local filepath = self["soundfile"..tostring(n)] if filepath~="" then local noise = Sound:Load(filepath) if noise~=nil then table.insert(self.sound,noise) --self.sound[#self.sound+1]=noise end end end end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if speed>self.threshhold then if #self.sound>0 then local collisiontype = entity:GetCollisionType() if collisiontype==Collision.Prop or collisiontype==Collision.Scene then local t = Time:GetCurrent() if t-ImpactNoiseLastSoundTime>self.maxfrequency then ImpactNoiseLastSoundTime=t local n=math.random(#self.sound) local noise = self.sound[n] self.entity:EmitSound(noise,self.range) end end end end end
  9. Another Option that could run side-by side with Project Saturn would be a C++ version of Project Saturn. Getting folks examples and ideas of what is needed for a C++ game, and give hints to some answers they seek
  10. So you can see why I would also like it if Leadwerks is able to use/intergrate Daz genesis (1 and 2) characters natively or in a separate model/render path as the Daz genesis bases are powerful and well made. Daz Indie Dev licenses are $500, but the quality and quantity make it worth it. also When Networking is done, I would like it, so that when we publish a game (not workshop publish) that it can have a simple level editor that only uses in-game assets/entitites, ... etc to increase that game's community as well as the leadwerks community.
  11. When Networking is done, I would like it, so that when we publish a game (not workshop) that it can have a simple level editor that only uses in-game assets/entitites, ... etc to increase that game's community as well as the leadwerks community. I would also like if Leadwerks is able to use/intergrate Daz genesis (1 and 2) characters natively or in a separate model/render path as the Daz genesis bases are powerful and well made. (though folks would need to buy the $500 indie dev license to use them in leadwerks)
  12. Nice this is like Goblinworks Crowdforging for Pathfinder Online where backers decide what features get priority. For intergration I would love to see some work done for Daz, as their character models, props, scenes are well done and they have gaming licences available for using Daz Content.
  13. I filled in the MAP::Load(mapname, StoreWorldObjects,NULL,Map::LoadScripts) and the error changedto Error 1 error C3867: 'MainMenuState::StoreWorldObjects': function call missing argument list; use '&MainMenuState::StoreWorldObjects' to create a pointer to member
  14. Yep, I included that. I'll move the function next to the class file and see if that fixes it.
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