I need to finish my inventory code, but before I can do that I need to choose a style and stick with it to save having to start it again later down the line. From experience there are many different types of inventory and not all of them, in my opinion, work very well.
I would appreciated it if you could tell me what you find the most fun.
1) Bags - Items have different shapes and sizes, you have to fit them in as best you can
2) Bags - Items have set slots, each item occupies one slot, some tpyes of items can stack.
3) List - Items appear in a list, space is unlimited, Items appear in order of power/strength
4) List - As above except there is a limit to how much you can carry, e.g. Fallout3
Ofc there are more types, but this is to give people and example. If you have any ideas then I would love to hear them. This is also closely linked to how I will store the data for the items and how I will handle equiping of weapons, items and other things. Are there any good approaches to equiping that people have really enjoyed? I need some inspiration. I don't like the WoW method. Gothic 2 worked well but it is quit outdated now, would be nice to have a nex gen approach that is similar.
Anyway I'm open to ideas and suggestions! Cheers