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Aaron Symons

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Everything posted by Aaron Symons

  1. Hi guys! I couldn’t find any class in Leadwerks 3 that applies to LoD so I created my own. I may have been loading the models incorrectly, but the game froze whilst doing so. Have I missed something or should I use threading for this? Also, on this note: will LoD be implemented in Leadwerks 3 any time soon? Oh, also, I created a terrain and loaded it into a map scene via the editor. My little character falls through it. How do I got about setting it up properly as a collision mesh? Again, I’m probably missing something silly so please excuse me if I am! Thanks guys!
  2. After the *.tex files have been generated, open the editor and right-click the *.tex version of the material, go to Generate Material and then choose Dynamic or Lightmapped. This will create a *.mat version of the material. I’d suggest taking a good look around the dialog that opens as well, as there a fair few options available. Hope this helps!
  3. Hi Shadmar! So, between the lines, I’ll have to decrease my texture sizes, right? Are the *.dds files relatively larger? For example; I understand the OpenEXR equivalent of my texture would be between 250MB and 290MB, as it stores a lot more information than jpegs and the other “usual” formats. Is the *.dds format similar to this? Do the MipMaps add a lot of extra information to the file as well? I’m just trying to understand the how’s and why’s. On a different note: how does one add in line breaks with this commenting system? I’ve been using Microsoft Word to type up my answers and comments, and just copying and pasting into the text field. I’m sure there’s a way to do it, but I’ve not been bothered figuring out how yet. I’ve used all combinations of Shift, Control, Alt and Return, but none of those give me a line break, unless I've missed one! Rock on boys!
  4. Hello again guys! I just placed a jpeg texture into my Leadwerks project for a terrain I’m wishing to test out, to which Leadwerks answered by automatically converting it, of course – sweet! However, the *.tex file is 262MB but the original is only 5.6MB. In the game I’m currently developing, I wish to have many large maps for the player to explore. So, is there anything I could do to decrease the converted file size? The original is a 36 megapixel image (6000px X 6000px). I suppose I’ll get a fair few comments, like: “What the... Why are you using such a large texture?” I agree, it’s very large, but I wanted to keep the finer details of the texture intact for close-ups. Plus, the jpeg image was very small, taking up less than 6MB of disk space – I had no idea it would take up nearly 47 times the disk space once converted! I’ll do some experimenting with texture sizes and such. Once all the nature and shrubbery is in place I might be able to get away with much smaller texture sizes for my terrains. For now, I was just wondering if there’s a way to keep the resolution but at a much smaller file size once converted. I highly doubt it, but someone may have discovered some tricks. You never know! Thanks all!
  5. Thanks for the advice guys! I started following the Class Hooks tutorial, but the GetUserData(), SetUserData() and entity->Release() aren’t recognized as members of the Entity class. So, I’m guessing this has been changed. Either that or I’m being silly and missing something. I’ve looked through that post-processing PDF before. I’m not sure how to translate that into Leadwerks 3. Plus, Josh just advised holding off on post-processing until 3.1, which is a shame because I really want to get stuck in with all that. I’ve already started following Jorn’s YouTube channel. I’m glad I found him because his videos have helped me quite a lot. Is there a road map available to look at? Saves me asking when certain things will be implemented. Also, are there feature limitations with the trial version? I know it’s limited to five minutes of game-play, but I noticed there’s no option for dynamic shadows in the Cast Shadows drop-down list in the editor. Thanks again guys!
  6. Hello all! I'm a first-time user and was wondering, and hoping, if anyone could suggest how I could get up to speed with Leadwerks 3, considering most of the tutorials I've seen and read concern LE2 (the API has changed quite a bit since then, of course). The main things I wish to learn at the moment are how to properly implement post-processing effects, like: bloom, 'god rays', DoF, fog, etc, as well as collision detection and water. I'm also having some difficulties enabling dynamic shadows (this could be due to using the trial version - I don't know what the limitations are for the trial). I'm aware that LE3 is still under some development at the moment, so this could be another factor hindering progression. I'm using C++ to program with. I've tried downloading some games created with Lua and translating some of the scripts into C++, but, of course, it's easier said than done when you're using a new software and API. At the moment, I'd feel more comfortable continuing to use C++, but if enough of you suggest I use Lua, and with good reason, I'll definitely consider doing so! I’d love to get my prototype game finished before my 30-day trial is over and see what I can achieve with Leadwerks, but I’m still stuck on some of the basics and have 12 days left of the trial period! I didn’t want to start posting help questions in the forum, as I understand newbies can be a pain in the backside at times, but desperate times call for desperate measures! Any help, suggestions and tips will be greatly appreciated!
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