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Everything posted by cocopino

  1. Hi Michael, Do you get better results using this alternative lua script? (note that you may have to click apply in properties to see your cables) cables_cablenode.lua
  2. The problem is not LUA but the way LUA is implemented. 1. The built-in script editor is bad. Yes, I use a separate "IDE" (Notepad ++) but to get it working I need to close and reload the script in Sandbox every time I make a change to make it work. 2. I want to know why, and even more importantly, where my script is crashing. A report saying "mymodel.lua crashed on line 86" would be the bare minimum. 3. When one of my scripts has crashed, this should not be able to effect any other scripts. If a model's script is failing this should not affect the loading of my scene or any other scripts. (This would be less of a problem of course if I actually knew what caused the failure in the first place, see point 2.)
  3. Thanks tkunze, the help file is looking like there's a lot of possiblities with this! But I get a "side by side configuration" error, I guess I'm missing a redistributable package. Can you tell me which one?
  4. cocopino

    GUI system

    I agree completely on a HTML GUI. ( C# users can use the Webbrowser control, although a bit overkill )
  5. Look over here: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Entities#SetEntityUserData You can create your own custom class and circle reference this class in userdata, like (Bmax code): Type TCharacter Field Body:TBody Field Mesh:TMesh Field Health:Int = 100 Field State:String = "hostile" End Type myChar:TCharacter = New TCharacter myChar.Entity = LoadMesh("mychar.gmf") myChar.Body = CreateBodyBox(1, 1, 1) EntityParent(mychar.Mesh, mychar.Body) myChar.Body.userdata = myChar Funny enough, this will not crash and is very useful.
  6. Can't Newton be handled on a separate thread/core? It will eliminate the stuttering while also speeding up most games.
  7. Having access to the surfaces/materials of custom models is a great idea. Works great too. Thanks Icare!
  8. Your models need to to converted to gmf format first, and then placed in the "Models" directory. Restart the Editor and your models should be in the list. There should a fbx2gmf.exe and a dae2gmf.exe in the "Tools" directory. Also, you will need a texture (dds) and create a material for your model. You can try this tool for easy material creation.
  9. I'm not trying to be clever or annoying, I'm just used to testing applications for weird behavior and these were my results when stressing it As Pixel says, it's entirely up to NA what to do with it.
  10. I'm not sure about a shipping game, because it kinda feels wrong to oblige people to download and install a 300MB framework (even when most users will have it installed already) But for anything else (editors,tools etc.) C# is the perfect solution. Thanks for your hard work.
  11. Nah... Prefer C# (Visual Studio!) over Java any time.
  12. Yes, that's what I meant post #9: if the controller/character is in between two waypoints (distance controller->waypoint2 is smaller than distance waypoint1->waypoint2) delete the first waypoint and go straight to the second.
  13. Hey, you told me to test so I test But actually, when playing a Command & Conquer style game this can happen quite often. It does look a bit weird, doesn't it?
  14. Macklebee is right, I made a vid to show what I mean: http://www.cocopino.eu/download/CNA.avi As you can see the character is constantly returning to the previous node. This is probably not something that will happen when using the pathfinder for AI purposes, but when making a point-n-click/RTS/strategy game this can happen.
  15. It's not really "jumping back" but more "going back". As you can see in this picture, the character is heading the wrong way: You can simulate this by left mouse doubleclicking, the second click a little distance away from the first click. This is what happens on my Nvidia 9600M GT (ATI HD4890 is working fine): Driver version which I believe is the latest.
  16. Ran perfectly fine on my ATI desktop, I can see now why the character is "jumping back", he's returning to the previous node. Maybe you can delete that first node if the character is already on his way towards the second one. Did you use smartpacker/molebox/something like that?
  17. I do have some problems on my laptop (see specs); there's just a gray screen. When enabling debugphysics with right mouse, I do see the bodies, but nothing else. When clicking with left mouse to select a destination, and then clicking right next to that destination, the cylinder will sometimes "jump back" a square, and then continue to go towards the new destination. Note that I always keep the right mouse pressed (otherwise I'd see nothing)
  18. Wow guys, this is looking great! Can we use Leadwerks in conjunction with Windows Forms (e.g. render to a picturebox)? This would be the way to go then certainly for Leadwerks GUI tools.
  19. looping width 640 to 2000 and height 480 to 1200 takes 1.3 seconds on my laptop in blitzmax so that should be doable.
  20. cocopino


    A good thing to remember when coding is: when you're copying the same code over and over again, there must be a simpler way A function like this (not tested, hope you get the general idea): function BuildGrid(maxX:int,maxY:int,numbdata:int) For Local loopy:Int = 0 To maxY For Local loopx:Int = 0 To maxX ReadData numbdata grid:Int[loopx,loopy] = numbdata SetColor 255,255,255 'SetScale(2,2) DrawText numbdata,loopx*GRID_SIZEX+8 + offsetx ,loopy*GRID_SIZEY+8 + offsety SetScale(1,1) Next Next end function will half your code in size. More importantly, when you want to change anything you'll only need to do that once instead of tracing your code in every single loop you made. You can call the function like this (example): BuildGrid(GRID_HEIGHT-1,GRID_WIDTH1-1,numbdata1)
  21. This might help: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/programming/cpp/texture-uv-scaling-and-rotation-r20
  22. Well, all backup tips don't take away anything of the fact that this really should not be possible. Also, if I read the problem correctly, you can't even know for sure whether your save is indeed a correct save, sometimes saving only half a sbx file. My advice would be to use a proven stable version, and consider the last version only for doing beta testing.
  23. Why don't you just exit the main loop while pausing by jumping into a second loop? int pause = 1; // Main program loop while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { UpdateAppTime(); // Make the visual mesh spin TurnEntity (mesh, Vec3(0.0,0.5,0.0)); while pause { // paused, do some stuff here } // Update timing and physics UpdateWorld(AppTime()); //Make our render buffer the current buffer SetBuffer(buffer); //Render the world to the render buffer RenderWorld(); //Make the back buffer the current buffer SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); //Call the RenderLights command, passing our buffer which //contains color, depth, and normal data RenderLights(buffer); //Swap the buffers so we can see what was drawn Flip (); }
  24. Export your animated mesh from Blender to collada or fbx. Then use dae2gmf.exe or fbx2gmf.exe from the tools directory.
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