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Everything posted by nate066

  1. It definitely helps, thanks.
  2. Heres the maps scripts and everything else. Hopfully it hopes to solve the problem.
  3. where do i attach the animationmanger in the editor. I just tried my prefab in a diffrent scene and it doesnt work, the crawler just stands there doesnt move or anything but when i kill it the death animation plays.
  4. this is what looks like in the script window.
  5. function Script:Draw() if self.enabled==false then return end self.animationmanager:Update() --288 end Its in the monster ai scipt
  6. I made a prefab spawn script it just loads a prefab file however i get an error when i try to load my crawler prefab. The error is "c:/users/nathan/documents/leadwerks/projects/..." : 288 : attempt to index field 'animationmanager' (a nil value) when i add the prefab manually in the editor it works fine. when ran in debug mode the program crashes with the same error. In a diffrent scene it takes 5 secs then the error occurs but the debug error is assert fail. It looks as if it cant find the AnimationManager. Any Ideas on how to fix this
  7. post processing is not implemented in leadwerks 3.1 yet.
  8. the way or a way you could do it in leadwerks is to create a flat cylinder csg entity. Then you could apply a render to texture on the cylinder. Then to add effects add a flickering light and some cool particles. to get the actul teleporting i would just follow the teleport to tutorial.
  9. These are how you would do it, However it can get a bit hard if your new to programming. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/ Here are some scripts that should help you learn and you can use them in you runner game as well http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/464-draw-text/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/456-flowgui-free/
  10. I did a jump-pad tutorial and it shows how to do that. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/jump-pad-tutorial-r54 or you can just download my script SelectiveCollisionTrigger.lua
  11. If i understood what your asking.heres how you create a color picker --Color Script.Cool = nil --Color --Vec3 Script.Vec3Test = nil --Vec3
  12. I re-did the jump-pad tutorial. This version shows you how to have more control and it uses a better method for creating jumppads. or the link to the leadwerks tutorial page. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/jump-pad-tutorial-r54
  13. Making assets will require skill and alot of free time. But you could try turbosquid for free models and http://tf3dm.com/ You can also ask a community members, like me, to create assets. also check the asset store http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/
  14. Hmmmm Interesting. Once i figure out how to make a nice looking explosion, I will do a tutorial on a grenade
  15. Yeah thats a great way of doing it to. It just depends how you want to set it up on the player or jumppad side. I would choose player side for small games and for larger games i would use the jumppad side. There's not really a difference it really just your own personal preference.
  16. Im doing a tutorial on jump-pads right now should be out later today.
  17. Why not have organization and multiple flowgraph tabs
  18. It would be awesome if you could have multiple tabs(Unlimited) in the flowgraph editor each one being separate from each other. That way you could change part of you game without destroying every flowgraph connection when you delete or change a script.
  19. a standard character is 1.9 inches tall in 3ds max
  20. Wow, Thats simple, thanks for the help Wow, This forum rocks that was going to be my next question.
  21. In 3ds max what should i be using for modeling measurements in 3ds max
  22. How do i change a lights color
  23. It's the full version of leadwerks 3.1. So it has c++ support in addition to lua
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