I think it would be better to animate it if its apart of a character. You can use multiple methods including physics(in the animation software) or a curve/ik deform.
YAY, that means i got the asymmetry correct. I used symmetry however i turn it off every now and then so it naturally builds up asymmetry but 90% of the time i use it. Cool thanks for the videos, ill definitely check them out.
nice character and i haven't started polishing the golem with the hard surface brushes yet i just block out the polish with the Hpolish brush which isn't ideal for rock.I still need to go over with the trim dynamic and planar brush. Thanks for all the helpful tips. Yougrove do you have the Orbs_Cracks brush its really great for stylized stone cracks.
If you goto to the vimeo site the download link is in the comments section
thanks for the suggestions, before i rig and animate him i think ill try to add a more natrual stone look and ill try to make him look more like a fighter
What do you guys think of my rock golem. I plan on rigging and animating him with basic animations, and once thats done ill upload him to the workshop.
I need to rig a character that doesn't have fingers or toes so how would i remove them from a rigify rig?
I tried pressing delete but then when i generate the controls i get a error
I wish leadwerks used NVIDIA Gameworks, it would improve leadwerks a ton and its used in most every AAA game.
It would be so epic if leadwerks implemented this functionality but i guess with c++ you could implement it yourself.
There is a particle panel all ready. Create a new emitter object then goto the particles tab make sure realtime rendering is on so you can see the effect in realtime.