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Everything posted by nate066

  1. Thats unity i was looking for a leadwerks solution
  2. How would i create nice looking explosions in leadwerks, more of a realistic look. And how would i make physics object get knocked back with the explosion as well as casting lights.
  3. Its a full game engine you just have to program via lua instead of c++
  4. T Thanks that worked
  5. When I draw my text i get these weird blocky characters.
  6. How would i draw text on the screen
  7. precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D vTex; varying vec2 vCoord; const float step_w = 0.0015625; const float step_h = 0.0027778; vec3 blur() { float y = vCoord.t < 0.4 ? vCoord.t : 1.0 - vCoord.t; float dist = 8.0 - 20.0 * y; vec3 acc = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (float y=-2.0; y<=2.0; ++y) { for (float x=-2.0; x<=2.0; ++x) { acc += texture2D(vTex, vec2(vCoord.x + dist * x * step_w, vCoord.y + 0.5 * dist * y * step_h)).bgr; } } return acc / 25.0; } void main(void) { vec3 col; if (vCoord.t >= 0.4 && vCoord.t <= 0.6) col = texture2D(vTex, vCoord).bgr; else col = blur(); gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; gl_FragColor.rgb = col; } The code above is faking tilt shift its from this website: http://kodemongki.blogspot.com/2011/06/kameraku-custom-shader-effects-example.html and this topic should help also. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4579020/how-do-i-use-a-glsl-shader-to-apply-a-radial-blur-to-an-entire-scene
  8. I dont think there are any new csg tools in 3.1 This has the list of features for leadwerks 3.1 when it comes out http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1156-leadwerks-31-pre-orders-now-available-indie-edition-coming-to-steam-january-6th/ and this post by josh states that csg tools high-priority for the future but there not implemented yet http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/user/41-marcus/ and if more csg tools come out during 3.1 you wont be able to try them in the trial as the trial is only updated once per major release.
  9. its a major update. You only get minor updates free
  10. Yes i think a intergrated gui maker would be very helpful
  11. No matter what you do you still need support for particle collision with objects unless leadwerks alredy has partical collision which i dont think it does
  12. If there inst already particle collisions with any type of object would be very helpful and would allow very cool effects. Another cool feature could be material collision like in unreal 4 engine,you use a material to specify what part of the mesh the particles collide with. Are particle attractors still in leadwerks? Another cool feature of particles could be to allow particles to emit light to illuminate the enviorment.
  13. if you have a multiplayer game there is several reasons not to let him hack the game. 1. People will leave if your game has hackers 2. the scoreboard would mean nothing as all the scores would be hacked 3. you get a bad reputaion of allowing hackers to hack your game I think your right but in addition to checksum checking its still a good idea to compile lua files with luaJit as it just adds one more layer of defence but i think your right for anything but code it wont stop people if they want it. I think the fact that leadwerks will support precompiled lua files has satisfied my need for content protection. Can't wait til we get the update that allows support for pre-compiled lua files.
  14. Awesome but i have a few questions. your refer "next build" is the next build leadwerks 3.1 or is it the next update of the current leadwerks release. What exactly do you mean by encrypted zip files? Do these files allow you to run the application without the user entering a password or are they just regular zip files that protect the contents inside until the password is entered?
  15. I noticed when i download games from the asset store all the lua scripts and sounds are visible and un-encrypted/compiled. If your game uses lua its a huge problem because someone can modify the lua code a hack the game very easily. Leadwerks should compile the lua scripts so they cant be read or modified easily. Sounds,images could use a light encryption but its not that important but being able to modify lua scripts is a huge issue even if your using a c++ and lua combination. Is there any plans to fix these issues
  16. It would only take a month or 2 to have a prototype of a plugin system. Stop being so impatient. A plugin system will come when it ready. Just be happy for the OpenGL 4 support instead of complaining about what's not in leadwerks 3.1
  17. Oh, Sorry, If I looked harder I probably would have figured that out. Thanks for replying.
  18. Is there a reason why uploading models to the asset store is disabled?
  19. ok thanks for the mesurments now i can model my map for the leadwerks engine
  20. whats the scale of the crawler model
  21. this is from the Unigine running in opengl mode(im not sure what version of opengl) also any games that are not on windows,xbox 360, and windows phone run opengl. There are propbaly exceptions but they would be very rare.
  22. nate066

    Leadwerks 3.1

    Im excited for the release of leadwerks 3.1. It looks like this is going to most advanced version of leadwerks yet! How many tutorials are there about?
  23. nate066


    Awesome that's a fun topic. And how leadwerks 3.1 coming
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