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Everything posted by nate066

  1. nate066


    Are the lessons going to be video or written tutorials? Thanks for putting in the work to make fresh tutorials
  2. is there anyway to use codeblocks to compile it
  3. the people here have the same issue http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7830-launch-problem/
  4. Go C++. And classes are awesome that's why I dislike c
  5. If you still need help with c++ classes check out these tutorials. There all in a playlist, this specific tutorial talks about putting classes in separate files.
  6. it would be for windows,mac,linux. it would be a 3rd person game character. prop objects being non moving ambient objects like a trash can or garbage bin. I use leadwerks or at least i will soon. I use 3DS Max to model, so normals are supported both in the engine and in the modeler.
  7. I was wondering what the poly limits for games are. Im used to modeling for animation. For a prop, how many polys should be the limit. for a character, what should be the limit.
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